
2023 Wang Xuan Outstanding Young Scholar Award: Two scholars will receive an award of 500,000 yuan each

author:Photo China

On the morning of May 15, 2024, the 2023 Wang Xuan Outstanding Young Scholar Award Ceremony was held in the Science Lecture Hall of Peking University Library. The award is funded by the Wang Xuan Young Scholars Award Fund of Peking University, and mainly rewards outstanding young scholars with outstanding independent innovation and application achievements in the fields of applied mathematics and computer science. After the process of recommendation, selection and publicity, the results of the Wang Xuan Outstanding Young Scholar Award in the field of computer and applied mathematics in mainland China were announced, and Professor Dong Bin of Peking University and Professor Qiao Yu of Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory won the 2023 Wang Xuan Outstanding Young Scholar Award.

2023 Wang Xuan Outstanding Young Scholar Award: Two scholars will receive an award of 500,000 yuan each

Chen Kunbao, Hao Ping, Zhang Bo and Wang Xinxia presented certificates and trophies to Dong Bin and Qiao Yu. China Network reporter Yang Nan photography

A commemorative promotional video of Mr. Wang Xuan was played at the ceremony. Mr. Wang Xuan is the inventor of Chinese character information processing and laser phototypesetting system, the winner of the highest national science and technology award, and was awarded the title of "Reform Pioneer" and "The Most Beautiful Struggler".

Wang Xuan distinguished the winners of the Outstanding Young Scholar Award and the Young Scholar Award to deliver speeches. They expressed their gratitude to the founders and funders of the award, and said that it is both an honor and a responsibility to receive this heavy award, and they will keep in mind the deeds and entrustment of Mr. Wang Xuan in the future, and move forward bravely on the road of scientific research and exploration.

2023 Wang Xuan Outstanding Young Scholar Award: Two scholars will receive an award of 500,000 yuan each

Professor Dong Bin of Peking University delivered an acceptance speech. China Network reporter Yang Nan photography

2023 Wang Xuan Outstanding Young Scholar Award: Two scholars will receive an award of 500,000 yuan each

Qiao Yu, a professor at Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, delivered an acceptance speech. China Network reporter Yang Nan photography

Extended reading:


Dong Bin is a tenured professor at the Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research, deputy director of the International Center for Machine Learning, a researcher at the National Center for Biomedical Imaging Science, and a vice president of the Changsha Institute of Computing and Digital Economy, Peking University. His main research areas are scientific computing and machine learning. Together with his collaborators, he revealed the deep connection between partial differential equations and wavelets, and inspired new algorithms to solve complex computational imaging problems. The connection between differential equations and deep neural networks was established, and a methodology for mechanism and data fusion was developed to solve challenging scientific computing problems.

Reason for the award: In recognition of Professor Dong Bin's outstanding contribution to mathematical modeling in image processing and data analysis, this award is hereby presented.

Qiao Yu is a professor and leading scientist of Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, and a part-time researcher at the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Qiao Yu is engaged in the field of computer vision and deep learning, in recent years, he has focused on general-purpose large models, and led the development of the first general-purpose large-scale model "Shusheng" in China that covers a wide range of visual tasks, and the benchmark task performance is internationally leading.

Reason for the award: In view of Professor Qiao Yu's outstanding contributions in the field of computer vision and deep learning based on general-purpose large models, this award is hereby awarded.