
Two ministries and commissions: ban light trucks "large tons and small standards"

The industry's attention to the "blue card new regulations" was officially released. Recently, in order to implement the relevant requirements of national safety production, effectively strengthen vehicle production and registration management, and further improve the safety technical performance of light trucks and small and micro passenger vehicles, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Public Security jointly issued the "Notice on Further Strengthening the Production and Registration Management of Small and Micro Passenger Vehicles for Light Trucks".

Two ministries and commissions: ban light trucks "large tons and small standards"

According to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, in recent years, with the support of a series of incentive policies such as the advantage of right of way, the cancellation of "double certificates", and charging by axle, the light vehicle industry has entered a period of rapid development. However, due to unreasonable market demand, vicious competition among enterprises, inconsistent law enforcement in various places and other factors, light vehicles have "large tons and small standards", illegal modification and other violations, which seriously disrupt the market order and become a major road traffic safety hazard.

In this regard, the "Notice" in the vehicle technical requirements, enterprise production consistency management, testing agency product testing, consistency supervision and inspection and registration management and other five aspects of accurate control, the whole link, all-round management; will comprehensively regulate the light truck, small and micro passenger car market order, guide the healthy development of the industry.

In addition, the Notice also makes further provisions on improving the technical performance of vehicle safety, requiring production enterprises to increase the safety technical requirements for light trucks and small and micro passenger cars, and attach the "Safety Technical Specifications for Light Trucks and Small and Micro Passenger Vehicles". For light trucks, the requirements of cargo box width, engine displacement, tire load, etc., can directly and effectively limit the loading capacity and eliminate the hidden dangers of overload transportation.

In terms of light buses, the space for mixed loading and illegal modification of passengers and goods will be reduced through the requirements of vehicle length, seat arrangement, longitudinal length of the baggage area, etc.; at the same time, targeted requirements will be put forward for dump trucks, barn grating vehicles, and wreckers to ensure reasonable compliance of products.

The "Notice" also requires production enterprises to further implement the management requirements of production consistency, commissioned modification and vehicle qualification certificate. The first is to strengthen the pre-factory inspection of vehicle products, the second is to implement quality control and production consistency management for commissioned modified vehicle products to ensure that the parameters of the commissioned products are consistent with the licensing parameters; the third is to strengthen the management of the vehicle factory certificate of motor vehicles, ensure that the information of the certificate of conformity is true and effective, and strictly prohibit violations such as multiple certificates of one vehicle and the issuance of certificates of conformity in advance.

At the same time, the "Notice" also proposes to monitor product safety and quality from the whole process, requiring strict product testing, strengthening consistency supervision, and strict registration management. The inspection agency strictly implements the traceability system of sample retention for 3 months, and strictly enforces the no-load detection of truck products and the static inspection of small and micro passenger cars. The public security traffic management departments in various localities strictly register and inspect light trucks and small and micro passenger cars, and strictly prohibit the registration of "large tons and small standards" and illegally modified vehicles.

For the penalties for violations by production enterprises, the Notice proposes that production enterprises that still produce and sell "large tons and small standards" products and other violations will be dealt with strictly and severely in accordance with laws and regulations, and order enterprises to withdraw the illegal products, and will no longer accept the enterprise's application for the Announcement of new automobile products within one year.

According to the analysis of the relevant person in charge of the China Automobile Association, with the implementation of the "Notice", the market for light trucks and small and micro passenger cars will inevitably return to rationality, good and stable market order, which is conducive to the rapid growth of the light vehicle market, avoiding bad money expelling good money, and promoting the high-quality development of the industry.

At the same time, the China Automobile Association proposed that industry enterprises should strictly follow the requirements of the "Notice" for product development and production, immediately sort out the existing light trucks, small and micro passenger car products, and after March 1, 2022, take the initiative to withdraw the "Announcement" of products that do not meet the requirements of the "Notice", and do a good job in production switching and inventory cleaning.

Image source: Screenshot of the official website

Source Beijing Daily Client | Reporter Yang Tianyue

Edited by Yang Tianyue

Process Editor Wu Yue

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