
E-book sharing丨Ba jin complete works (a full set of 26 books)

E-book sharing丨Ba jin complete works (a full set of 26 books)

The Complete Works of Barkin (a full set of 26 books)


Ba Jin, formerly known as Li Yaotang (1904-2005), was a Chinese poet. Han Chinese. His representative works include "Riptide Trilogy", "Love Trilogy", and the prose collection "Caprice". His ancestral home is Jiaxing, Zhejiang. Qing Guangxu was born on October 19, 1904 (November 25, 1904) in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. Modern writer, translator, publisher, one of the most influential writers since the "May Fourth" new cultural movement, and a giant of China's modern literary world. His pen name is Barkin. He died on October 17, 2005 in Huadong Hospital, Shanghai.

The pen name "Ba Jin" comes from a classmate surnamed Ba who he met when he was studying in France, "Ba En Bo". Barkin is translating the author of the book "Peter Alexevich Kropotkin". He took each of their names and became his pen names.

Ba Jin came from a family of bureaucratic landlords in Chengdu, Sichuan. His mother died in 1914. His father also died in 1917. Since childhood, he has been studying at home. The May Fourth Movement embraced the democratic and anarchist currents of thought. Anti-feudal propaganda campaign. In 1922, he published new poems such as "The Cries of the Abused" in the Current Affairs New Newspaper and Literature Magazine.

After graduating in the summer of 1925, he often published papers and translations to promote anarchism. In 1927, he went to France and completed his first novella " Annihilation " in Paris the following year , which caused a strong reaction after it was published in the "Novel Monthly" in 1929. In the winter of 1928, he returned to China and lived in Shanghai, where he wrote a lot of books in a few years. His major works include The Dead Sun, The New Life, Sanding, The Bud, and the famous Riptide Trilogy (Home, Spring, Autumn), which serialized the famous novel "Love Trilogy" (Fog, Rain, and Electricity) in The Times in 1931. Among them, "Home" is the author's representative work and one of the most outstanding works in the history of modern literature in China.

In 1934, he became a member of the editorial board of the Literary Quarterly in Beijing. In the autumn of the same year, he crossed east to Japan. The following year, he returned to China and served as the editor-in-chief of the Cultural Life Publishing House in Shanghai, publishing the "Literary Series", "Cultural Life Series" and "Literary Series". In 1936, he and Jin Yi founded the "Wenji Monthly", and in the same year, he and Lu Xun and others jointly published the "Declaration of Chinese Literary and Art Workers" and the "Declaration of Unity and Freedom of Expression of Literary and Art Colleagues".

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he traveled to Shanghai, Guangzhou, Guilin and Chongqing, and served as the publisher and editor-in-chief of the Weekly "Scream" (later renamed "Beacon"), and served as a director of the All-China Literary and Art Circles Anti-Enemy Association. In 1938 and 1940, he published the novels "Spring" and "Autumn" respectively, completing the "Riptide Trilogy". From 1940 to 1945, he wrote the "Anti-Japanese War Trilogy" "Fire". In the later period of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he wrote novellas "The Garden" and "The Fourth Ward". In 1946, he completed the novel "Cold Night". The short stories are famous for "Gods" and "Ghosts". After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he mainly engaged in translation, editing and publishing. Barkin's novel creation occupies an extremely important position in the history of modern novels in China. He also has many translations. After liberation, he wrote many beautiful essays.

In 1949, he attended the first National Literary Congress and was elected as a member of the Standing Committee of the Federation of Literary and Literary Associations. In 1950, he became the vice chairman of the Shanghai Municipal Federation of Literature and Literature. He has visited the Korean front twice, and has published two anthologies of essays, "Living Among Heroes" and "People Defending Peace". In 1960, he was elected vice chairman of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and vice chairman of the China Writers Association. During the Cultural Revolution, he was brutally persecuted. Since 1978, he has serialized the essay "Caprice" in the Hong Kong "Ta Kung Pao". At his initiative, the Museum of Modern Chinese Literature was established in 1985. His writings have been translated into many languages. From 1982 to 1985, he was awarded the International Honorary Award of Dante in Italy, the Order of Honor of France, the Honorary Doctor of Literature of the University of Chinese of Hong Kong, and the honorary member of the American Academy of Literature and Art. From 1977 to 1983, he was the chairman of the Chinese Writers Association and the vice chairman of the All-China Federation of Literary and Art Circles.


E-book sharing丨Ba jin complete works (a full set of 26 books)

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