
The old lady of Henan went to see a doctor and inadvertently exposed the scar on her arm, which frightened the doctor into calling the police

The old lady of Henan went to see a doctor and inadvertently exposed the scar on her arm, which frightened the doctor into calling the police


| Yiran History Museum


She was born during the Republic of China, but she was one

Heroine of the War of Resistance

, once on the battlefield

With the power of one hand, he bladed seven Japanese soldiers

After the founding of New China, he followed her husband back to her hometown in Hunan to live a dull life.

Once, when she was unwell and went to the hospital, an unintentional move was suspected by the doctor, which attracted several policemen.

Why? Who is this heroine of the War of Resistance?

The old lady of Henan went to see a doctor and inadvertently exposed the scar on her arm, which frightened the doctor into calling the police

Silver and gold flowers

Her name is YinJinhua, a revolutionary female fighter who does not let her eyebrows be shaved.

01. Born in a chaotic world, life is not self-controlled

Silver Flower, born in 1912

Luohe River, Henan

In an ordinary family, before the birth of silver flowers,

The family is still in their hometown in Shandong

Live a stable life.

Because in her grandfather's generation,

There was a severe famine in the Shandong region

。 In the blink of an eye, that beautiful Shandong seemed to have become a hell on earth, and there were not a few people who starved to death because they could not afford to eat, and there were corpses everywhere, and the scene was unbearable.

In order to save your life,

A large number of people in Shandong formed a team to escape the wilderness

In desperation, Yin Jinhua's grandfather also dragged his family away from his hometown and came to Luohe, Henan to make a living.

The old lady of Henan went to see a doctor and inadvertently exposed the scar on her arm, which frightened the doctor into calling the police

Peasants' children starved to death on the side of the road

Because the ancestors of the Silver Family are diligent and simple,

Silver Flower's grandfather can do kung fu again

After finding his own place to live in Luohe, he soon began to run his own business.

Thus strengthening the Silver family.

The year silver flower was born,

Just in time for the fall of the Qing Dynasty,

At that time, the social unrest and devastation were overwhelming

。 Fortunately, after decades of careful management, the Yin family has gained a firm foothold in Luohe and has not been affected.

Although Yinjinhua was born in Henan, she did not lose it

Shandong people have a large skeleton and a long body

Silver gold flowers look obviously different from their peers since childhood, and are not inferior to men.

Or maybe it is this unusual feature that creates the ability of silver and gold flowers.

The old lady of Henan went to see a doctor and inadvertently exposed the scar on her arm, which frightened the doctor into calling the police

Yinjinhua's favorite thing when she was a child was to take the flower gun and practice martial arts with her grandfather, and her grandfather also liked this little granddaughter very much, and she did not hide anything in martial arts, and taught the traditional martial arts she had learned all her life to Yinjinhua.

One is to hope that she can have a skill and protect herself.

The second is to hope that she can inherit her housekeeping skills.

Yinjinhua, who has been quite accomplished in martial arts since childhood, naturally did not live up to his grandfather's expectations, getting up early every day and studying martial arts with his heart, under the careful teaching of his grandfather, Yinjinhua practiced a good martial art in his youth.

Even burly men could not get close to her.

Silver Flower, who has been pampered since childhood, has a unique achievement in both academics and martial arts. Therefore, he had a beautiful and fulfilling childhood, and all this went smoothly in His Grandfather's plan.

I originally thought that I could live my life in such a safe way, but I did not think that this peaceful life drew a pause button with the advent of the War of Resistance Against Japan.

The old lady of Henan went to see a doctor and inadvertently exposed the scar on her arm, which frightened the doctor into calling the police

02. The terrible Japanese army

On September 18, 1931, Japan's long-planned conspiracy finally succeeded, and the Japanese Dongguan Army was first brazen

Blew up the South Manchuria Railway

And blamed this incident on China,

This was followed

A cannon shot in Shenyang's North Camp shocked China and foreign countries

9/18 Incident

This is where it erupts.

Since then, the Chinese people have waged a bloody struggle for fourteen years.

After the outbreak of the all-out war of aggression against China in 1937, the Japanese army forcibly occupied china's land, and not only carried out artillery bombardment and various sneak attacks everywhere it went, but also launched cruel attacks on many innocent people.

It didn't take long for the Japanese army to shift its attention to the North China Plain.

They used a large number of troops to carry out many bombings and sweeps of the calm Henan region.

It caused a large number of casualties among the people, and everywhere the Japanese army went, the people hated it.

Under the connivance of the government, the Japanese small army has fallen into human nature and become a murderous demon, even

U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt

He has also said:

"Japan is the most despicable and shameless nation."

The old lady of Henan went to see a doctor and inadvertently exposed the scar on her arm, which frightened the doctor into calling the police


During this period, a total of 9 planes patrolled the skies over the Luohe River, and in addition to the unscrupulous bombing, they also carried out cruel burning and looting of the residents on the ground.

According to incomplete statistics, in the period from 1938 to 1941, there were many bombings,

Implement the "three lights" policy for the Luohe area.


During the "Battle of Southern Henan"

When Japan bombed Luohe, Wuyang, Linying and other places, only

Killed only in Linying

The people are already there

Up to 15,000 people

, not even human

More than 2,100 women were insulted

, of which 80 people were killed.

It was also in the bombardment of the Luohe River again and again, the silver family that had been painstakingly established, the 42-member family, was blown up by a bomb falling from the sky, and it was unbearable to see.

The Silver Family instantly became fragmented.

Compared with the advanced weapons, the martial arts learned by Silver Golden Flower became extremely small. In the end, in this brutal bombardment,

She was the only one left to survive.

The old lady of Henan went to see a doctor and inadvertently exposed the scar on her arm, which frightened the doctor into calling the police

Inhumane Japanese soldiers

Watching her family all fall in a pool of blood, Yinjinhua was in pain, she held her grandfather's cold corpse, tearing her heart and lungs and crying, but the good things that had been good before could never come back.

03. If there is a vendetta, it will be repaid

After the destruction of her family, Yinjinhua began to drift around, she went to Changsha, went to Chongqing, and watched the people being slaughtered by the Japanese.

Silver Flowers hated them to the bone.

In the year of leaving home and wandering, it is the year when Japan is marching forward and the Chinese army is gradually defeated.

All the people of the Central Plains were brutally slaughtered by the Japanese army.

After some twists and turns, Yinjinhua secretly swore in her heart,

Be sure to kill the Japanese soldiers with your own hands and avenge the snow hatred for the family,

Drive the Japanese army out of Chinese territory at an early date.

In this way, Silver Jinhua, who is not yet 20 years old, holds the hatred in his heart,

The idea of joining the army came to mind.

The old lady of Henan went to see a doctor and inadvertently exposed the scar on her arm, which frightened the doctor into calling the police

She went all the way south, upside down, and later on the way forward, she met the Chinese army, saw that the National army was still recruiting, and hurried to inquire, but the instructor saw that she was a female doll, and rejected her without thinking.

The rejected Yinjinhua did not give up, but showed her martial arts to all those who looked down on her, and later the officer came to her

A recruit of five years and three thick and three thick competed with her, but in less than a minute, the male soldier was slammed to the ground by her, rolling in pain.

Because of the strength of the martial arts, coupled with the large height of the silver and gold flowers, the instructor nodded his head in satisfaction. But because she was a woman, the instructor assigned her to the logistics unit. But Yinjinhua was not happy, and she said angrily to the battalion commander:

"I came to the army to avenge the Japanese devils, I want to go to the front, I want to kill the enemy."

Later the silver gold flowers were as desired

Assigned to a combat squad.

The combat squad is always at the forefront, and With the hatred in her heart, she fights the Japanese soldiers on the battlefield without fear.

The old lady of Henan went to see a doctor and inadvertently exposed the scar on her arm, which frightened the doctor into calling the police

Although YinJinhua was a female soldier, she was not afraid at all, and whenever she fought, she was always the first to rush to the front line.

A man carrying a machine gun launched a fierce bombardment at the enemy.

Soon, in less than a year of silver flowers enlisted in the army,

Because of his bravery in battle, he was promoted to squad leader.

After becoming the squad leader, Yinjinhua knew more about the duty of protecting the people and defending the country, and every time she saw the Japanese brutally slaughtering the Chinese people, Yinjinhua strengthened her belief even more.

04. A heroine who has flown through the ages

But on the battlefield, it is inevitable that he will be injured in the rain of bullets and bullets, and the silver and gold flowers as the squad leader will not be able to escape.

From the time of enlistment to the promotion of squad leader, in battles large and small, you can always see the figure of silver and gold flowers.

And what really made her famous in the First World War was the Second Battle of Changsha.

In this battle, a squad led by Silver Jinhua, all the soldiers' ammunition has been used up, but the enemy has not been destroyed, at this time Silver Jinhua looks at the enemy that is constantly pouring up in front of him,

Determined to die, he took up a large knife and shouted:

"Brothers, we must not let the inhuman Japanese enter Changsha, we must swear to defend the safety of the people to the death, and everyone rushes together!"

In this way, Yin Jinhua led the whole class of fighters to rush into the enemy, holding a large knife and fighting them in close quarters, some fighters were sacrificed, and some fighters were still fighting.

The old lady of Henan went to see a doctor and inadvertently exposed the scar on her arm, which frightened the doctor into calling the police

In a shout of death, only seven enemies remained around Yinjinhua.

One of the Japanese soldiers, seeing that she was a woman, gave her a lewd smile and ordered the other soldiers to catch them alive, and then took up his bayonet and prepared to swing it at the silver and gold flowers.

But Silver Andrwa was not a vegetarian, only to see her turn around, wave the large knife in her hand, slash at the seven Japanese soldiers, turn sideways, and seize the machine gun in the hands of a Japanese soldier.

With a burst of strafing, the seven Japanese soldiers fell in a pool of blood.

Her bravery amazed all the warriors present,

Everyone learned the spirit of vietnamese bravery in the silver and gold flowers, and then they resisted the Japanese attack more tenaciously, and after the arrival of the large troops, the Japanese army withdrew from the battlefield.

In this battle,

Silver Gold Flower killed seven Japanese soldiers in a row,

Later because

The head was hit by flying shrapnel

After three days of rescue, although Yinjinhua woke up, when she fell to the ground,

Because of the injury to his right hand, he dislocated his wrist, leaving a long and deep scar.

Later, on a rapid march, the troops led by Yin Jinhua passed through a small mountain road, and due to the long-term bombardment of the Japanese army, the mountain had long been loosened.

A huge stone rolled down the hill and hit the head of the silver flower.

The old lady of Henan went to see a doctor and inadvertently exposed the scar on her arm, which frightened the doctor into calling the police

Silver Androck instinctively raised her left hand to protect her head,

But a scar of more than 5 centimeters was eventually left on the left arm.

In the ten years that Yinjinhua joined the army, he participated in two battles of Changsha, so there were large and small scars on his body.

Until the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Yinjinhua followed her husband back to ningyuan County, her hometown in Hunan Province, to live an ordinary life.

Because the body suffered great trauma during the war, it left a sequelae, and at a time of physical discomfort,

Yinjinhua went to the hospital alone for examination.

But during the consultation, the doctor saw the scar on her arm and was very confused.

Now it is a peaceful era, in the eyes of the doctor, these scars are old wounds, thinking that the silver and gold flowers are the doctors of the outlaws.

He quietly called the police.

Soon after, the arrival of the police made Yin Jinhua very surprised, and after learning about the incident, he talked about his experience, because after the founding of New China, he returned to his hometown, so he did not mention his previous deeds as a soldier.

After confirming the identity of Yinjinhua as an anti-Japanese hero, everyone present expressed their admiration for her, and the deeds of Yinjinhua also spread.

The old lady of Henan went to see a doctor and inadvertently exposed the scar on her arm, which frightened the doctor into calling the police

In 1991 Silver Flower experienced the pain of sending a white-haired person to a black-haired person,

Her body, which has always been healthy, has frequently had many problems, but whenever she talks about things in the War of Resistance, Yinjinhua looks very energetic.

According to the description of Yinjinhua, after the Japanese came to China, they kept bombing the people, and the ground was full of dead people, some of whom were still cruelly hung on the trees after death, and some of whom were directly blurred by the blood and flesh of the explosion.

In order to compare which officers were more at stake, the Japanese soldiers would make Chinese kneel in a row, hold bayonets in their hands, and constantly stab and kill the people, when the water of the Liuyang River was also stained red with blood, and the corpses blocked the mouth of the river several times.

In her later years, Yinjinhua was guaranteed by the government in her life, and local volunteers often provided her with care and effective protection such as minimum guarantee, so Yinjinhua was very satisfied.

In his later years, the silver and gold flowers once warned the people of the country more than once:

"Don't forget history, you must not be soft on Japanese devils, because in their eyes, the kindness of Chinese is not valuable, and it is possible to exchange it for more fierce revenge!" 」

Today's stable China is the life of countless ancestors, no matter who, as Chinese, should remember the story of every anti-Japanese predecessor, they are all witnesses. Don't forget history, in order to truly make the country stronger!

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