
Olmikron virus symptoms like a "big" cold? Chamberlain interprets the clinical manifestations of the virus

Source: CCTV

CCTV news: For the outbreak of the local Aomi Kerong mutation strain in Tianjin this time, some netizens said that the symptoms were like a "big" cold. So what are the characteristics of the clinical manifestations of Ami Kerong? How is it treated? Listen to what Zhang Boli, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said.

Zhang Boli, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering: Western medicine pays attention to the virus, and Chinese medicine pays attention to the symptoms. Traditional Chinese medicine concern symptoms and Wuhan Delta virus is indeed different, from the current grasp of about 100 patients at home and abroad, the initial symptoms of external wind chill, the beginning of no phlegm, dry cough, treatment and before the change, to promote lung exorcism, and now has achieved good results.

70% of the patients with new crown pneumonia in Tianjin in this round are children, and the Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine has sent pediatricians to enter the designated hospital for treatment.

Zhang Boli, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering: We have sent 3 pediatric chief physicians to enter (designated hospitals), all of whom are relatively high-level doctors, and the task we give them is "one person, one policy" to control the child's illness as soon as possible.

At present, Chinese medicine preparations are also involved in the preventive treatment process of confirmed cases and close contacts.

Zhang Boli, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering: The symptoms of the Omicejong virus are not too severe, some people say that it is a "big" cold, (the two) are still different. More than 50% of patients abroad have persistent symptoms, that is, sequelae, the general flu will not appear such symptoms, and with the original underlying disease, individual immune status have a certain relationship, so can not be taken lightly. Vaccines still have to be given, and the effect of preventing and treating severe diseases and reducing mortality is still very strong.

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