
The Jin Dynasty brought the "shame of Jingkang" to the Song Dynasty and abducted members of the imperial family, how fierce was the revenge of the Song Dynasty?


"Jing Kang shame, Yu Wei Xue, courtier hate, when will it be extinguished." In 1127 AD, the powerful Jin State invaded the Song Kingdom and inhumanized the Song Dynasty soldiers and civilians, while the humiliation and persecution of the Northern Song imperial family was also shocking.

The Jin Dynasty brought the "shame of Jingkang" to the Song Dynasty and abducted members of the imperial family, how fierce was the revenge of the Song Dynasty?

The wheel of history keeps turning, the so-called feng shui turns, more than a hundred years later, the Jin Kingdom has no power to fight back in the face of the joint attack between Mongolia and the Southern Song Dynasty, and the Jin Aizong is like the Song Huizong of Jing Kang, who passed the throne to the son of the clan in a panic, which is the late Jin Emperor. According to records, the late Jin Emperor was probably the shortest emperor in history to succeed to the throne.

The Jin Dynasty brought the "shame of Jingkang" to the Song Dynasty and abducted members of the imperial family, how fierce was the revenge of the Song Dynasty?

He may have taken the throne in less than an hour (two hours), the Jin Dynasty was destroyed, the royal family of the Jin Kingdom was slaughtered under the attack of the roaring Mongol iron hooves and the hatred-filled Southern Song army, the last emperor died without a corpse, and the bloody tragedy that the Jin State once gave to the Northern Song Dynasty is now all staged in the land of the Jin Kingdom.

The Jin Dynasty brought the "shame of Jingkang" to the Song Dynasty and abducted members of the imperial family, how fierce was the revenge of the Song Dynasty?

The Jurchens established the country and joined the Song Dynasty to destroy the Liao

During the reign of Emperor Huizong of the Northern Song Dynasty, the Jurchen tribe established a state under the leadership of the leader Guanyan Akuta, with Jin as the national name. The first thing after the founding of the country was to deal with their old enemy, the Liao State.

Because when the Liao state was strong, it was to bully the Jurchens to their homes, and the Nagan claimed that the vassals were basic operations, and they also captured the Jurchens as slaves at every turn, and their status was not even as good as that of cattle. But after all, the dead camels were bigger than horses, and although the Liao state was late, its combat effectiveness could not be underestimated, so the Jin state set its sights on the Song kingdom in the south.

The Jin Dynasty brought the "shame of Jingkang" to the Song Dynasty and abducted members of the imperial family, how fierce was the revenge of the Song Dynasty?

The purpose of the Jinguo lian song to destroy the Liao was to eliminate their old enemies faster, but from the perspective of the Song, the Lianjin and the Liao were to break the balance of power, and it was likely to be countered.

This was originally a strategic deployment that needed to be carefully discussed, but at this time, the reigning Emperor Huizong of Song, who was obsessed with the world of flowers and birds literature, coupled with the miasma of the Northern Song Dynasty at that time, the traitors were in charge, so Song quickly attacked the Liao with the Jin Alliance.

The Jin Dynasty brought the "shame of Jingkang" to the Song Dynasty and abducted members of the imperial family, how fierce was the revenge of the Song Dynasty?

With the support of the Song, Jin attacked the Liao on a large scale without worries, and the Army of the Liao State quickly collapsed under the iron hooves of the Jin State, without any resistance.

Song saw that the Liao army was vulnerable, and sent troops to beat the water dogs, but did not want to be defeated by the Liao, and could only return to the division. In the end, Jin destroyed the Liao, and the Song had nothing to gain except for the harvest of several cities and pools in Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures that had been looted, and the great defeat of the Song army in the war against the Liao also made the Jin State see the Song's foreign strengths.

The Jin Dynasty brought the "shame of Jingkang" to the Song Dynasty and abducted members of the imperial family, how fierce was the revenge of the Song Dynasty?

Absurd Heavenly Son, The Fall of Fenjing

Less than a year after the Jin Dynasty destroyed the Liao, it launched a large-scale attack southwards, and the Song army was vulnerable, and the army soon attacked the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty.

At the time of crisis, the veteran general Zhongshi Dao brought troops from the northwest, and the main battle faction headed by Li Gang in the Northern Song Dynasty actively responded to the battle, plus the capital city was very rich, and the grain in the city was so large that it could be eaten for several years.

The Jin Dynasty brought the "shame of Jingkang" to the Song Dynasty and abducted members of the imperial family, how fierce was the revenge of the Song Dynasty?

At this time, Emperor Huizong of Song had already passed the throne to his son Song Qinzong, and he himself became the Emperor Taishang of Qiao, seeing that the crisis in Beijing had been solved, the Emperor Taishang and emperor of the Song Kingdom began to live a life of drunken dreams and death, and soon the surrender faction occupied the dominance of the imperial court, Li Gang and other main war factions were excluded and degraded, and the veteran general Seed Master Dao was also released from Beijing, and died of illness not long after.

The Song State's self-destruction of the Great Wall was completely seen by the Jin State, so in the next year, the Jin army once again went south and attacked Beijing directly. In fact, at this time, in the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, because of the previous victory, the morale of the military and the people was very high, and the local reinforcements were constantly rushing to the capital, and it was not impossible to defend the capital to repel the Jin army.

The Jin Dynasty brought the "shame of Jingkang" to the Song Dynasty and abducted members of the imperial family, how fierce was the revenge of the Song Dynasty?

However, at this time, the Second Emperor Hui Qin began their riotous operation again, and they listened to the words of a jianghu warlock, who led thousands of "heavenly soldiers" who were "invincible" to the city gate, until a bad tempered golden soldier shot an arrow and killed a "heavenly soldier", and these heavenly soldiers suddenly fled in all directions, the gate of the capital city was wide open, and the capital fell.

The Jin Dynasty brought the "shame of Jingkang" to the Song Dynasty and abducted members of the imperial family, how fierce was the revenge of the Song Dynasty?

The shame of Jing Kang, the royal family lament

The capital fell, the Song state was in danger, the Second Emperor wanted to negotiate peace with the Jin Kingdom, Jin demanded that the Song hand over the concubines and the Emperor Ji, the Second Emperor was unwilling, so thousands of innocent singers, prostitutes, and civilian women were forcibly arrested and sent to the Jin Army, and for a time the shouts and cries in the capital shook the earth.

As a result, the Jin Kingdom sent news that the quality of these women was not high, and three thousand virgins were needed, and the Second Emperor ordered the arrest of 3,000 virgins to give to the Jin Army, and at the same time sent a huge amount of gold, but it still could not meet the number required by the Jin State, so in the second year of Jing Kang, the Jin soldiers broke into the city, abducted the Second Emperor and also captured thousands of Song Dynasty royal families and clan daughters.

The Jin Dynasty brought the "shame of Jingkang" to the Song Dynasty and abducted members of the imperial family, how fierce was the revenge of the Song Dynasty?

It is recorded in the Records of the Southern Expedition that "two thousand women entered the village. "Women are not vulnerable to wolves ravaging or being killed. In February, Yifu Diji was raped to death, and in March, Xiangyun Diji, Jin'er Diji, and Xianlang Diji were all trampled to death.

Among them, Yifu is only 17 years old, and the other three emperors are only 16 years old. In April, the Jin soldiers abducted more than 3,400 royal female relatives such as Princess Wang and Zong Ji from Kaifeng, braving heavy rain to march and escort, due to the heavy rain for several days, the carriage leaked heavily, and some female relatives hid near the tent in order to avoid the rain, and as a result, they were immediately gang-raped and insulted by jin soldiers, and nearly half of the female relatives died on the way to escort.

The Jin Dynasty brought the "shame of Jingkang" to the Song Dynasty and abducted members of the imperial family, how fierce was the revenge of the Song Dynasty?

The humiliation suffered by the imperial family of the Song Dynasty after being captured in the Jin Kingdom was even more jaw-dropping, first of all, the "sheep-leading ceremony", under the hostage of the Jin soldiers, they were stripped of their clothes, draped in sheep's skin, tied with ropes around their necks, and led like sheep to show the public.

Emperor Huizong of the Jin Dynasty invited the guests to a banquet and summoned Emperor Huizong, saying that he had a crush on Emperor Fujin, but Emperor Huizong did not agree, and Emperor Huizong raped Emperor Huizong on the spot, and forced Emperor Huizong to watch, and emperor Ji, who could not bear the humiliation, committed suicide on the spot, and Emperor Huizong and others did not hesitate to continue to make fun of Emperor Huizong.

The Jin Dynasty brought the "shame of Jingkang" to the Song Dynasty and abducted members of the imperial family, how fierce was the revenge of the Song Dynasty?

According to records, the 22 princesses of Emperor Huizong of Song were sold as commodities, and these princesses were all occupied by the Jin royal family, and almost all of them died in torture.

Jin Jun would also send some of the princesses to a place called "Huan Yi Yuan", which was not a place to wash clothes, but a brothel that selected women as casually as clothes, and many female relatives chose to commit suicide in physical insults and spiritual torture.

The Jin Dynasty brought the "shame of Jingkang" to the Song Dynasty and abducted members of the imperial family, how fierce was the revenge of the Song Dynasty?

In order to humiliate the Second Emperor, the Jin people gave Emperor Huizong of Song the title of "Duke of Duande" and Emperor Qinzong of Song the title of "Marquis of Chongxiao". Eight years after being captured, Emperor Huizong died of illness, and Emperor Qinzong of Song lived until 1156, when it is said that the king of hailing in the Jin kingdom forced Qinzong to play polo, and the sick Andejong fell off his horse and was trampled by the horseshoe of the Jin people for meat paste.

The shame of Jingkang has become a nightmare that has not been dispersed in the Song Dynasty for a hundred years, and it is also a shame in the process of human civilization, in which the trampling and trampling of life, especially women, by the Jin people is still chilling to read.

The Jin Dynasty brought the "shame of Jingkang" to the Song Dynasty and abducted members of the imperial family, how fierce was the revenge of the Song Dynasty?

The death of the Golden Kingdom, the reincarnation of the Heavenly Dao

As a nomadic people in the north, the Jin State was good at fighting but not good at management, which made the Jin State's taxes disorderly, and the military salaries could not be supplied quickly, and then the first rats were at both ends, and the words were not trustworthy, so that the alliance with the Western Xia was broken, and in the face of the rise of Mongolia and the Southern Song Dynasty, the Jin State was isolated and helpless, and the war situation continued to deteriorate.

When the Jin Dynasty was at the end of its rope, it still wanted to unite with the Southern Song Dynasty to jointly resist the Mongols, but the bloody and humiliating shame of Jingkang had not yet passed a hundred years, and the insults and tortures that the Jin State spared no room for the Song Dynasty royal family and the people in the shame of Jingkang also made him lose his way back, and the Southern Song Dynasty's determination to destroy Jin at this time was better than the determination to destroy the Liao more than a hundred years ago, and constantly transported grain to Mongolia to help it destroy gold.

The Jin Dynasty brought the "shame of Jingkang" to the Song Dynasty and abducted members of the imperial family, how fierce was the revenge of the Song Dynasty?

Seeing that the general trend was gone, Emperor Aizong of Jin followed the example of Emperor Huizong of Song and passed the throne to the son of the clan, the famous emperor of the late Jin Dynasty in history. The late Jin Emperor did not even participate in his own enthronement ceremony before leading the army to fight, and finally died in the rebellion.

The Jin Dynasty brought the "shame of Jingkang" to the Song Dynasty and abducted members of the imperial family, how fierce was the revenge of the Song Dynasty?

In April 1233, the empress dowager, empress, concubines, and other members of the royal family of the Jin Dynasty were escorted north. According to records, there were as many as 37 vehicles escorting members of the royal family at that time.

When these people arrived in Mongolia, the female dependents were trampled and tortured like princesses and princesses in the shame of Jingkang, circulating like commodities in the hands of the Mongol nobles for fun, and the men became the slaves of the Mongols. The so-called Reincarnation of the Heavenly Dao, this scene, is very similar to the humiliation of the Jin people towards the Northern Song Dynasty royal family at that time.

The Jin Dynasty brought the "shame of Jingkang" to the Song Dynasty and abducted members of the imperial family, how fierce was the revenge of the Song Dynasty?

It is said that Jin Aizong chose to hang himself in order to avoid the insults of the Mongols, and also instructed his attendants to cremate him, but he failed to do so, and the Mongol and Southern Song armies rushed in, on the one hand, the cruel and burst Mongol army, on the other hand, the Southern Song army with itchy teeth.

The body of Emperor Jin Ai was cut in half in the scramble and brought back to apply for merit, and the final dignity pursued by Jin Aizong certainly did not exist.

The Jin Dynasty brought the "shame of Jingkang" to the Song Dynasty and abducted members of the imperial family, how fierce was the revenge of the Song Dynasty?

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