
The first perfect person in ancient times - Zeng Guofan

Never deny a person's life, even if he is thirty years old, but he has achieved nothing.

The first perfect person in ancient times - Zeng Guofan

Today we will talk about the real Zeng Guofan in history. 31 years old still did nothing, took a show only seven times, stupid even if it is, there are a bunch of bad problems on the body, love to smoke, lustful, grumpy, the biggest hobby is to go to the market to see beheading

The first perfect person in ancient times - Zeng Guofan

You may think that this person will be ruined in this life, but he decided to start a counterattack at the age of 31. However, his counterattack method is very stupid, writing a diary, writing down the things to be done every day, and checking whether he wasted time, which seems simple, but he has not broken it for the rest of his life, is it useful?

The first perfect person in ancient times - Zeng Guofan

Looking at the results, at the age of 39, he became the second product waiter, and at the age of 42, he became the commander of the Xiang Army, and he moved seven times in ten years and was promoted to ten levels in a row. It can be said that Wen can lift the pen to secure the world, and Wu can go to Ma Ding Qiankun. This person is Zeng Guofan, who is known as the first perfect person in the ages.

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