
13 of the best Italian desserts, including your favorite tiramisu and croissants

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Italy is the cradle of European culture, with a splendid ancient Roman civilization, the origin of the Renaissance, out of Dante, Leonardo da Vinci and many other legends.

Pasta and pizza are famous all over the world, and in addition to this there is so much variety of desserts, there are desserts on the street or in restaurants that constantly tease your taste buds, you don't even have to wonder if there will be sweets after dinner, the answer is always loud Sí, Sí!

If you like desserts with different flavors, then the italian desserts that come next will be perfect for you.

13 of the best Italian desserts, including your favorite tiramisu and croissants

1. Apple stuffing apfelstrudel

Where can I find the best? — Trentino – Alto Adige al-Adige, Altirol

When you think of Italian desserts, traditional apple strudels may be the furthest thing in your head, but in this vast northern region of Italy, where Alpine peaks tower over green alpine meadows and there are plenty of apples, apple rolls and other baked goods all year round, all popular. If you like delicious apple pie, you'll find the best apfelstrudel fruit rolls at Trentino-Alto Adige!

13 of the best Italian desserts, including your favorite tiramisu and croissants

2. Ice cream Gelato, everywhere! Everywhere

Imagine walking around in Italy with a glass of ice cream, and that's the image of an Italian. This gelato is delicious and outweighs many famous Italian desserts. You will find shops selling gelato anywhere in every region of the country. From classic flavors like pistachios and crackers (chocolate chip sweet cream) to exotic flavors of Ricotta cheese and licorice, there's also a variety of fruit flavours. Gelato It is made in small batches, quickly frozen it is fresher and more delicious. Merchants don't use ice cream spoons, and authentic stuff is thrown with a flat shovel.

13 of the best Italian desserts, including your favorite tiramisu and croissants

3. Tiramisu Tiramisu, Veneto - Treviso Trveiso-Veneto

Made from coffee-soaked shortbread and multi-layered cheese, this invigorating dessert literally translates to "pick me up." Sweets can also be infused with wine, which, while not essential, has a very unique taste. This dessert was invented and popular in Italy, but most American restaurants sell it on their menus, and today, tiramisu has become one of the most popular Italian delicacies in the United States. Whether packed in a single glass or cut into small pieces like a cake and enjoyed with a spoon, it's great. There are many varieties, including fruits such as strawberries and even peanut butter flavors.

13 of the best Italian desserts, including your favorite tiramisu and croissants
13 of the best Italian desserts, including your favorite tiramisu and croissants

4. Cream rolls cannoli, Sicily

The word cannoli is plural (cannolo is singular), so be careful not to use "a cannoli" to describe it. A popular Italian dessert (dolci) from Sicily, the fried crispy tubular biscuits are filled with sweet ricotta cheese, while others are mixed with chocolate, preserves or pistachios. Cannoli is a traditional Sicilian dessert, but you'll find it all over the country, and depending on where you are in Italy, the cream filling may also be mixed with chocolate or chocolate chips.

13 of the best Italian desserts, including your favorite tiramisu and croissants

5. Panna Cotta, Piedmont

This traditional Italian dessert originated in the Piemonte region of Italy, famous for its dairy products, meaning "cooked cream". The fresh cream is thickened with gelatin and then placed in a dome-shaped mold until solidified and formed. Put some fresh fruit or drizzle with chocolate or caramel sauce, and some may be mixed with coffee, vanilla, or other flavorings in the cream.

13 of the best Italian desserts, including your favorite tiramisu and croissants

6. Sfogliatelle, Naples-Campania

Sfogliatelle (pronounced "sfoo-yah-TELL-eh") is a traditional Italian pastry from Naples. Sfogliatelle is the most famous dessert in Naples, and the word means "lobster tail", referring to the layered structure of the shell that becomes crisp when baked. The delicate pastry is filled with a mixture of sweet ricotta cheese and citrus peel, giving it the right amount of sweetness. It's fun to eat, and most importantly, it's possible to enjoy it here almost every day. You'll love the afternoon with dessert, soaking up the sun and the gentle breeze of the Mediterranean.

13 of the best Italian desserts, including your favorite tiramisu and croissants

7. Cantucci cantucci, Tuscany

The marziers that have been baked twice start in Tuscany. The traditional cantucci is made without butter or vegetable oil, the dough is cut into small pieces, baked, then cut diagonally with a serrated knife, and then baked the biscuits one last time to dry them to form a typical crunchy texture. Some almonds need to be put in place, but it is also possible to replace things such as chocolate chips, hazelnuts, pistachios or dried fruits. Traditionally, these cookies are enjoyed after a meal with Tuscan liqueur Vin Santo, but they are also perfect for making coffee, tea or cappuccino. Store in a sealed container and not get wet for weeks!

13 of the best Italian desserts, including your favorite tiramisu and croissants

8. Pannettone, Lombardy- Milan

Italian sweet bread originated in Milan and is now found throughout Italy. The flocculent cake features raisins and candied citrus peels. It is fluffy and fruity and is often eaten at Christmas and New Year's parties. Often used in conjunction with hot drinks or liqueurs, or cut into thin slices and toasted, mixed with sweet cream mascarpone.

13 of the best Italian desserts, including your favorite tiramisu and croissants

9. Tartuf tartufo, Pizzo in Calabria

Tartufo, meaning "truffle", is a chocolate-wrapped bomb with two flavors of ice cream and a syrup in between.

Pastry chef Giuseppe de Maria got its name from celebrating an important wedding by making ice cream into a ball, surrounded by melted chocolate, and sprinkling it with sugar and cocoa powder. Since then, this dessert has become popular in Pizzo, which is arguably the ice cream capital of the country. To this day, Tartufo di Pizzo is still made from chocolate and hazelnut ice cream and is hailed as one of the best desserts in the world. This is also a certified IGP (Geographical Protection Labeling) product, which means that only tartufo produced by Pizzo can carry this label.

13 of the best Italian desserts, including your favorite tiramisu and croissants

Zeppole, Lazio and Puglia

These light, fluffy puffs are one of the traditional Roman desserts. Put them in a paper bag and shake them well with powdered sugar for classic Italian street food, which can also be served on a plate and dipped in chocolate or raspberry sauce. The high-end ones are topped with cream and cherry or blackberries. March 19 is the San Giuseppe Festival in Rome, Zeppole is a sacred gift for the saints, on the day hawkers will sell this fried puff, which is the famous Zeppole di San Giuseppe.

13 of the best Italian desserts, including your favorite tiramisu and croissants

11. Barbarum, Campania-Naples

The rum-soaked sponge cake became the symbol of Naples in the Campania region. Despite its close ties to southern Italy, this crazy food, known as "Baba Napoli," actually originated in Eastern Europe.

Private chefs serving the nobility brought sweets to Naples, where they quickly became popular. The cake is baked in a separate cylindrical mold and then soaked in a rums-infused citrus syrup. It can be served with a pinch of whipped cream, but it's also very tasty to eat alone.

13 of the best Italian desserts, including your favorite tiramisu and croissants

12. Pasticciotto, Puglialeche

This dessert resembles a round mini pie with a flaky rind, but the real surprise is still in it. Traditional Apulian Pasticciotto filled with creamy egg liquid filling, garnished with black cherries! This dessert can also be found in other parts of Italy, filled with syrup fillings, creamy egg mixture and creamy chocolate. The small round dessert makes the dinner even sweeter and full of happiness.

13 of the best Italian desserts, including your favorite tiramisu and croissants

13.Brioches / Cornetti croissants, everywhere! Everywhere

The production process of croissants is complicated and time-consuming, and it takes three folding and three refrigeration processes to make a triangle shape, then coated with apricot fruit jam, chocolate sauce or cream and rolled up, brushed on the outer layer of egg yolk paste, sprinkled with sugar, baked until golden brown, croissant is usually divided into sweet, salty, hollow, cream, jam, chocolate filling.

13 of the best Italian desserts, including your favorite tiramisu and croissants

Food knows no borders, food is always on the road, taste different hearts the same, thank you for your support and attention!

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