
The real situation of "devils entering the village" in history is unbearable, don't be brainwashed by the anti-war drama


In the current anti-war drama, we can see many scenes of "ghosts entering the village". The so-called "devils" refer to The Japanese soldiers, whose actions in China left many people with traumatic. However, in fact, the "devils entering the village" shown in the anti-war drama is not real, and the real situation of "devils entering the village" in history is unbearable. Do you know?

The real situation of "devils entering the village" in history is unbearable, don't be brainwashed by the anti-war drama

1) Japanese invasion

The War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression refers to the all-out war of Resistance against Japanese aggression in World War II, referred to as the War of Resistance. In World War II, China became one of the main battlefields, and I don't know how much blood was shed. Dissatisfied with its own territorial size, the Japanese army was very eager to invade other countries and occupy them. At that time, China became a target of the Japanese army. The reason is simple, China itself was much behind other countries at that time, and the cowardice of the government at that time also allowed the Japanese army to gradually expand its ambitions.

In the beginning they simply signed a treaty in which the government inexplicably cut off the land for reparations. Later, they directly began to invade, and the "mainland policy" was defined as the basic national policy.

The real situation of "devils entering the village" in history is unbearable, don't be brainwashed by the anti-war drama

2) Why did the Japanese army enter the village

During the war, the Japanese army was very fond of reaching out to the unarmed people. So why did they go into the village? This involves fighting wars, because in wars, reserve resources are not necessarily available in real time. At this time, going directly to grab the food of the people is the fastest way for them.

And the people have no way to resist them, it is simply a good place to replenish resources. Many times they not only want to grab food to eat, but also grab some useful things, and even rob women.

The real situation of "devils entering the village" in history is unbearable, don't be brainwashed by the anti-war drama

3) The anti-war drama cannot be compared

Since they are invaders, they naturally have no polite attitude towards the people who are invaded. Now when I mention Japan, I often lament that Japanese people are very polite. However, during the war of aggression against China, their courtesy was gone. When they choose a particular village, it is simply a sweep. Whether it is good or bad, grab it first and then say it, and it exists if something you are not used to smashing and throwing it away.

The real situation of "devils entering the village" in history is unbearable, don't be brainwashed by the anti-war drama

If the people are not willing to give, they will not let you go, but will be treated more cruelly. In the past, many villages would be patrolled, and when they saw the whereabouts of the Japanese army, they would immediately report to the village and let children and women hide. After all, they sometimes work hard and will arrest people to work. Some traitors who defected to Japan would also help the Japanese army to seize some labor and help the Japanese army work.

In the anti-war drama, the Japanese army will also grab things. But when they grabbed it, it was obviously not in line with history, and it was too mild. Moreover, in the drama, the peasants will also use various means to make the Japanese army dizzy. But this is clearly not realistic. Because if the Japanese army is really so easy to be tricked, why should we fight for eight years?

The real situation of "devils entering the village" in history is unbearable, don't be brainwashed by the anti-war drama


To sum up, just look at the anti-war drama, don't take it seriously, don't be brainwashed. We must bear in mind this humiliating history, work hard to learn knowledge, and contribute our strength to the development of the motherland! What do you think about that?

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