
The grandmother of Henan went to the hospital to see a doctor, inadvertently exposed her arm, and the doctor called the police

The grandmother of Henan went to the hospital to see a doctor, inadvertently exposed her arm, and the doctor reported to the police


Fu Yinbing was dead in the tent, and the sideburns of the hemp ramie were scorched. - Du Xunhe

As we all know, today's social stability and prosperity, obviously inseparable from the sacrifice and dedication of the older generation, tracing back to China's modern history, there have been many wars, the most infuriating, have to mention the Japanese invasion war, and it is worth saying that in this war, there have been many heroes, it is because of the existence of these heroic soldiers, the war can be won, however, after the end of the war, some heroes are famous for eternity, but some are reclusive, and today the author wants to talk about this hero, During a hospital visit, he inadvertently exposed his arm, which attracted the attention of the doctor

The grandmother of Henan went to the hospital to see a doctor, inadvertently exposed her arm, and the doctor called the police

The doctor's unexpected findings:

Speaking of this heroine, in fact, from a hospital, according to the data, at that time, a grandmother who was nearly confused, because of physical discomfort to go to the hospital for treatment, but in a single examination, the hospital's life unexpectedly found that this seemingly ordinary grandmother, in fact, is not "ordinary" at all, why so, we all know that today's society is stable and prosperous, ordinary people obviously will not be exposed to gunshot wounds, however, this grandmother's arm actually appeared bullet holes and knife scars, It was precisely because of this scene that the doctor decisively called the police, but after the final police inquired, he actually respected the old man

The grandmother of Henan went to the hospital to see a doctor, inadvertently exposed her arm, and the doctor called the police

It turned out that this grandmother's name was Yinjinhua, and the knife scars and bullet holes on her body were actually left over from the War of Resistance, and it is worth noting that this old man was also a heroic female warrior

The grandmother of Henan went to the hospital to see a doctor, inadvertently exposed her arm, and the doctor called the police

Silver Flower Boy Joins the Army:

According to the understanding, the hometown of Yinjinhua is in the territory of Shandong Province, but when he was a child, he fled with his ancestors, came to the territory of Henan Province, and in this place, he spread his branches and leaves, and became an authentic Henan person, and he thought that his life could go on smoothly, but, just when the Yinjia IV was in the same hall, the Japanese army launched a war, and later, they bombed in the territory of Luohe, and the entire Luohe River fell, and in this war, the Yin family had 42 people, and finally only Yinjinhua survived. Alone, Silver Flower began a wandering life

The grandmother of Henan went to the hospital to see a doctor, inadvertently exposed her arm, and the doctor called the police

According to Yinjinhua's recollection, at that time, she wandered from Henan to Chongqing, and from Chongqing to Changsha, and joined the army by chance, it is worth saying that although Yinjinhua is a daughter, she does not lose to men in any way, and Yinjinhua has learned martial arts since childhood, so she is favored by her superiors, and the reason why Yinjinhua joined the army is mainly to witness the cruel persecution of the people by the Japanese army, burning and looting, which makes Yinjinhua very angry and determined to contribute to the country

The grandmother of Henan went to the hospital to see a doctor, inadvertently exposed her arm, and the doctor called the police

Combat Experience:

People often say "who says that women are inferior to men", and it is precisely Yinjinhua that confirms this, according to her recollection, because she learned a skill from an early age, deeply cultivated by superior leaders, from the beginning of joining the army, Yinjinhua did not enter the logistics like a female soldier, but went to the combat squad, at the same time, participated in two major battles, it is said that in a battle near the Liuyang River, in the case of running out of ammunition, alone killed 7 enemies, and it was because of that time, Yinjinhua was seriously wounded and was penetrated by bullets in the arm. And left a deep scar, it is worth saying that the silver and gold flowers in the War of Resistance, the battle achievements, but such a heroine, after the end of the war, actually chose to live in seclusion, and never mentioned the past of being a soldier to outsiders, so that many people regard her as an ordinary grandmother

The grandmother of Henan went to the hospital to see a doctor, inadvertently exposed her arm, and the doctor called the police

However, because of this discovery, the local government and volunteers often come to see her, but also solve the problem of low insurance for her, and declare the centenarian subsidy, although there are many physical problems, but still able to help the neighbors, and even often help the villagers to take care of children, what do you think about this?

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