
At what age did your baby start quitting diapers? Not too early and not too late, find the right timing for the baby

Introduction: At what age does your baby start quitting diapers? Not too early and not too late, find the right timing for the baby

After the baby is born, he will not hold urine, there is urine will not speak expression, many times the urine is silent, if the parents are not sure of the time, and then do not pad the diaper, it is easy to wet pants and beds, so it seems that diapers are very important.

At what age did your baby start quitting diapers? Not too early and not too late, find the right timing for the baby

Speaking of diapers, some elderly people are accustomed to using old cloth strips to give babies as diapers, most young people are accustomed to using diapers, diapers, people who have used them know that diapers are better than diapers, diapers are better than diapers, because diapers cover the smell, but once the urine is not found in time, it is still easy to wet pants and beds, diapers can absorb a lot of urine, but improper care is easy to leak sideways, and diapers have many advantages, can absorb a lot of urine, can prevent side leakage, easy to wear and take off, So more and more people are using diapers.

But the question is, the baby is easy to rely on after wearing diapers, in the end at what age to start quitting diapers is the most appropriate? Understand that it can't be too early and not too late, and find the right time for the baby! Check it out.

At what age did your baby start quitting diapers? Not too early and not too late, find the right timing for the baby

Why can't you quit diapers too soon?

When giving the baby diapers too early, he does not have the ability to defecate spontaneously, often wet pants, afraid of bedwetting when sleeping, some parents will pick up when the baby is asleep to go to the toilet, which especially affects the quality of sleep, which is not good for the baby's growth.

Some parents choose to train the baby in the way of urine, thinking that if he puts more, he will defecate spontaneously, and often doing so will make the baby afraid of defecation, because some parents are not sure when the baby will defecate, so from time to time, there is no feeling that the parents have to be fierce to let the baby defecate. Urinating can also cause problems such as prolapse and spinal development, and there are many potential hidden dangers, so it is not appropriate to urinate.

In summary, quitting diapers too early is no benefit and cannot be premature.

At what age did your baby start quitting diapers? Not too early and not too late, find the right timing for the baby

Why can't you quit diapers too late?

When you quit diapers too late, your baby will become dependent, will not defecate spontaneously, and wear diapers to school, which will be ridiculed and detrimental to your baby's mental health. If you don't wear diapers to school, it's easy to wet your pants, making it difficult for your baby to end up. There are also parents looking at the child is so old will not go to the toilet, every day is very angry, make the parents anxious, some impatient parents will complain that the baby is stupid, say more, the baby will slowly choose to hold back, long-term do harm to the child's body, to know that often hold urine is not good for health.

So don't quit diapers too late.

At what age did your baby start quitting diapers? Not too early and not too late, find the right timing for the baby

When is the best time to start quitting?

The best time is after the child is one and a half years old, most of the children in this age group have learned to walk, then when walking with diapers will appear very cumbersome, it is easy to rub off the skin, produce ulcers, and children of this age will almost express, so this age to start quitting diapers is the best, if the season is not good, you can also postpone it for a few months, and gradually quit diapers at about two years old.

At what age did your baby start quitting diapers? Not too early and not too late, find the right timing for the baby

If you want to successfully quit diapers, you need to take it step by step, at the beginning, do not wear it during the day, wear it at night, so as to ensure that the baby sleeps enough, and if you go out during the day, you must also wear diapers, only stay at home can not wear.

Wait for slowly finding that the diapers are not wet for several consecutive days, parents can try not to pad diapers, but put a diaper pad to avoid wetting the bed, and when the baby wakes up at night, he can take it to the toilet. If you use a diaper pad, be sure to check it from time to time to avoid your baby sleeping on a wet pad.

Also teach the baby to say the appeal in advance, usually go to the toilet can take the baby together, let the baby imitate more, form the habit of going to the toilet, if the toilet at home is not suitable for the baby, you can buy a children's toilet to try, teach the baby to go to the toilet.

At what age did your baby start quitting diapers? Not too early and not too late, find the right timing for the baby

Use these ways to let the baby gradually not rely on diapers, successfully quit, almost by the age of three, the baby will go to the toilet by himself, wait until kindergarten do not have to worry too much, even if you will wet pants is an occasional thing, not every day. Don't know if you're doing it right? If not, correct it in time.

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