
(Weekly Fortune) Lorna_Horoscope for January 17-23, 2022

January 16 - The Sun meets Pluto

January 17 - Full moon in Cancer

January 18 - Uranus rushes to Taurus - the node of destiny enters Taurus

January 19 - The Sun enters the constellation of Aquarius

On Monday 17th, the full moon is in Cancer, and the Sun is in Capricorn with the great variable star Pluto. It's a moon that ends forever—heralding a new beginning—revealing people or things in your life that are already superfluous or no longer suitable for you. Venus retrogrades through Capricorn until January 29, when your most precious beliefs and realizations "may collapse and dissolve."

This physical and mental reorganization is not the sweet, ethereal, light elegance that can be seen everywhere on social media, but an intense, wild elegance. It's an angry grace, a creative and destructive reorganization of consciousness.

On Tuesday, January 18, after 24 hours of the full moon in Cancer, after a 5-month retrograde since August 19, 2021, the awakened Uranus turned to Taurus. The gods of the sky operate by providing unpredictable shocks, reversals, or insights that take you out of your comfort zone and teach you to work with the inevitable.

This is the moment in your life when you need to break down something new—something weird—into consciousness. Uranus and Taurus shine together, attracting an electric current from the body — vibrating your consciousness back into your body, shaking your bones, your heart.

Over the next two weeks, Uranus moves directly into Taurus and destiny intersects into 30° Taurus, looking forward to new and potentially radical ways to boost your income, your body and moments of insight and inspiration for supporting structures. Grab them before they disappear, but don't make any big leaps.

Aries: Don't make any permanent changes or major commitments until February 3rd.

Mercury retrograde to February 3 and Venus retrograde to January 29. It was a clear signal to stop, see and listen. Organize and update your communication platform to better support your connections with your team and network, and reconnect with previous colleagues or mentors. Cancer's Full Moon on Monday shifts your attention to home and family. There may be some issues that need to be addressed, possibly related to your parents. Make sure you stay in touch with the people who matter and really pay attention to their lives.

Taurus: What if there was something better in life than you imagined?

You're updating and evolving until 2026. This week, January 18, the unpredictable and innovative Uranus traveled into Taurus after experiencing a retrograde since last August. When the god of the sky awakens, you will feel your energy and intuition accelerating. On the same day, the karmic node of fate returns to Taurus, starting in April, with a lunar eclipse lasting in your sign until 2023. This is a fuel only once in 18.5 years. A full moon in Cancer will feel emotional because you're giving up certain long-held plans and dreams that are no longer vibrant. Mercury retrogrades at the top of your chart until February 3rd, take a closer look at how your communication platform supports or limits the flow of your business or career.

Gemini: Venus and Mercury are both retrograde, and if you're self-employed, money will not flow as easily as usual before February 3.

On January 14, Mercury retrograde in the ninth house of Aquarius, which governs travel, learning, and broadening horizons, through your resources and shared finances, retrograde through your house of resources and shared finances until February 3rd. The theme of money echoes Monday's full moon this week, which will be in your second house of income. Meaning, self-defeating – it could be debt being recouped, overconsumptioning or investment failure – so to elaborate on who you make/attract, what you have to spend on absolute necessities and what is disposable. When the Sun and Pluto are together, never waste or squander money for the sake of money. Plug in the loopholes, develop a practical plan to get out of debt, and start saving.

Cancer: Unleash the need to constantly pursue the good and focus on your wholeness.

On Monday, the annual Full Moon of Cancer combines the Sun with Pluto and intersects with fate in a square, hinting at a clear turning point in a special relationship. It's as if the wheel of life is creaking, carrying you along. Emotions will be high, and for some of you, you may feel that you have had enough and that there is no way out. If possible, take a little time off monday and Tuesday to escape. Now both Mercury and Venus are retrograde, letting things unfold at their own pace and postponing any important decisions or purchases until after Feb. 23. For the rest of the month, you will look back on the past few years, acknowledge your courage, and reflect on what you have learned.

Leo: Have compassion for yourself.

The week begins with a powerful full moon that appears in the deepest recesses of your astrolabe. With the combination of the Sun and Pluto, something that hinders your growth needs to be left behind forever. It could be an outdated set of beliefs, a habitual defense mechanism, or a way you've been undermining yourself. What aspects of yourself do you often encounter? What part of your life is you suffering from? Don't be self-critical, take a look at this picture and what comes to mind. From January 19, the Sun enters Aquarius and breathes new life and light into a special partnership. As Mercury retrogrades in this part, go back to mending fences, building bridges, and strengthening connections.

Virgo: Support is there, if you want to.

Your own planet Mercury is now retrograde in your working area until January 26th, then retrograde with Venus to the fifth house of your creativity, enjoyment and leisure until February 3rd. Is it time to review or revise your earlier works or creations, polish them, and discover new potential and new markets? Beneficially, Monday's emotional full moon in Cancer is a boost. Are there any interesting groups, networks, or alliances – online or offline – that would like you to be a part of it? Or would you rather build your own partnerships with like-minded people to explore common interests?

Libra: Redesign the Blueprint

It's a week mixed with planetary information. Both Mercury and Venus are retrograde — Venus before January 29 and Mercury before February 3 — and their theme is: "You can't always get what you want." Then there's the emotional full moon on January 17, which crosses the tenth/fourth axis of your career and family. The Sun and Pluto are in the rear, so a particular problem could boil over. If so, don't bury your head, but face it. You are more concerned about future career plans and may feel a little frustrated by the limitations of family life or the requirements of the family. Redefine the delay as a valuable space for you to act so you can really make progress after February 3.

Scorpio: Shake and stir

The week begins under the powerful full moon of the water sign Cancer, forming a beneficial angle with the Scorpio Sun. Your guardian planet, Pluto, is within the framework, suggesting that something related to teaching or learning is coming to an end. Maybe you just feel like your previous interests or passions have dried up. If so, then move on without regrets – it's time. Mercury and Venus are both retrograde, and there are many things that need to be sorted out, reviewed, and re-evaluated. Mercury will traverse your home house by January 26th, so be prepared for some communications failures. On the 18th, the unpredictable Uranus turned forward after a 5-month retrograde period. Someone might decide to leave, or suddenly change their mind and surprise you.

Sagittarius: See what happens, because the changes that should have happened long ago will get better

It's been a stressful week, and knowing that, slow down and be prepared to be flexible if your plans go off track. On Monday 17th, the emotional full moon between Cancer and Pluto shifts your attention to one-on-one partnerships and triggers imbalances in intimacy and money. Deal with them when they show up and don't hide your head in the sand. On the 18th, the surprise-filled Uranus starts moving forward after 5 months of slowness, and your workplace may become unstable. This could mean resistance to dealing with new plans, or having to completely change your schedule. As Mercury retrogrades through your third house, keep all your communication platforms up to date.

Capricorn: Your mind knows things that your mind can't understand

Powerful astrology this week may take you on an emotional roller coaster. Monday's full moon in Cancer will spotlight on an intimate relationship as the Sun meets Pluto in Capricorn, expecting some intense exchanges. Venus is retrograde in your sign until January 29th, when you are already reviewing certain relationships and contracts, and this full moon may bring the end. You may also grieve over the past and for those who are no longer with you. On January 19, the Sun enters Aquarius and your attention is focused on the financial impact of your decision. Now let it all penetrate, because Mercury retrograde until February 3rd, when a certain degree of clarity will return.

Aquarius: This is a useful test of reality

The week begins under Cancer's powerful full moon, highlighting your health and well-being. Considering that Pluto is in a straight line with the Moon and destiny nodes, this means that a problem you've been ignoring needs to be solved. Whether it's a harmful habit or neglect, or a symptom that can't go away, do something positive to change it. Mercury is now retrograde in Aquarius until January 26th, taking the time to look back, re-evaluate and rethink the way you may have underestimated yourself. Before pressing the Send button, double-check all your posts, text messages, and emails for glitches or lack of clarity, and keep all your communication platforms up to date.

Pisces: Remember – magic exists outside of your comfort zone.

On Monday the 17th, the beautiful full moon appeared on the water sign Cancer, reminding you to stop and feel the fragrance of roses, to do the things that bring you joy and excitement, and to do less things that make you mentally exhausted. Thanks to the vastness of Jupiter and the far-sighted Neptune influence in your zodiac sign, Mercury retrogrades in the 12th house, paying close attention to your dreams, your intuition and the feeling of "knowing" from nowhere. After the full moon, the awakened Uranus turns to Taurus, pushing you to dig into a project that was left aside earlier last year. As you do, get ready for fresh insights and ideas that will revitalise and revitalize your blog.

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