
(Zhou Yun) Ma Jiaoli_ Horoscope for April 25 to May 1, 2022


When it comes to money, you'll make decisions more slowly than usual. But once you've made all your choices and are on the right track, nothing can shake you. Over time, you'll become less realistic and practical and won't pay attention to detail. You will escape from reality and be distracted by daydreams and fantasies. If you can convince yourself to be down-to-earth, you may be surprised by your accomplishments. Take a moment to tell the people you love that you appreciate them.


In a talkative mood, you'll be quick-witted and quick-forward before your peers have a chance to understand what you're saying. You may also be too direct. Before you speak, stop and think about the consequences of what you say, otherwise the people around you may be frightened. Enthusiastic friends will come on weekends to bring you love and thoughtfulness. In return, you'll be eager to impress them with generous gifts that may cost too much money.


Because you won't be chattering or restless as usual these days, you'll be able to listen to your loved one's problems and give them compassion. You have a real understanding of their plight and don't feel like you have to fight for attention for yourself. You know it's your turn. After midweek, you may be unwise or unrealistic when you float on a pink cloud, but you'll scatter stardust around you, making sure everyone around you is happy because you're around.


Innovative, open-minded and open-minded with ideas that spark lively discussions. You will rebel, but you will have the courage to hold firm convictions and not be shaken by criticism. After mid-week, your aggressive mood will soften and you'll be eager to connect and make those close to you feel satisfied. You will have a feeling of peace with the world and hope that the people around you are also relaxed. Nothing can make you angry.


In an actual, structured mood, you'll be serious and focused on what's good for you. You don't have time for vague discussions that haven't progressed for days. Because relaxing for a few days after mid-week doesn't hurt you. You'll be erratic, daydreaming, indulging yourself, and may have spent too much money, but by giving yourself a period of time, allow yourself to recover from stress and action. You know that deep down, the river is changing, it's changing slowly, so it doesn't make sense to go up against the current.


With big ambitions and big goals, you'll actively seek challenges and activities that will not only keep you entertained, but also informed. You'll give the impression of being fair, tolerant and passionate, so you'll find lively partners to share your views. Near the weekend, close friends will be kind, but also ambiguous. If you are full of praise and love for them and keep them sweet, they will also reciprocate you and make you feel appreciated.


While it will take effort, and perhaps courage, you know you're going to have to sit down and discuss money with close partners. Everyone has to be clear about what the agreement is, and if there is disagreement, a compromise needs to be found. You'll find that after mid-week, when you've crossed the hurdles, you'll be able to relax, walk slowly, and be lazy as you please. Venus, your guardian star, close to Neptune and Jupiter, will put the problem aside and lift your spirits.


In the days that follow, you will not lack invitations or praise. Your lively thoughts, witty language, and the skill of letting others relax will work wonders for your popularity and guarantee a good response wherever you go. When you start boosting morale, your good feelings disappear. If you meet a depressed friend, be careful. They won't like you trying to please them. Give them a vast space to travel to the interesting crowds.


When you show up, your loved one may wink slightly, because you will find the mistake and point it out immediately. Try to let them know that your intentions are good. After mid-week, you'll be happy to settle down and not try anything too strenuous. Your best bet is to find a sensible, down-to-earth partner who can help you clean up the mess and do the tedious chores while you go out and enjoy life.


No matter what the situation, your confidence and courage will make your loved one feel awe. They may suspect that you lack caution, but as far as you're concerned, it's a few days without risks and without harvest. As the weekend draws, if you're out shopping, try not to indulge, because you'll be tempted by irresistible indulgence, frivolity, and luxury. You will also be eager to impress, which can be a waste of money.


Eager to reach a better understanding with those close to you, you'll sit down and have heart-to-heart conversations to dispel disagreements. Remember, you'll be more emotional than usual, so you might be overly sensitive to what sounds like criticism. Try not to sound too wary, usually this is not necessary. On weekends, you become lazy, indulgent, frivolous, and have no self-discipline at all. You won't be bothered to save money, and practically, you're probably overeating. But you'll love it.


During a busy schedule, you may be outspoken and express your opinions, giving the impression that is more intense than you think or intended. Just because you think you see the truth is not a reason to intimidate those close to you. Try to be witty and honest and let the other person know that you don't want to cause harm. Later this week, your emotions will soften and you will desperately want to soothe and eliminate wrinkles and misunderstandings. You will be eager to boost your spirits and morale.

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