
First time with a social worker...

1. Bonding with social workers, starting with "love"

In August 2021, I accidentally saw the recruitment of social workers on the public account, and the words "social work" began to catch my eye, and I had never heard of this industry before.

I looked up information about social work online and didn't have a clear understanding of the concept of social work at the time. But words like "altruism" and "helping" appealed to me. I actively prepared for the social worker recruitment examination, and after unremitting efforts, I successfully joined the team of social workers in Luohe Civil Affairs, and with a sincere heart, I began the road of social work with love and temperature.

2. Ignorant learning and sincere efforts

Through the systematic training and study of the Civil Affairs Bureau, we have a preliminary understanding of various fields of social work, and through the guidance of the teachers of the Yi'ai Center, we have provided experience and methods for the development of our work.

It makes me feel that social work is an extraordinary profession, social workers can provide professional services to the disadvantaged, bring them love and strength, help them solve problems and improve themselves.

Although I learned theoretical knowledge, due to the lack of practice, my understanding of social work stayed on the surface, and I was full of reverence for this field. I think that as long as I can work hard and treat others with sincerity, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome.

3. Do not forget the original intention, grow in experience

After 10 years of work experience, when I was faced with questionnaires and home visits, I didn't feel unable to start. I remember once when I was a 93-year-old elderly living alone, he could cook his own meals; through the interview, our sincere greetings and words of concern made him feel very kind; he had to break half of the steamed bun he was eating in his hand, let me eat it and said: "You are the same as my granddaughter, when my granddaughter comes back to see me, she also asks me, asks me, but cares about my body; I feel amiable when I see you."

A few simple words made me feel very warm, which is the meaning of our visit, and what the elderly need most is spiritual comfort. Ten years of teaching experience has also made me very handy in children's activities. I clearly remember that after each activity, there are always one or two bold children who ask: "Teacher Xiaolan, when will you come to the next activity?" I also want to participate, if you come every week, it would be good", a few simple words, is the children's recognition, is the children's expectations.

Our work not only helps others improve themselves, but also harvests a touch and satisfaction of ourselves. Social work is full of light, for me from a non-professional background, learning professional knowledge and carrying out professional services is my path to improvement; influencing life with life, warming the heart with the heart, not forgetting the original heart, I will continue to grow hard in the experience.

5. Help yourself, and that's not all

"Helping others to help themselves" is the most basic principle of social work, and with the deepening of work, my understanding of "helping others to help themselves" is becoming more and more profound. The realization of "teaching people to fish is not as good as teaching people to fish" is not an overnight thing, but comes from the joint efforts of social workers and service recipients.

Social workers must have professional skills and continuously improve their ability to help others in order to better achieve the purpose of helping others. "Care" runs through the entire process of helping others, and "self-help" of service recipients is the ultimate goal. It is important for us to provide spiritual support to our clients in the process of helping others, so that they feel "loved", enhance self-confidence and motivation to change the status quo.

6. Meet a better version of yourself

Social work is like a little light outside the window, although faint, but full of energy. The road of social work is a long way to go, with thorns and turbulence along the way.

Social workers are ordinary and simple, but we use sincerity to gather strength and warm people's hearts with the glimmer of public welfare, and the spring of social workers will eventually get closer and closer to us. Let us wear the "blue vest" and carry the "social work dream" and continue to forge ahead on this ordinary road and meet a better self.

Author: Sun Congcong

Unit: Luohe Yi'ai Social Worker Service Center

Original title: Social Worker's Handbook | - Meet a better version of yourself

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