
Microsoft sent a video: Teach users how to repair surface Laptop SE

IT Home January 14 news, Microsoft recently released a Surface Laptop SE repair video, showing how to disassemble the machine to replace its keyboard, screen and battery.

Microsoft sent a video: Teach users how to repair surface Laptop SE

Still, Microsoft doesn't fully encourage users to do their own repairs. At the beginning of the video and in the description of the video, the company left a disclaimer like this: "Microsoft recommends that you seek professional help with device repairs, and if you do it yourself, please proceed with caution." ”

IT Home has learned that many people in the United States have been carrying out the "right to repair" campaign, they believe that users should repair their devices without hindrance, and Microsoft's Surface series and some other products are considered difficult to repair themselves. However, the new Surface Laptop SE repair tutorial video shows that at least some of Microsoft's newer machines will make it easier for users to repair themselves than before.

It's worth noting that this video only introduces the repair of the Surface Laptop SE, limiting its applicability, because the Surface Laptop SE is mainly aimed at elementary school users.

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