
Establish a health flag in 2022: keep the body's 16 "bottom lines"

author:Shangguan News

The author | Life Times reporter Zhang Jian

Source: Life Times (LT0385)

If the human body is compared to a machine, to ensure that it runs well, in addition to the normal work of various organs, the body system must also follow some data indicators, such as daily drinking water, frequency of defecation, fruit and vegetable meat intake, etc.

Once the upper limit of the indicator is exceeded, the body may malfunction and induce disease.

Establish a health flag in 2022: keep the body's 16 "bottom lines"

At the beginning of the new year, the "bottom line" of this physical health indicator is summarized, reminding you of the improvement.

Experts interviewed

Wang Jian, deputy director and chief physician of the Department of Cardiology of Beijing Geriatric Hospital

Hong Haiou, director and chief physician of the Health Management Center of the First Affiliated Hospital of the University of Science and Technology of China

1 Drink water bottom line: 1.5 liters per day

Normal people drink water at 1.5 to 2.5 liters per day, and patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases should drink water at 1 to 1.5 liters.

For the elderly, when they feel thirsty, it means that the body has been dehydrated, and the lack of urine and the dark yellow color of the urine can also be judged by the lack of water in the body. If the body is dehydrated for a long time, water metabolism is disordered, which will increase the viscosity of the blood and induce heart failure.

Drinking too much water is also not conducive to health, especially in patients over the age of 75 cardiovascular disease, drinking too much water can induce heart failure.


Don't wait for thirst to drink water;

It is best to drink boiled water;

Drink water 6 to 8 times a day, each time at an interval of 2 hours, once controlled at 200 to 300 ml.

2 Bottom line of eating salt: no more than 6 g / day

Chinese adults consume an average of more than 10 grams per day, and excessive salt will aggravate gastric mucosal damage, accelerate osteoporosis, and increase the risk of hypertension and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

The warning value of normal people is 6 g / day, and people with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases should be controlled at 3 to 5 g / day.

Use a salt control spoon and start reducing salt gradually;

Eat less pickled vegetables, pickles and ultra-processed foods with high salt content;

Looking at the food ingredient list, high-salt seasonings are not necessarily white, such as chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, soup packets, etc. all contain a lot of salt.

3 Bottom line of eating sugar: no more than 25 g / day

Reasonable intake of sugar helps the gastrointestinal absorption and supplementation of nutrients, but excessive intake will lead to long-term high load on islet function, induce diabetes, and will also be converted into fat accumulation in the body, resulting in obesity, hypertension and high blood lipids.

The World Health Organization suggests that the average life expectancy of people who have long-term high-sugar foods is 10 to 20 years shorter than that of people on a normal diet.

Establish a health flag in 2022: keep the body's 16 "bottom lines"

The daily intake of added sugars per person should not exceed 50 grams, preferably limited to 25 grams;

Eat more grains, and control the proportion of carbs in the daily diet below 50%;

Eat less sweets, experts remind, white sugar, brown sugar, corn syrup, etc. are added sugars.

4 Bottom line of eating oil: no more than 30 g / day

1 g of oil can provide 9 kcal of calories, and the recommended warning line for eating oil is 25 to 30 g/ day.

Eating too much oil can lead to overweight or obesity over time, and suffer from many diseases such as hyperlipidemia, high blood pressure, diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke, cancer and so on.

Long-term excessive oil consumption will also increase the burden on the stomach and intestines, causing various indigestion and gastrointestinal diseases.

Replace animal oil with vegetable oil, corn oil, olive oil, camellia oil, etc. to protect the heart;

Can be used with scaled oil control pot, quantitative use of oil;

When cooking, steaming, boiling, stewing, stewing, cold mixing and other methods are used.

5 Bottom line of eating fruit: half a pound a day

The problem of Chinese people eating less fruit is the most prominent, resulting in about 540,000 deaths from related cardiovascular diseases every year. The fruit is rich in various vitamins that increase the elasticity of blood vessels and prevent atherosclerosis.

Supplement at least half a kilogram of fruit per day to maintain daily consumption.

Eat 200 to 350 grams of fruit every day, which not only ensures the intake of vitamins, minerals, fiber and plant biotin, but also avoids excessive energy due to excessive sugar in the fruit.

People without diabetes, eating more fruits such as oranges, bananas, and apples is more beneficial to cardiovascular health.

6 The bottom line of eating red meat: do not exceed 1 pound per week

Red meat is a double-edged sword, its hemoglobin content is high, but more cholesterol and saturated fatty acids, eating too much will increase the risk of cancer, heart disease, respiratory disease, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, kidney disease and liver disease.

No more than one pound of red meat per week, it is better to control it within 6 two, which can maintain the normal energy metabolism of the body and not increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Establish a health flag in 2022: keep the body's 16 "bottom lines"

Daily appropriate amount of animal food, the average intake of fish 40 ~ 75 grams, livestock and poultry meat (including red meat) 40 ~ 75 grams, eggs 40 ~ 50 grams;

Do more stir-fry and less braised.

7 Toilet time bottom line: up to 5 minutes

In fact, the shorter the bowel movement, the better. Once the toilet is more than 5 minutes, the excrement is held in the entrance for a long time, which will stimulate the blood vessels, resulting in poor blood return, blood clots, and the formation of hemorrhoids.

The elderly are slow to move, and may also have constipation, especially in patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, the toilet time can be extended, but the longest is not more than 30 minutes, otherwise it may cause myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism and other adverse consequences.

Eat more fruits and vegetables rich in fiber to regulate the intestines;

Patients with constipation should seek the help of a doctor in time and use medication if necessary.

8 Sleep time bottom line: 23 points

23 to 1 o'clock in the evening is the time for liver detoxification, and sleeping late may have the following adverse effects:

Serious liver injury, but also lead to the occurrence of various chronic diseases, inducing hypertension, heart disease, diabetes and other diseases;

Causes brain aging, memory loss;

Leads to cellular mutations, an increased risk of cancer and sudden death;

The gastrointestinal tract does not get enough rest, and a long-term lack of sleep can weaken immunity.

Regular work and rest, the elderly are best to sleep at 10 o'clock at night;

People who must stay up late or work at night should ensure 6 to 8 hours of sleep per day;

People with insomnia can take medications under the guidance of a doctor to improve sleep;

Patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases should take the drug before going to bed.

9 Sedentary time bottom line: Do not exceed 60 minutes

The risk of sitting for a long time is mainly poor blood flow in the lower extremities. The physiological structure of the human body determines that it is not suitable for a long period of rest, and staying still for an hour will lead to slower blood circulation and increase blood viscosity.

Long-term sedentary can cause cervical spine disease, low back pain, obesity, hypertension and other chronic diseases, and the elderly suddenly stand up after sitting for a long time may also induce pulmonary embolism, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events. Sitting for a long time reduces energy expenditure, leading to a build-up of body fat.

Establish a health flag in 2022: keep the body's 16 "bottom lines"

Stand up every half hour and stretch your waist;

Driving or case workers can kick and lift their feet to relieve poor blood flow.

10 pace bottom line: 0.6 m/s

Stride speed can be a combination of a person's health, including the body's ability to oxygen, heart and lungs, and lower extremity muscle endurance.

A study by the University of Pittsburgh in the United States showed that the pace of steps can predict the length of life, and the risk of death increases by less than 0.6 m/s; for every 0.1 m/s increase in pace, the risk of death decreases by 12%.

The average person's walking speed is 0.9 m/s, and less than 0.6 m/s indicates that muscle atrophy is more severe and may suffer from sarcopenia.

You can simply test yourself when you pass the traffic lights, and if you can walk across the road smoothly, it means that the walking rate is normal.

Brisk walking for 30 to 60 minutes a day, enhancing cardiopulmonary function, controlling the heart rate at 60% to 70% of the maximum heart rate during brisk walking, and the body sweats slightly;

Enhances nutrition and resistance training to enhance muscle strength.

11 BMI bottom line: no more than 24

More than 50% of Chinese adults are overweight or obese, i.e. body mass index (BMI = square of body weight ÷ height) of more than 24.

Overweight and obesity are high-risk factors for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer and many other diseases.

One study showed that for every 10 pounds gained and a BMI of more than 23 for each additional 10 pounds from early adulthood to middle age, the risk of all-cause death increased by 9% in men and 14% in women.

Establish a health flag in 2022: keep the body's 16 "bottom lines"

Young people's BMI should be controlled at 18.5 to 23.9 kg/m2, too fat or too thin is not healthy;

The weight standard of the elderly can be appropriately relaxed, but the BMI should also be controlled at 20 to 26.9 kg/m2 as much as possible.

12 Neck Circumference Police Bottom Line: 35/38 cm

The neck is one of the earliest parts of the body's blood vessels with atherosclerosis, and people with a thick neck are likely to have cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, or pre-cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

People with thick necks tend to have a greater chance of developing apnea syndrome, dyslipidemia, etc. In addition, a double chin and a short neck may be a sign of heart health.

Multiple studies have found that neck circumference is one of the "natural methods" for measuring upper body fat in the human body, which is generally less than 38 centimeters for men and less than 35 centimeters for women.

Be wary if you feel like your necklace is getting shorter or your shirt collar is getting tighter. In addition to ensuring a healthy diet, it is also necessary to exercise moderately and reduce fat.

13 waist circumference police bottom line: 100 cm

For every 11 cm increase in waist circumference, the risk of cancer increases by 13%. Waist circumference of more than 100 cm, not only cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, but also the risk of colorectal cancer will more than triple.

Fat accumulated in the waist and abdomen can also cause a chronic inflammatory response, increasing the risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, coronary heart disease, etc.

Most people with a waist circumference of more than 100 cm have metabolic abnormalities or abnormal glucose metabolism, which may be symptoms of prediabetes and should be controlled in time. To maintain health, the waist circumference should be less than 85 cm for men and less than 80 cm for women.

Exercise for more than half an hour a day, and choose at least 5 days a week to do moderate-intensity aerobic exercise.

Quit smoking, limit alcohol, control energy intake;

Sit and walk with your waist up.

14 Blood pressure bottom line: no more than 140 mm Hg

High blood pressure will accelerate the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events and aggravate kidney damage.

The ideal indicator for blood pressure control in young people is below 80/120 mmHg, which can be appropriately relaxed for the elderly, but should be controlled below 90/140 mmHg overall.

Establish a health flag in 2022: keep the body's 16 "bottom lines"

Once a week, 1 to 2 days in the morning and once in the evening, record the date, time and reading of each blood pressure measurement in detail, and understand the fluctuation of blood pressure;

Follow the doctor's instructions and take antihypertensive drugs regularly;

In life, pay attention to controlling the diet, less oil, less salt and less sugar.

15 Lipid bottom line: 1.8/2.6/3.4 mmol/L

The control goals of LDL cholesterol are stratified according to risk:

The control target for people with dyslipidemia is less than 1.8 mmol/L;

Diabetic patients with unsatisfactory cholesterol control and aged 40 years and older should be controlled within 2.6 mmol/L;

In general, low- and medium-risk groups should be controlled below 3.4 mmol/L.

Beyond the "bottom line", the risk of atherosclerosis begins to increase, and the higher the indicator, the greater the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke and other diseases.

Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and coarse grains, limit tobacco and alcohol, and exercise moderately;

People over the age of 40 with dyslipidemia can take lipid-lowering drugs such as statins under the guidance of a doctor;

Laugh for 15 minutes a day and stretch your waist.

16 Heart rhythm bottom line: 60 beats/min

Normal people have sinus rhythms, and the heart rate (frequency) is 60 to 100 beats per minute. More than 100 beats/min is a heart rate overdrive, but the indicator is not absolute.

Type of disease Resting heart rate
hypertension Above 80 beats/min, the incidence of cardiovascular events and mortality were significantly increased
Hypertension with heart failure Ideally, it should be less than 70 beats/min
Hypertension with coronary heart disease 55 to 60 times/min
Hypertension with diabetes mellitus 60 to 70 times/min
Hypertension with chronic kidney disease < 80 times/min

Prolonged heart rates of more than 100 beats per minute may also be accompanied by hyperthyroidism or prolonged lack of exercise.

Establish a health flag in 2022: keep the body's 16 "bottom lines"

However, the heartbeat of some long-term athletes and other long-term exercise people is slower and normal; the heartbeat of the elderly will become slower with aging, but the heart rate is less than 50 beats per minute, which may be accompanied by diseases such as AV block and pathological sinus syndrome, which require close monitoring; less than 35 times / min, may require pacemaker treatment.

Treat the primary disease as early as possible.

Increase aerobic exercise, improve cardiopulmonary endurance, reduce the basal heart rate, adhere to three months of exercise, heart rate can drop 4 to 5 times / minute.

In 2022, the bottom line of health must be kept!

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