
Hearing of Zhuge Liang's death, this man shouted: The heavens have eyes, and the Shu kingdom is saved! Who is he?

Every time Zhuge Liang was mentioned, the first thing that came to mind was that he had extraordinary talents, and Liu Bei asked him to help him with his three Gu Maolu. In the end, Liu Bei also got his wish, and Zhuge Liang also lived up to the expectations of the people, laying a piece of jiangshan for the Shu kingdom, and later, before Liu Bei's death, he entrusted his son to Zhuge Liang in the White Emperor's city, and Zhuge Liang also worked hard for the Shu state and delayed the demise of the Shu state.

Hearing of Zhuge Liang's death, this man shouted: The heavens have eyes, and the Shu kingdom is saved! Who is he?

Although the final result is not the best, Zhuge Liang's life can be described by the words "bow down and die", and in the end, he was exhausted and died of illness in Wuzhangyuan. Just when the whole shu kingdom was mourning for Zhuge Liang, a person shouted: The sky has eyes, and the Shu kingdom is saved! Who would say such a thing in such a tone? Originally, his name was Li De, at first glance, this name, it seems that he did not know, in fact, he is also a character in "Three Kingdoms", but not so famous.

Hearing of Zhuge Liang's death, this man shouted: The heavens have eyes, and the Shu kingdom is saved! Who is he?

Today we will talk about why this person said this: First, let's look at the life of this person, Li Fu, a Yizhou person, at that time there was an official and a half-position, barely able to survive, later, Liu Bei entered Shu to attack Yizhou and eventually occupied Yizhou, Yizhou was managed by Liu Zhang, because he was overwhelmed by heavy responsibilities, so he was replaced by Liu Bei. In view of this reason, Li Fu accused Liu Bei of being unkind and unjust, and incidentally accused Zhuge Liang of playing the tiger.

Hearing of Zhuge Liang's death, this man shouted: The heavens have eyes, and the Shu kingdom is saved! Who is he?

Because of this incident, Li Fu had been working against Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang, and Liu Bei, in order to appease the people's hearts, did not criticize him much and gave him the title of official. But there is no reuse, in Liu Bei's view, this person has average ability, and likes to play right and wrong, and does not want to do more with him. Second, when Zhuge Liang was working hard for the Northern Expedition for the Shu State, Li Fu again stood up against it, believing that the Shu State's current military strength was immature, and there were not enough people to deal with the enemy, and the Northern Expedition would only cost the people and money.

Hearing of Zhuge Liang's death, this man shouted: The heavens have eyes, and the Shu kingdom is saved! Who is he?

Therefore, after Zhuge Liang's death, he quickly went to Liu Chan to criticize Zhuge Liang's practices, and the final result was that he was executed by Liu Chan. To sum up, Li Fu was most likely jealous of Zhuge Liang's talents, and it was because one of his mouths killed himself, and the final result was taken for granted. What else do you think?

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