
When Japan surrendered in 1945, Yan Xishan colluded with the remnants of the Japanese army to attack Xu Xiangqian, and the final outcome was what happened

Xu Xiangqian, proletarian revolutionary, military expert, and one of the founders of the Eyu-Anhui Revolutionary Base Area and the Red Army. Throughout his life, he was distinguished, frank and selfless, and considered the overall situation. He was the first contributor to laying the foundation of the Communist Party of China in the northwest. With three or four thousand troops, it dominated northern Sichuan, leaving the enemy's five-way army of hundreds of thousands helpless.

When Japan surrendered in 1945, Yan Xishan colluded with the remnants of the Japanese army to attack Xu Xiangqian, and the final outcome was what happened

Extinguish the fire dragon and swallow the remnants, and the moving army sings triumphantly

From October 1947 to April 1949, Xu Xiangqian, as deputy commander, commanded our army's troops to sweep through thousands of troops, and the momentum was unstoppable, and the entire territory of Shanxi was indestructible. During this period, he has been commanding operations with illness. During the Battle of Jinzhong, he was often unwell due to the unbearable climate, commanding troops on stretchers. Just after the battle of Jinzhong, he presided over the meeting when he was unwell, and at the meeting called on all commanders and fighters to be ready to go all out and complete all the preparations for the attack on Taiyuan as soon as possible. The central leadership was very concerned about his body, but he himself considered the work of the Party to be more important than his body. After the battle of Jinzhong, Xu Xiangqian's condition was already very serious at this time, and he stopped in Shijiazhuang for treatment, and the doctor suggested that he lie in bed and rest well, but he only lived for half a month before insisting on going to Xibaipo to attend the CCP meeting. On October 6, 1948, the day after the Battle of Taiyuan began, Xu Xiangqian, who was still hospitalized, disregarded his body and went to the Taiyuan front without stopping, and held meetings and deployment operations overnight. In the fierce battle for Dongshan, tired and tired during the march, Xu Xiangqian's illness further aggravated, and it was very difficult to even sleep and turn over. When Zhou Enlai, vice chairman of the Central Military Commission, learned of Xu Xiangqian's condition, he immediately sent two doctors to the Taiyuan front and called Xu Xiangqian to return to the rear to rest as soon as possible. But Xu Xiangqian believes that fighting is an order issued by the state, and the duty of a soldier is more important than his own life, and he absolutely cannot leave the front line. Xu Xiangqian briefly stayed in the small village next door, while treating diseases, while continuing to guide the work of the Taiyuan front. Xu Xiangqian is extremely conscientious and responsible for every work guidance task, the duty of a soldier is to obey orders, and Xu Xiangqian supports himself with the most heartfelt faith.

When Japan surrendered in 1945, Yan Xishan colluded with the remnants of the Japanese army to attack Xu Xiangqian, and the final outcome was what happened

Wei Wei tai xing wolf smoke, Li Wading Road Pass hidden bow strings

On August 15, 1945, Emperor Hirohito of Japan announced his acceptance of the Potsdam Proclamation of unconditional surrender, and China finally won the final victory of the War of Resistance, and the Japanese side led the Japanese troops to surrender to the Jinsui Army of the Kuomintang Yan Xishan as a representative. Motozumi Shin, a graduate of the Japanese Army Non-Commissioned Officer School, was a native of Ehime Prefecture, Japan, who was secretly retained by Yan Xishan after the surrender and did not return to Japan, and also dragged more than 2,000 Japanese troops to join Yan Xishan's troops, which caused heavy casualties to the People's Liberation Army in the later Liberation War. Yuanquan Xin even clamored to eliminate Xu Xiangqian in Jinzhong. Promoted to major general in 1943, Yuan Quanxin served as the commander of the Independent 14th Regiment of the Japanese Army on the eve of Japan's surrender, leading his troops from the northeast to the south to fight the Eighth Route Army in Shanxi. Before Emperor Hirohito officially announced his surrender, Yan Xishan had already learned of this news in advance, Yan Xishan had studied at the Japanese military academy, and had fought with the Japanese army many times during the War of Resistance, and he knew the combat effectiveness of the Japanese army very well, so he had a plan in his mind. Yan Xishan's conspiracy plan was echoed by the Japanese high command. Yan Xishan's idea was to enhance his anti-communist strength, and the purpose of the Japanese army was to use Yan Xishan's vain attempt to make a comeback in order to revive his fearless pathological militarism. In the subsequent battles, a large number of Yan Xishan's troops were annihilated by the Eighth Route Army, and Yan Xishan was seriously injured, which also deeply stimulated Yan Xishan to quickly complete his plan, Yuan Quanxin was also a self-conscious person, after learning that Yan Xishan wanted to retain the Japanese army, he showed great enthusiasm, and then rushed to Taiyuan to meet Yan Xishan, expressing his willingness to immediately take off the Japanese army uniform and change into the costume of the Jin army to serve Yan Xishan. Yan Xishan was overwhelmed by the reputation, appointed Yuanquan Xin as a lieutenant general adviser, Yuan Quanxin through his position, persuaded many Japanese troops to belong to Yan Xishan's subordinates, by the end of 1945, Yan Xishan retained as many as 7,000 Japanese troops, although the number is not much, but the combat effectiveness is very strong, in order to make good use of the strength of these Japanese troops, Yan Xishan invested a lot of money, let these Japanese troops to take on the task and responsibility of guarding the key lines of railway transportation. Soon after, the road guard was changed to an independent corps, and Motozumi was transferred to deputy commander to take charge of the Japanese army under his command. In 1948, after the Battle of Jinzhong began, Xu Xiangqian commanded the troops to annihilate Yan Xishan's ace troops in one fell swoop, and Yuanquan Xin went to Jinzhong with a headquarters composed mainly of Japanese troops to reinforce, indicating that he must eliminate Xu Xiangqian in Jinzhong; after Xu Xiangqian received information, he immediately deployed and surrounded the Tenth General Brigade in a narrow area of nearby villages, and in the fierce battle, the Japanese troops were wiped out, and Yuanquan xin was also seriously wounded. At this time, Yuan Quanxin woke up like a dream, knowing very well that the Chinese people could never be overthrown, and the Chinese people under the leadership of the Communist Party of China would never be invaded. After the Battle of Jinzhong, the remnants of the enemy were trapped in Taiyuan, and after the desperate fighting and bloody struggle of Xu Qianqian's troops, Taiyuan was liberated in April 1949, and the Japanese troops who were retained by Yan Xishan were also wiped out in the artillery fire of the People's Liberation Army.

When Japan surrendered in 1945, Yan Xishan colluded with the remnants of the Japanese army to attack Xu Xiangqian, and the final outcome was what happened

After the liberation of Taiyuan, in order to sum up the experience of the Taiyuan campaign, Xu Qiangqiang endured illness and went to check the corresponding records and materials; in his view, the key to victory in the war lies in a soldier who must have a strong conviction and a firm ideal and conviction to support himself in fulfilling the party's tasks and missions; secondly, he must always take the people as the center and put the people in the most important position. In Xu Xiangqian's view, communists should be like this: the task is more important than life, at the moment when danger comes, stand forward, and at the moment when difficulties come, face the difficulties, because the party's tasks have not yet been completed! Life is the most precious, and there is only one time for everyone. But what is more precious than life is the party's original intention, no matter where you are, no matter what your situation is, what is in your heart is the party's mission! The party serves the people wholeheartedly, and as a Communist Party member and as a soldier, we should always put the people in our hearts, put the people in the most important position, and take the people as the core in everything we do. It is such an excellent Communist Party member and such an excellent soldier who has achieved a brilliant future for the Chinese nation, and we will always admire and remember such a great hero in the memory of history.

When Japan surrendered in 1945, Yan Xishan colluded with the remnants of the Japanese army to attack Xu Xiangqian, and the final outcome was what happened

Forty years after the flick of the finger, I like to see spring in the human world

In June 1990, Xu Xiangqian was hospitalized because his condition deteriorated sharply, and he was still extremely attached to the small hospital where he lived, as if he knew that this time leaving might be a farewell, and soon after being hospitalized, he developed a low-grade fever and his condition was getting worse and worse. On June 29, Xu Xiangqian, who was ill, may know that his time is running out, Xu Xiangqian is a person who has been very simple and calm all his life, and he hopes that after his death, he will not have to hold a memorial service, but just hopes to scatter his ashes to the place where he once fought, and stay with his comrades forever. On August 5, Xu Xiangqian, whose condition was already very serious, also carefully urged his family to always follow the party, be consistent with words and deeds, and do what they say. In the early morning of the day of his death, Xi Zhongxun rushed to the hospital to bid him farewell, and when he returned home, he was full of grief and wrote down the words "a bright and upright life, never complaining for himself", which is the most appropriate portrayal of Xu Xiangqian's life. After Xu Xiangqian's death on September 21, 1990, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the State Council, and the Central Military Commission issued an obituary highly praising his great achievements and lofty moral character.

When Japan surrendered in 1945, Yan Xishan colluded with the remnants of the Japanese army to attack Xu Xiangqian, and the final outcome was what happened

For more than 60 years, he has been fighting ceaselessly and has a long-standing meritorious service and high esteem. Marshal Xu Qianqian's brilliant life of fighting has left us with valuable spiritual wealth. In the great and arduous history of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, there are always such people who support China's future and work silently to enjoy a blue sky, and where there are so many years in this world, it is just that some people are carrying the weight for us, they will always resist in front of the people at the first moment of danger, and they will always face difficulties and persevere in the face of difficulties. We must learn from his firm communist conviction and revolutionary spirit of being loyal to the party and the people, learn from his noble qualities of taking the overall situation into consideration, strictly observing discipline, being open-minded, and daring to struggle, learn from his fine work style of seeking truth from facts, building the party for the public good, and working hard, and learn from his lofty feelings of modesty and prudence, linking up with the masses, and bowing down to the best of his ability. Hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics and strive to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

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