
【Feng Ren said nutrition】How to eat the staple food of pregnant mothers? Nutrition experts teach you to match skillfully~

【Feng Ren said nutrition】How to eat the staple food of pregnant mothers? Nutrition experts teach you to match skillfully~

Ayu: Pregnant mothers' staple foods generally require thickness and thin collocation, which can not only meet the fullness of pregnant mothers, but also help pregnant mothers stabilize blood sugar and control weight. Generally, fine grains (white rice and white noodles) are mainly required (accounting for more than half). Even if the pregnant mother is obese, grows faster, and has high blood sugar, it is not recommended to have a whole coarse grain, because there is a lot of coarse grain fiber, and too much fiber is not conducive to the absorption of fetal nutrients.

Staple foods include these: steamed buns, rice, noodles, dumplings, buns and more. But eggs are not a staple. Therefore, it is not recommended that eggs + milk be used as a meal!

Of course, there may be some pregnant mothers with a small appetite, or poor appetite, eating less, in this case, the staple food can choose pure fine grains, such as white noodle steamed buns, white rice, oil cakes and so on.

The energy of staple foods with oil or sugar is generally relatively high, such as flower rolls, hand cakes, fritters, twist flowers, sugar cakes, etc., pregnant mothers should try to eat less.

Examples of staple foods:

Two rice (rice + millet)

Mixed grain steamed bun (white noodles + bean noodles)

Steamed bun + a small amount of yam

Rice + a small amount of potatoes

Source: Yantai Yuhuangding Hospital Clinical Nutrition Department Feng Yan

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