
Japan is so powerful, why did they dare not occupy these two provinces, what made them so afraid

Japan is a country that loves to stir up disputes, and when the Japanese army invaded China, there were two provinces and cities that had not been occupied by the Japanese army, that is, Fujian and Guangxi, so do you know why these two provinces and not other places? In fact, the reason is very simple, during the War of Resistance Against Japan, Fujian was also occupied by Japan, but soon after, the Japanese army withdrew, mainly because of the Japanese army itself.

Japan is so powerful, why did they dare not occupy these two provinces, what made them so afraid

After the Japanese captured Fujian, they found that this place did not have what they wanted and military supplies, and Nanjing also fell soon after, so their self-confidence began to swell, reaching the extreme, they were not afraid of any army that they finally got, and after finding that the annex was a wasteland, they decisively abandoned this place and chose to retreat, although the main reason was that Japan wanted to retreat, but in fact there were other factors affected.

Japan is so powerful, why did they dare not occupy these two provinces, what made them so afraid

At that time, the temperance of the Fujian people was very high, that is, although you occupied our homeland, our people would not be used for you, and all around were peaks, twisting and winding, the Japanese armored troops could not play their advantages here at all, only infantry could patrol around, and the people of Fujian at that time were very united, and the combat effectiveness was also very high, if the Japanese soldiers came hard, I dared to fight with you.

Japan is so powerful, why did they dare not occupy these two provinces, what made them so afraid

The Japanese army held the mentality of victory and sent military bombers to attack Fujian, but what they did not expect was that as soon as the Fujian people saw the plane, they all hid in the cave. At that time, the main purpose of the Japanese was to want oil, and since Fujian did not have it, and it had lost so many troops, in the face of such a situation, the thankless results, the Japanese army could not accept it, so it withdrew.

Japan is so powerful, why did they dare not occupy these two provinces, what made them so afraid

Guangxi, his situation is also similar to Fujian, surrounded by mountains, even if the Japanese want to occupy, the soldiers in Guangxi will not agree, you rob me, the Japanese army did not expect the people in Guangxi to be so heroic, after some consideration, decided not to be hard and hard, but also retreated.

Japan is so powerful, why did they dare not occupy these two provinces, what made them so afraid

However, on the other hand, Fujian and Guangxi were very poor places at that time, even if they were robbed, it was useless, coupled with the unity of the local people against the enemy, the Japanese army naturally would not waste its troops in vain.

Japan is so powerful, why did they dare not occupy these two provinces, what made them so afraid

According to the surviving veterans of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression at that time, as long as the Japanese came, the people would run to the mountains with all their belongings and leave nothing behind, but as soon as the Japanese soldiers retreated, they came out to fight again and snatched them back, and in the long run, the Japanese were not willing to spend their energy here.

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