
Culture + Technology! Create a unique "Hefei flavor"

Focus on the 2022 Hefei Two Sessions

Shaping new symbols of urban culture

You can add a little more "technology flavor"

CPPCC members discuss building a "city of culture"

Culture is the soul of a city, reflecting the temperature and temperament of the city. During the two sessions of Hefei, "how to build a city of culture" became a hot topic at the two sessions. Many CPPCC members proposed that Hefei, as a city with "Kolico Qi", should give more prominence to the "taste of science and technology" to build a city of culture, shape a unique new symbol of urban culture, and make the city's unique cultural atmosphere more intense.

CPPCC Member Hong Fang:

Shape a new symbol of "scientific and technological innovation" urban culture

Culture + Technology! Create a unique "Hefei flavor"

Night view of Hefei Swan Lake. Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Li Bin)

When it comes to the image of a city, it is often a unique cultural symbol that makes people impressed: for example, Shanghai has Shanghai culture, Nanjing has Qinhuai culture, Hangzhou has Jiangnan culture... So, what are the cultural symbols of Hefei?

This question has aroused the thinking of Hong Fang, a member of the CPPCC Municipal Committee. At the two sessions of Hefei This year, he brought a "Proposal on Implementing three major projects to promote the rejuvenation of the city through culture."

Each city's culture and literature have their own characteristics, but also the driving force of cultural development, Hong Fang believes that the driving force of Hefei's cultural literature and art is scientific and technological innovation. As a literary and art worker, Hong Fang believes that creating a new culture belonging to Hefei is the focus of Hefei's cultural and artistic development.

"Scientific and technological innovation is a distinctive symbol and symbol of Hefei, and it is also a distinctive city business card. Culture and literature focus on scientific and technological innovation to create Hefei science and technology culture. Hong Fang suggested that we should compile a development plan for Hefei's science and technology culture, integrate cultural resources, strengthen brand building, concentrate on major boutiques, and effectively promote the construction of Hefei's cultural strong city.

For how to build a culturally strong city with Hefei characteristics, HongFang also has some ideas. He suggested that "three major projects" can be implemented: the science and technology theme culture improvement project, the brand project (to create the Hefei Science and Technology Culture and Art Festival) and the boutique project (to create scientific and technological literary and artistic products).

For example, it integrates the cultural resources of all parties, organizes the science and technology culture and art festival, organizes the compilation of Hefei science and technology culture series of books, and creates a number of scientific and technological literary and artistic works, including novels, reportages, theme poems, etc. On the basis of existing or future novels, we will create and shoot TV dramas based on Hefei's scientific and technological innovation, etc., and deepen people's impression and memory of Hefei's "scientific and technological cultural symbols" in rich forms and carriers.

CPPCC Member Jiang Xiaojuan:

Empowering the old industrial base with "culture +"

Culture + Technology! Create a unique "Hefei flavor"

The face of the old industrial city of Hefei Yaohai is undergoing a rapidly changing charm transmutation

The old factories and old parks left by the old industrial base not only carry people's memories of struggle, but also the unique style of a city. This year's Hefei "Government Work Report" proposed to "implement major public cultural facilities construction projects, use idle office buildings and factories, build public cultural facilities, and enhance urban cultural taste".

This content has attracted the attention of Jiang Xiaojuan, a member of the CPPCC Municipal Committee, who brought a "Proposal on Implementing the "Culture +" Strategy and Promoting the Commercial and Trade Service Industry in Yaohai District, which focused on the adjustment and transformation of the old industrial zone in Yaohai.

Jiang Xiaojuan said that Yaohai District is a demonstration urban area for the adjustment and transformation of the old industrial base in the country, and the "Government Work Report" clearly states that it is necessary to "build Laohe Steel into an industrial memory center." How to enhance the cultural influence and consumption attractiveness of Yaohai District, and promote the optimization and upgrading of traditional business and trade service industries? Jiang Xiaojuan believes that it is still necessary to make a fuss around the word "culture".

"It is necessary to enhance the quality, taste, scale and influence of the commercial and trade service industry through 'cultural integration, cultural leadership, and cultural empowerment', and enhance the vitality of economic and social development in urban areas." She brought some specific suggestions, such as: the old Hefei Motor Factory plant has been included in the "Hefei Historical Building", suggested protective use, installation modification to create "Hefei Home Appliance Culture Expo", etc.

Jiang Xiaojuan said that "culture +" can also empower the development of the commercial and trade service industry. For example, combined with the transformation of Xiangdian City Village, the implementation of the Xiangdian Road optimization and upgrading project, the construction of "Huachong Xiang Street", the way of "withdrawing stalls into the store", the revival of the original Huachong flea market, to create a set of culture, shopping, food, entertainment, leisure as one of the characteristics of the cultural and leisure commercial pedestrian street.

CPPCC Member Wu Hao:

"Traditional culture" needs "modern expression" to make "traffic" and "retention" both

Culture + Technology! Create a unique "Hefei flavor"

Network Infographic

Li Hongzhang's former residence, Sanhe Ancient Town, Bao Park, Xiaoyaojin... Hefei has a number of cultural tourism resources rich in historical and cultural heritage. How to tell the story of traditional culture well has become the content of Wu Hao, a member of the CPPCC Municipal Committee.

"At present, with the rise of a new generation of consumers, higher requirements have been put forward for both cultural tourism and commerce." Wu Hao said that traditional culture needs to enhance "modern expression", and suggested relying on Hefei's strong scientific and technological resources, paying attention to planning the integrated development of "cultural tourism + technology", empowering cultural tourism with science and technology, and creating a series of works of "Light and Shadow Hefei" with theme characteristics and artistic bits.

For example, in cultural tourism landmark attractions and public leisure gathering places at night, city squares, community parks and other places, the use of AR technology, 3D projection shows and other interactive technology applications to create immersive science and technology cultural tourism scenes and brand projects, through scene creation to leverage the market.

Wu Hao also suggested that through creative empowerment, we should retain the cultural heritage and memory of "intensive cultivation".

"Culture is the soul of a city, but many foreigners come to Hefei without knowing what gifts to take away, nor do they know what the slogan of Cultural Tourism in Hefei is." Wu Hao suggested that Hefei can uniformly design cultural tourism slogans, logos and cultural and creative series gifts, such as the Baogong series of cultural and creative products, so that consumers can shift from purposeful purchase to experiential purchase, and make good use of the traffic value of the current "Hefei celebrities" and network big V, package and tap a group of local "cultural tourism promotion officers" in Anhui and Hefei, and realize the high-quality marketing of Hefei cultural tourism "both inside and face", so that "traffic" and "retention" can be combined.





Hefei Newspaper All-Media Reporter: Jiang Yuxiang Liu Meimei Lotte Yinzi Wei Xiaomin Zhuang Wenqian Source: Hefei Evening News Editor: Zhou Nan

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