
The popular science caravan entered the campus to ignite the dream of scientific and technological innovation of Qingyang baby

author:Splendid green sheep

Robot performances, science experiments, aerospace-themed dances, popular science mobile service vehicles...... On the morning of May 16, the campus of Chengdu Shuangyanjing Primary School was full of science and technology. Sponsored by the Qingyang District Education Bureau and the Qingyang District Science and Technology Association, the 13th "Qingyang Cup" Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition and the launching ceremony of the popular science caravan into the campus with the theme of "Science and Technology Pursue Dreams and Innovate for a Better Future" opened here.

The popular science caravan entered the campus to ignite the dream of scientific and technological innovation of Qingyang baby

"This little robot is so good!" "This is an animal specimen, it's amazing to see it for the first time." "It turns out that there are so many uses of drones, it's amazing...... "The popular science caravan carried a variety of scientific and technological exhibits into the campus, the exhibits cover virtual technology, electromagnetism, optics, mechanics and other aspects of subject knowledge, the charm and magic of science and technology inspired the students to explore and seek knowledge, ignited their dream of scientific and technological innovation.

The popular science caravan entered the campus to ignite the dream of scientific and technological innovation of Qingyang baby

"Before graduating, we participated in the design of the school's Galaxy Museum, and we are very happy and proud to have been selected." At the opening ceremony, Zhan Qiwen, a student from the sixth grade of the school, and his friends took the stage to share their ideas and ideas on designing the school's Galaxy Museum. "For example, the ceiling, floor, and walls are all designed with black non-woven fabrics, and the three exhibition areas of the Earth, the Moon, and Mars are all connected by the galaxy, which makes people feel immersive." Zhan Qiwen said that they also designed a triangular prism display screen to apply multimedia technology to the museum. Also on the stage to share was Yuan Shiqi, the sixth-grade designer of the Galaxy Museum logo, "The logo I designed not only has elements of the galaxy, but also integrates the elements of the school's osmanthus tree, which looks very simple. It is understood that the school's Galaxy Museum will be officially completed next month, which will become the main front for students' scientific and technological innovation exchanges.

The popular science caravan entered the campus to ignite the dream of scientific and technological innovation of Qingyang baby

Under the guidance of the teacher, the students gave full play to their imagination by consulting a large number of materials about the galaxy, watching relevant documentaries and movies, running science fiction tabloids, writing science fiction homework diaries, collecting ancient poems about the galaxy, painting science fiction paintings, and feeling the mysteries of the universe together.

The popular science caravan entered the campus to ignite the dream of scientific and technological innovation of Qingyang baby

Science fiction writer Liu Jun presented one of his masterpieces - the children's fiction novel "Science Trick or Treat" to the school, and he was also hired by the school as the vice principal of science popularization outside the school. Liu Jun brought a lecture on "Looking Up at the Stars and Heart Like the Sea - Cultivating the Scientific Spirit of Teenagers" to the students, through interesting videos, vivid stories and in-depth explanations, so that teenagers can deeply understand and truly feel the progress of science and technology and the development of the times, help them open the door to science, and enhance the source of power to explore advanced science and technology and create a better future.

"This event provides a rich platform for display and exchange, so that students can have a deeper understanding of science and technology, love science, and cultivate interest and enthusiasm for science and technology." Wu Jia, Secretary of the Party Branch and Principal of Chengdu Shuangyanjing Primary School, said that the school will continue to promote the organic integration and connection of the school's main position and social resources by building a new model of "1+N" science curriculum integration, learn science in multiple ways, and comprehensively improve students' scientific literacy.

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