
Huawei 5G Express: Spain has just made a wrong decision, and good news has come from Africa!

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Huawei 5G Express: Spain has just made a wrong decision, and good news has come from Africa!

Since the birth of advanced 5G technology in 2018, Huawei has been committed to the construction of the global market, but it has also encountered a lot of resistance, especially in European countries, as early as the 4G era has been a large number of Huawei's technology, originally thought that 5G technology can be seamless, but forced by various pressures, many countries have made the wrong choice.

At present, the countries that cooperate with Huawei 5G have fully enjoyed the corresponding benefits, and the advantages of Huawei 5G are not only reflected in network speed, but also in the supporting industrial chain, and the 5G smart mine cooperated with Russia has achieved significant results, and the 5G smart railway port cooperated with Hungary is also running steadily, and this is just the "tip of the iceberg", the energy contained in Huawei 5G is by no means limited to this.

Huawei 5G Express: Spain has just made a wrong decision, and good news has come from Africa!

Spain's wrong decision

Huawei's advanced 5G technology does not need too much proof, its advantages are also showing step by step, just the construction speed, low cost, it is difficult for Ericsson and Nokia to reach, has the most technology patents, but also allows Huawei to have an absolute right to speak in the field of 5G, the new standards of the future communication industry are also destined to be formulated by Huawei.

Huawei 5G Express: Spain has just made a wrong decision, and good news has come from Africa!

Spain has cooperated with Huawei before, but this time it has made a wrong decision, directly rejected the world's top technology, and chose to cooperate with Ericsson, after such a decision was announced, it is indeed quite surprising, it is reported that Spain's telecom operator Telefonica Company has begun to purchase corresponding equipment from Ericsson.

Huawei is the main supplier of 3G and 4G network equipment in Spain, if they really want to replace Huawei, then they are doomed to pay a heavy price, although we do not know whether this is their subjective will, but it is clear that Spain is ultimately going to pay for its own wrong behavior.

Huawei 5G Express: Spain has just made a wrong decision, and good news has come from Africa!

Good news for 5G from Africa

Maybe when it comes to Africa, many people will associate him with poverty and backwardness, but in fact, Africa has many countries, and now some countries are also developing quite well, it just so happens that for them the most lacking thing today is advanced technology, many companies have directly ignored the African market, but Huawei has always adhered to a fair and open cooperation attitude, as long as Africa has a demand Huawei will do its best to meet.

Obviously Huawei bet right this time, the layout of 5G networks in Africa will not be subject to any restrictions, the same Africa to Huawei is also full of sincerity, in addition to the previous cooperation of many countries, Huawei and Zambia cooperation has come to the news, Zambia telecom operator MTN jointly launched a 5G pilot network, to help it become the first batch of African countries with 5G networks!

Huawei 5G Express: Spain has just made a wrong decision, and good news has come from Africa!

Huawei into Africa, will help them improve the level of communication infrastructure, for the possible future of the digital era in advance layout, with these successful cases, Huawei in Africa is more and more trustworthy, I believe that Huawei's current technical capabilities, will certainly be able to help backward African countries, and gradually achieve modern infrastructure, which is the embodiment of Huawei's capabilities and responsibilities.

In addition to African countries, the current Huawei 5G has also received the support of many countries, including Russia, Brazil, Hungary, Thailand and other countries, for the current Huawei has a stage of victory, in the supporting industry chain to promote, the actual value of Huawei 5G has been greatly improved, which can also let more developed countries see the current situation, if you can timely "correct the chaos" that is naturally a good thing!

Huawei 5G Express: Spain has just made a wrong decision, and good news has come from Africa!

No one questions Huawei's 5G technology

From the perspective of factual objectivity, no one has questioned the advanced nature of Huawei's 5G technology, and many countries, including the United Kingdom, have recently admitted: "Not choosing to interrupt cooperation with Huawei is not out of subjective will, but forced by the pressure of US imperialism!" "Obviously, as long as the relevant restrictions have been lifted, these countries will gradually resume cooperation with Huawei, and Huawei's open market cooperation attitude will certainly not mind the past."

Huawei, with its own strength, has won the respect of many countries, obviously the so-called "network security problem" does not exist at all, and the British action on dismantling Huawei equipment seems to have slowed down, they must also be waiting for the relevant authorization, after all, the cost of abandoning Huawei 5G is too high.

Huawei 5G Express: Spain has just made a wrong decision, and good news has come from Africa!

Even if Ericsson and Nokia can help them build a complete 5G network, the cost of which is incalculable, and paying Huawei's 5G patent fee on time is still unavoidable, it is impossible to achieve if you want to bypass it directly, the United Kingdom has tried to give up the cause and effect of Huawei, I believe that no other country is willing to try again, what do you think about this?

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