
Do you use electric car batteries? What should I do if something goes wrong? In Liuzhou can be like this...

In recent years, there have been more and more green-branded new energy vehicles running on the roads in Liuzhou city. Battery performance and range are one of the important factors for car owners to consider when choosing an electric vehicle. How to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of consumers due to problems such as fast battery consumption and short mileage of electric vehicles? What aspects should be paid attention to in the use process? In this regard, the reporter conducted an interview.

Do you use electric car batteries? What should I do if something goes wrong? In Liuzhou can be like this...

SAIC-GM-Wuling new energy vehicle assembly line. (Courtesy of the interviewer)

1 It is difficult to replace the battery The owner is helpless

The reporter learned from the interview that car owners buy and use electric vehicles, and the most concerned about the battery problem is the problem.

Ms. Huang's electric car was purchased in early 2019, and the merchant promised to last 260 kilometers. After more than a year of use, the vehicle suddenly consumed so much power that she did not dare to turn on the air conditioner on a hot day. Sent to the 4S shop for inspection, it turned out that the battery pack has not been charged. Fortunately, the car is still under warranty, and the 4S shop replaced the battery for her free.

And the same need to change the battery, citizen Mr. Zhang is not so lucky. His electric car has been purchased for three years and the range has dropped significantly. I have been opening a 4S store for half a month, and I still don't know when I can replace it. He wondered, I don't know if it's the battery strain, or the merchant deliberately delaying time?

Many car owners said that the vehicle is within the warranty period, or the purchase of a local electric vehicle, the battery replacement is relatively smooth, otherwise it is relatively troublesome. There are also car owners who reflect that whether there is a problem with the battery is generally determined by the 4S shop, and if the owner and the 4S shop do not agree with each other, it is easy to have contradictions. The replacement of the battery also needs to be shipped by the manufacturer to change, and the waiting for a long time also makes the owner very helpless.

2 Winter consumption is expensive Charging is exquisite

Ou Zhi, a staff member of a new energy vehicle after-sales service shop on Hangyin Road, said that at present, Liuzhou new energy vehicles have not yet reached the centralized replacement period of power batteries, and the problems found in maintenance are mainly in the process of charging and using.

He said that the mileage of new energy vehicles does not represent the actual mileage, especially in winter, the power battery consumption is large, and the power consumption of warm air, air conditioning, audio, etc. is large, so "even if the charge is full, in the driving, you can only drive by 30% of the endurance." "For example, a car with a nominal range of 300 kilometers may only be able to travel 210 kilometers in winter."

At present, there are relatively many charging piles in Liuzhou, so that many new energy vehicles can achieve mobile charging. However, Ou Zhi suggested that from the perspective of protecting the quality of the power battery, it is recommended that it can be charged slowly and not fast charged. If the charger must be moved, it should be packed in plastic foam whenever possible.

Ou Zhi said that compared with fuel vehicles, the chassis of new energy vehicles is not resistant to collisions, because its chassis is all battery packs, easy to deform after collision, and high maintenance costs, so it is recommended to drive new energy vehicles to take less mountain roads and uneven roads, and find that the chassis is collided to be repaired and replaced in time.

The reporter learned from the after-sales maintenance department of SAIC-GM-Wuling new energy vehicles that the current new energy vehicle power batteries on the market are generally lithium batteries. Lithium batteries at low temperatures become less active, increase internal resistance, charging speed becomes slower, endurance value, power decreased, these are the characteristics of lithium-ion batteries. As temperatures rise, performance recovers.

In order to play the best performance of the battery, SAIC-GM-Wuling new energy vehicle after-sales maintenance personnel suggest that users need to pay attention to charging indoors and warm periods as much as possible in the process of using new energy vehicles, and charge in time, with the use of charge; driving smoothly during the driving process, reduce sharp acceleration or sharp braking; if the vehicle needs to be placed for a long time (more than 1 month), please charge the power to about 60%, and charge at least once a month to maintain the power battery activity and extend the life of the power battery.

3 The "three guarantees" regulations for new cars give a basis for rights protection

According to the 12315 command center of Liuzhou Market Supervision Bureau, in recent years, they have also received some complaints about electric vehicles, which involve battery life and after-sales service.

Among them, a citizen purchased a new energy vehicle in 2017, and the merchant promised that the car would last for 160 kilometers, and said that the battery life during the warranty period was less than 80% and could be replaced for free. In July 2021, the citizen found that the vehicle had a range of only 80 to 90 kilometers and wanted to replace the battery. After mediation by law enforcement personnel of the market supervision department, the merchant tested the vehicle battery, and the results showed that the battery life was 140 kilometers, which could not meet the replacement conditions.

From January 1, 2022, the Provisions on the Responsibility for Repair and Replacement of Household Automobile Products (hereinafter referred to as the "Three Guarantees" Provisions for New Automobiles) came into force. The "three guarantees" regulations for new automobiles are revised on the basis of the "Regulations on the Responsibility for Repair, Replacement and Return of Household Automobile Products" implemented in 2013.

The new regulations increase the requirements for the "three guarantees" of household pure electric and plug-in hybrid vehicle products, and also further standardize the relevant content of the "three guarantees" scope of responsibility and the conditions for return and replacement.

For new energy vehicles, during the validity period of the three packs, if the power battery and the driving drive motor are replaced twice cumulatively, or the same main part of the power battery and the driving drive motor are still not normally used after the cumulative replacement of 2 times due to their quality problems, consumers can choose to return or exchange the goods.

In addition, during the validity period of the three guarantees, the cumulative repair time of the power battery and the driving drive motor due to quality problems exceeds 30 days, or the cumulative repair of the same quality problem exceeds 4 times, and the consumer chooses to replace the household automobile products or return the goods with the car purchase invoice and the three guarantee vouchers, and the seller shall replace or return the goods.

Liuzhou Municipal Market Supervision Bureau reminds that many citizens buy new energy vehicles, not for family life consumption, but for operating behaviors such as KaiDi. According to the provisions of the Interim Measures for the Handling of Complaints and Reports on Market Supervision and Management, the issue of three-guarantee liability disputes for such vehicles is not within the scope of mediation by the market supervision department, and it is recommended that the public resolve them through legal channels.

4 Increase R&D innovation to solve the pain points of battery life and charging

As of December 31, 2021, the overall sales volume of SAIC-GM-Wuling Hongguang MINIEV has exceeded 550,000 since its listing, of which the total sales volume of 2021 is 426,452 units, which has won the annual sales of new energy.

As of December 31, 2021, Dongfeng Liuqi Passenger Vehicles has annual sales of 14,000 units of new energy! Another all-time high!

Just after the New Year's Day of 2022, the new energy vehicles of Liuzhou car companies have successively sent good sales data, which not only indicates that the sales market of new energy vehicles in Liuzhou has reached a new level, but also indicates that the production of new energy vehicles in Liuzhou has also stepped onto a new level.

The reporter learned from the SAIC-GM-Wuling New Energy Vehicle Technology Department that SAIC-GM-Wuling has achieved the excellent performance of the whole vehicle in improving the low-temperature cruising range by innovating in terms of battery intelligent thermal insulation design and intelligent calibration technology of the vehicle system around the user's use scenarios and experiences.

In September 2021, the new energy automobile industry development achievements exhibition was held in Beijing, and after layers of review, SAIC-GM-Wuling GSEV high-performance power battery system and Hongguang MINIEV were successfully selected for the exhibition.

The battery cell is an important part and energy source of the power battery of the new energy vehicle, which directly determines the integrated structure of the power battery. For a long time, due to the different understanding of the technical route, there are differences in the versatility of the battery pack, the power battery standard is not uniform, even if the specifications and standards of different models and different types of batteries of the same brand are difficult to achieve consistency, which greatly affects the development of new energy vehicles.

The GSEV high-performance power battery system jointly developed by SAIC-GM-Wuling and Tsinghua University and Keyi Power breaks through the three bottleneck technologies of safety, durability and power of lithium-ion power batteries for vehicles, realizes the lightweight of batteries under the premise of ensuring safety and reliability, and defines GSEV standardized batteries in the industry for the first time, changing the status quo of multiple varieties and small batches in the industry, truly standardizing batteries, effectively reducing battery costs by 10%, and improving the core supply capacity of batteries.

In order to solve the pain points of new energy vehicle endurance and charging, Dongfeng Liuqi took the lead in the industry to develop a replacement taxi to provide solutions for improving the mileage of new energy vehicles.

In 2021, Dongfeng Liuqi New Energy Vehicle will open up the head T3 online ride-hailing platform and enter the mainstream model list. In order to solve the problem of fast charging of power batteries for new energy taxis, Dongfeng Liuqi, together with China Southern Power Grid Guangxi Electric Vehicle Service Co., Ltd. and Zhejiang Zhineng, jointly promoted the conversion of rental operation vehicles from traditional fuel vehicles to power-swap models. At present, The Liuzhou market has specially launched the Fengxing S50EV power exchange operation version, providing services such as vehicle battery lifetime warranty, motor electronic control 8 years and 800,000 warranty, and authorizing more service stations to reduce the service radius, set up special personnel to patrol the first-line service quality, and do a good job in ensuring the operation and service of new energy taxis.

As a manufacturer of new energy vehicle power batteries, Liuzhou Guoxuan has a total investment of 5 billion yuan, the production workshop covers an area of 420 acres, has new energy vehicle power batteries, energy storage, transmission and distribution equipment and other business sectors, the products are widely used in pure electric commercial vehicles, passenger cars and other new energy vehicles, focusing on THE SAIC-GM-Wuling multi-model platform and Liuzhou and southwest region to provide adaptive power battery systems.

At present, the Liuzhou model of new energy vehicles has been formed, and in the future, more detailed supporting production enterprises or research and development enterprises such as power batteries required for transformation will also be put into production in Liuzhou to help Liuzhou new energy vehicle production transformation.

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