
Where did Qiu Qingquan, 47, go after his death at the Battle of Huaihai, where did his two wives and six children go?

Where did Qiu Qingquan, 47, go after his death at the Battle of Huaihai, where did his two wives and six children go?


| Yiran History Museum


He was a well-known anti-Japanese general, Chiang Kai-shek's right-hand man, who was killed because he fought on the battlefield.

People give nicknames "Qiu Crazy",

During the Nationalist period, he made many achievements on the battlefield, and later served as the commander of the Second Corps of the Kuomintang Army.

He is Qiu Qingquan.

In early 1949, at the age of 47, Qiu Qingquan was defeated by Su Yu in the Battle of Huaihai, and eventually died tragically on the battlefield, leaving behind two wives and six children. So now seventy years later,

Where did Qiu Qingquan's two wives and six sons and daughters go?

Where did Qiu Qingquan, 47, go after his death at the Battle of Huaihai, where did his two wives and six children go?

Qiu Qingquan


Qiu Qingquan, born on January 27, 1902 in Yongjia County, Zhejiang Province, the family conditions are not too bad, his parents pay great attention to his studies, and have very big expectations for him, Qiu Qingquan did not live up to his parents' expectations of him, excellent grades in school, the family is therefore very happy,

The primary schools, middle schools, and universities he attended were all very famous colleges and universities in Zhejiang at that time

In 1920, Qiu Qingquan was mediated by his parents, and

His first wife, Huang, was married

At that time, Qiu Qingquan was only 18 years old and did not pay attention to family affairs, so he and his wife Huang shi did not have any emotional basis, and even so, his wife Huang shi still gave birth to him

One son, and named Qiu Guoxian

However, the birth of Qiu Guoxian did not increase the feelings between the two of them much, and Qiu Qingquan wanted to follow in his father's footsteps, become a teacher in school, and teach and educate people. But by chance,

Qiu Qingquan had the idea of signing up for the army

。 The parents also know that their son has a firm belief in his heart, as long as it is something he decides, no matter who persuades him, he cannot change it.

In this way, after the birth of his first son, Qiu Qingquan was admitted with excellent results in July 1924

The second phase of the Whampoa Military Academy

Where did Qiu Qingquan, 47, go after his death at the Battle of Huaihai, where did his two wives and six children go?

Whampoa Military Academy

During his time at the school, Qiu Qingquan often followed his students to participate in various battles. Famous are the suppression of the rebellion of the Merchants in Guangzhou and the First Crusade.

After he was admitted to the Whampoa Military Academy, he almost broke off contact with his family

, also rarely go home.

After graduating from the Whampoa Military Academy, Qiu Qingquan was assigned to the National Revolutionary Army and served as a platoon leader because of his excellent grades. Subsequently, he followed Chiang Kai-shek to participate in the Second Crusade, in which Qiu Qingquan fought very bravely and was praised by his superiors.

In 1926, he was promoted from platoon commander to company commander

In January 1927, Qiu Qingquan participated in the battle against Wuchang, and after the division of Ningbo, the Wuhan authorities discovered that Qiu Qingquan supported Chiang Kai-shek.

Subsequently, Qiu Qingquan was imprisoned in the confinement room of the military academy

But not long after, Qiu Qingquan escaped and ran to Nanjing to defect to Chiang Kai-shek. After that, Qiu Qingquan obeyed Chiang Kai-shek's orders and did things for Chiang Kai-shek without reservation.


Because of Qiu Qingquan's heroic performance on the battlefield, he was deeply loved by Chiang Kai-shek and became one of Chiang Kai-shek's right-hand men.

In the same year, when Qiu Qingquan was inspecting Nanjing, he met a nurse at a famous local hospital.

This nurse is Qiu Qingquan's second wife, named Ye Ruijun, and the two fell in love at first sight and had feelings for each other

After Huang Shi, who was far away in Zhejiang, learned that her husband had changed his heart, she did not cry twice and hang himself three times, she knew that she and Qiu Qingquan had no feelings, and finally divorced his husband quickly, fulfilling him and Ye Ruijun. On June 18, 1929, Qiu Qingquan and Ye Ruijun got married.

Where did Qiu Qingquan, 47, go after his death at the Battle of Huaihai, where did his two wives and six children go?

Qiu Qingquan wedding picture

In the years after Qiu Qingquan and Ye Ruijun married, Ye Ruijun gave birth to three sons and two daughters for him, two of whom were named

Qiu Kunlun and Qiu Guowei, two daughters named Qiu Lina and Qiu Liwa

。 Another son did not find out what it was called.

After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, although Qiu Qingquan was still the commander of the army, his performance in the subsequent war disappointed Chiang Kai-shek, and in the process of fighting with the PLA troops, he repeatedly failed.

So in the spring of 1948, the troops led by Qiu Qingquan were completely annihilated by Liu Bocheng, and Qiu Qingquan was also very disappointed, and repeatedly proposed to quit the battlefield and return home to accompany his wife and children. But Chiang Kai-shek did not grant his request.

Instead, he was promoted from deputy commander to commander

Where did Qiu Qingquan, 47, go after his death at the Battle of Huaihai, where did his two wives and six children go?

Chiang Kai-shek and Qiu Qingquan


After the Battle of Huaihai in 1948, 800,000 nationalist troops were divided by the East China Field Army, and although Qiu Qingquan wanted to do his best to get back to the war, it was already too late.

At that time, Du Yuming and other officials decided to evacuate to the south

However, Qiu Qingquan resolutely refused and still insisted on maintaining his position. In the end, Qiu Qingquan was surrounded by the People's Liberation Army regiment at ChenGuanzhuang, and Qiu Qingquan, who refused to surrender, wanted to break through the siege.

He was shot by orders of Kurihiro and eventually died on the battlefield at the age of 47

After Qiu Qingquan's death, Ye Ruijun and Huang received pensions from the Nationalist government, but Ye Ruijun was saddened by the death of her husband and also faced the growth of six children.

Where did Qiu Qingquan, 47, go after his death at the Battle of Huaihai, where did his two wives and six children go?

Qiu Qingquan on the battlefield of Huaihai


After the liberation of Nanjing in 1949, Chiang Kai-shek ordered everyone to evacuate to Taiwan, and Ye Ruijun also understood that as a descendant of Qiu Qingquan, he was bound to be regarded as a thorn in the eye by the People's Liberation Army

Ye Ruijun and Huang Shi followed the fleeing troops with six children and prepared to flee to Taiwan

The family traveled all the way on the way to escape, but after fleeing to Fujian, they were quickly recognized by the People's Liberation Army, and when the People's Liberation Army verified their identities, Ye Ruijun thought that the family was about to die here, and when they were overwhelmed, the PEOPLE's Liberation Army's actions surprised them.

A soldier of the People's Liberation Army gave them a lump sum of money for the journey, and took the initiative to issue them a pass, saying to Ye Ruijun:

Qiu Qingquan was a meritorious anti-Japanese fighter, and although he later defected to Chiang Kai-shek, the People's Liberation Army would not embarrass his family

Where did Qiu Qingquan, 47, go after his death at the Battle of Huaihai, where did his two wives and six children go?


This behavior of the People's Liberation Army was deeply moved

Qiu Qingquan's second son, Qiu Guowei

He believes that since this is the case, the People's Liberation Army will never embarrass itself.

Since then, it has remained on the mainland

Ye Ruijun was touched to see this scene, and in desperation, he fled to Taiwan with his other four children.

However, not long after arriving in Taiwan, Ye Ruijun saw that there was often chaotic management within the Kuomintang, and she thought that the Kuomintang could no longer be managed, and she still had the heart to take care of the orphans of Qiu Qingquan, who loved general Qiu Qingquan. If this continues, the family is afraid that no one will know about starvation in Taiwan, and in desperation,

Ye Ruijun left Taiwan with several children and the Huang clan and went to settle in the United States


After arriving in the United States, the family's life was finally calm, Ye Ruijun and Huang Shi two people together to raise these five children to break the heart, one person at home to provide educational help for the child, the other is both a father and a mother to earn money to support the family, the two of them have also experienced a lot of suffering.

After settling in the United States, the family rarely returned home, every time they came home to visit their husband's grave, there was nothing else to leave the United States, the family except for the second son, the other five children were raised in the United States.

Qiu Qingquan's second son, Qiu Guowei, also had a very wonderful life, when the family was on the way to Taiwan, because Qiu Guowei's studies in China were not completed, and he also saw the preferential treatment of the People's Liberation Army for the family, before changing his attention and deciding to stay and continue to complete his studies.

Where did Qiu Qingquan, 47, go after his death at the Battle of Huaihai, where did his two wives and six children go?

St. John's University Corner Mark

Qiu Guowei was studying at St. John's University

After graduating from university in 1952, Qiu Guowei was assigned to work in a library in Shanghai, where he worked as a catalog editor.

It was also in this library that he met his wife,

This lady is also a descendant of Yuan Shikai, and she is also very temperamental,

He fell in love with this talented woman at first sight, also because of this woman's special status, and there are many suitors around her, but among the many suitors, Miss Yuan is not moved.

Qiu Guowei's talent also quickly captured the heart of this Miss Yuan.

Where did Qiu Qingquan, 47, go after his death at the Battle of Huaihai, where did his two wives and six children go?

Qiu Qingquan's son - Qiu Guowei

Because Qiu Guowei's identity is called by others

"Son of a War Criminal"

Therefore, it is also a very difficult thing to want to be with Miss Yuan.


But this Miss Yuan is also a person who is very persistent about love, because she has a kind of patience that does not accept defeat because she has a crush on Qiu Guowei's body.

Therefore, in the face of strong opposition from his family, he still married him desperately, and the life of the two people after marriage was very sweet and happy, and soon gave birth to three daughters

。 Qiu Guowei struggled hard for the family's life.

But the accident also came unconsciously.

In the turbulent society at that time, Qiu Guowei was also cautious in all aspects because of his special status, hoping to disappear into the public opinion, but even so,

Qiu Guowei still couldn't escape the doom

Qiu Guowei's wife was a teacher at the time, and when she led the students to volunteer, she suddenly fell seriously ill, because she was in the countryside at that time, the medical conditions could not be met, and the doctors in the countryside were also very unprofessional, so unfortunately they were misdiagnosed in the countryside, and finally because they missed the best time for treatment.

Tragically killed

The death of his wife made Qiu Guowei unable to recover for a long time, and he wanted to leave this world and find his wife several times, but when he thought of his three lovely daughters, he no longer had a mother and could no longer lose his father, so he had to pick himself up again and raise his three underage daughters alone.


Qiu Guowei knew very well that he was the son of the war criminal Qiu Qingquan, and he was also very disgusted with his special status, and the masses at that time also strongly opposed it, so he was very cautious and careful in all aspects, all kinds of low-key,

But as the government's policies came down, his actions became more difficult.

After the death of his wife, because he still had to raise his daughter, his work ability was much worse than before, and he was under various pressures, and his mental condition was almost facing collapse.

Even after colleagues mentioned words that were sensitive to him,

I have had a lot of fights with my colleagues.

Because of his identity, he usually did not like to talk, that is, he always worked, at that time, because of Qiu Guowei's outstanding work performance, he was eventually promoted to a state cadre, a member of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and the work content was responsible for the relevant work of overseas compatriots.

Where did Qiu Qingquan, 47, go after his death at the Battle of Huaihai, where did his two wives and six children go?

But Qiu Guowei himself is not very interested in this job,

His own desire is still in the teaching field

Because he studied foreign languages and had very high work experience in Western cataloguing, he was invited to work as a classroom teacher at Fudan University in Shanghai, which made him feel very happy.

Because Qiu Guowei's teaching level is extremely high, after a year of his teaching, he has been highly praised by the school and students.

At that time, Qiu Guowei's fame soared and he was recognized in many professional fields

Qiu Guowei was very disliked for his political work, and although there was room for development in his position, he did not call the field, so that he was not present at every meeting.

Qiu Guowei was a part-time teacher at Fudan University

Because he received a great response from the students in class, Fudan also officially transferred him to serve as a formal preparation teacher at that time, and also solved the housing problem for him, for which Qiu Guowei expressed great emotion and promised that he could work until retirement.

But that's how God created people, because Qiu Guowei's library at that time promoted him to deputy director of foreign language collection and editing.

And serves as a member of the Working Committee for the Reunification of the Motherland,

Later, he was selected as a member of the Shanghai Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

In this way, his appointment to Fudan University as a classroom teacher was shelved, which made his psychology very depressed.

In this way, Qiu Guowei, who was very unhappy, quit his job in China, took his daughter, and flew to the United States four times.

Defected to his brothers and sisters who were far away in the United States. He has never returned

Where did Qiu Qingquan, 47, go after his death at the Battle of Huaihai, where did his two wives and six children go?

Fly to the United States


Qiu Qingquan's other children are unknown to the world, only that they have been developing in the United States.

With their own careers and families, although life is very plain,

But the family is very happy together.

After Qiu Qingquan's children all became a family, his wives Huang And Ye Ruijun also fulfilled Qiu Qingquan's last wishes, in order not to bother the children.

Ye Ruijun and Huang decided to live in the old people's apartment in the United States, where they eventually enjoyed their old age

In the 1980s, after the elderly Ye Ruijun returned to the mainland for the last time to worship Qiu Qingquan's tomb, it was not long after he returned to the United States.

She died of illness

In fact, Qiu Qingquan's six children also made contributions to the motherland in that war-torn era, and their attitude of being serious and responsible for their work has been enjoying a plain and simple life that ordinary people cannot reach.

Qiu Qingquan was indeed a Kuomintang general, and his loyalty to Chiang Kai-shek at that time was unspeakable.

If he had chosen the Chinese Communist Party at that time, perhaps the fate of the family would not have been like this.

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