
If an electric car has a range of more than 900km and is priced at less than 100,000, do you still buy a fuel car?

Before we had an article, written about the endurance of electric vehicles, the article said that if a car costs 150,000 electric vehicles, the endurance can reach 1000km, it may be the end of the fuel vehicle.

Netizens have different opinions about this, some say that electric vehicles can have today, relying on policy support, once the policy is canceled, who will buy electric vehicles; some say that the lack of charging station support is the root of endurance anxiety; some say that the speed of charging is an important basis for whether to choose electric vehicles and so on.

Through these messages, it is not difficult to see that many friends are still standing and watching for electric vehicles, and the reason is nothing more than the above representative messages. In fact, these are understandable, after all, the price of electric vehicles is there, has been high, and slow charging, less charging piles, short mileage, winter endurance shrinkage and many other problems also plague electric vehicle owners, hindering the pace of consumer purchase. Boldly imagine, if an electric car has an endurance of more than 900km, but the price is less than 100,000 yuan, at that time, will you still buy a fuel car?

Now that we have made a bold idea, let's go to the car market and see what the market is now, and what the price and endurance are.

If an electric car has a range of more than 900km and is priced at less than 100,000, do you still buy a fuel car?

The current electric vehicle market can be described as dazzling, all kinds of price points are available, let's take a look at the cheapest. At present, the price of electric vehicles below 50,000 yuan is not in the minority, there are about 20 models, the cheapest is the "net red god car" Hongguang MINIEV, priced at 28,800 yuan, the mileage is 120-170 kilometers, only support slow charging, full power takes 8 hours.

If an electric car has a range of more than 900km and is priced at less than 100,000, do you still buy a fuel car?

The longest mileage of about 50,000 yuan is a model called Lingbao BOX, the longest mileage is 351 kilometers, only support slow charging, the full power time is also long, it takes 12 hours, the price is 53,800 yuan, but most friends may not know it is "who is also".

If an electric car has a range of more than 900km and is priced at less than 100,000, do you still buy a fuel car?

Through the "make-up lesson", Xiaobian learned that 'Lingbao Automobile is a new energy vehicle brand of Jiangsu Jimai New Energy Vehicle Industry Co., Ltd., positioned as a "new young car" and focusing on "China's urban market". Oh, it turned out to be so... Among the more than 20 models, the more realistic is Dongfeng New Energy EX1, the whole series of endurance at 301 kilometers, the lowest price of 45,700 yuan, and then Wuling NanoEV, 305 kilometers, priced at 49,800 yuan, and the same door of Baojun E100, endurance of 305 kilometers, the same starting price as the former.

With the increase in prices, the mileage has also increased, but there are only a few models with a mileage of more than 900km, which are GAC Eian LX, WEILAI ET5, and WEILAI ET7, all priced at no less than 300,000 yuan. GAC Aean LXPLUS 1000 Miles edition has an endurance of 1008 kilometers and is priced at 459,600 yuan. Let's see what fuel vehicles can be bought at this price point. disastrous! "BBA" mainstream products, such as audi A6L, Mercedes-Benz E-Class, BMW X3 are not a problem, through the search can find a very interesting phenomenon, in this price range, these three cars are mixed in many luxury cars and luxury brand models, and occasionally there are a few such buses as Toyota Coaster.

If an electric car has a range of more than 900km and is priced at less than 100,000, do you still buy a fuel car?

Let's put aside the high endurance model and take a look at a micro-surface model of Wuling. Some people will say, Wuling micro-noodles, good to open the skin, the key is cheap, yes, you are right, but this is only for Wuling micro-surface fuel vehicles. How much does the Wuling micro-surface electric car cost? Rongguang EV, manufacturer guidance price: 8.38-9.01 million yuan, cruising range of 252-300 kilometers. The price of the Rongguang fuel vehicle is 5.11-5755 million yuan, and there are several thousand yuan of preferential treatment. As long as this "touches the electricity", the price is not low.

At present, what is the situation of electric vehicle models within 100,000 yuan and endurance? More than 400 kilometers are few, and some small cars, such as BAIC BJEV EC5, the whole series of cruising range of 403 kilometers, the lowest price of 99,900 yuan, there is a called Brilliance Xinri i03, the highest mileage of 410 kilometers, the price of 75,800 yuan. Spend more than 70,000 yuan to buy a model like "Old Man Le", just because it has the right of way? More than 400 km? Therefore, it is impossible to buy a model with a range of 900 kilometers for less than 100,000 yuan. Some people have said that since it is a fantasy, xiaobian you still have so many words here.

If an electric car has a range of more than 900km and is priced at less than 100,000, do you still buy a fuel car?

But looking back, isn't that one of the reasons why fuel vehicles are still prevalent? Endurance can not keep up, there is mileage anxiety, charging pile support can not keep up, it will be difficult to charge, there is no fast charging function, it hinders the further investigation of electric vehicles, this series of reasons, are the reasons why many electric vehicles are not cared for. Of course, if we wait until the new energy policy is cancelled next year, where should these pure electric vehicle models that have not yet gained a firm foothold go? This is also worth pondering.

If an electric car has a range of more than 900km and is priced at less than 100,000, do you still buy a fuel car?

"Down" the "strategy" of the fuel vehicle has been very clear and clear, which is also well known, but it is difficult to do it, which may have many reasons, but in the face of the new energy policy that is about to end, manufacturers should think of ways to deal with the market, otherwise the endurance can not keep up, the endurance can not keep up with the price, the price is down, the endurance can not keep up with the repeated cycle, and eventually will fall into a dead end, unable to extricate themselves.

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