
Guan Yu sold dates, Zhang Fei killed pigs, who did they learn their martial arts from? You may never believe it

Heroes have their own opinions, so why ask the source. ——Yang Ji," "Feelings of Nostalgia"

There has always been a saying in our country that heroes do not ask about provenance, which tells us to treat others equally and not to worship or discriminate against others because of their origins. But once this truth is put into the archaeological cause, it is really a bit of standing and talking without waist pain.

Guan Yu sold dates, Zhang Fei killed pigs, who did they learn their martial arts from? You may never believe it

In China's 5,000-year history, many heroes have naturally been born, but the most impressive and popular is probably the story of the Three Kingdoms period at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. The so-called "Three Kingdoms" have formed a momentum since the three countries of Wei, Shu, and Wu.

Compared with Cao Cao as the second generation of officials and Sun Quan of the second generation of fu, Liu Bei's story is obviously much more inspirational. Hundreds of years ago, Emperor Wu of Han issued a "Tui En Order", so that Liu Bei, as the King of Zhongshan Jing, could only make a living by weaving mats and buying shoes, becoming a descendant of Liu Han who was worse than ordinary people.

Guan Yu sold dates, Zhang Fei killed pigs, who did they learn their martial arts from? You may never believe it

In 184 AD, after the outbreak of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the world gathered in response and raised troops to carry out the crusade against the Yellow Turban Thieves. Liu Bei began to recruit Tianxia Haojie into his command in Zhuo County, and his two famous brothers Guan Yu and Zhang Fei joined him at this time.

After that, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei made great achievements in battle. Guan Yu easily removed Yan Liang's first rank in 200 AD, and even flooded the Seventh Army in the park in 219, making a name for itself throughout the Central Plains. The third brother Zhang Fei was not an idle man, and in 215 AD, he defeated the famous Cao Wei general Zhang Jaw, and was one of the heroes of the Shu Kingdom.

But in this simple introduction, you may find a question, that is, what are the origins of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei? They have been fighting all their lives, their martial arts are strong, and who did they learn martial arts from?

Guan Yu sold dates, Zhang Fei killed pigs, who did they learn their martial arts from? You may never believe it

Unfortunately, there is no record of the origins of The Two Guan Chiefs in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. However, it is mentioned in some wild histories that Zhang Fei was originally a butcher who made a living by killing pigs; while Guan Yu was a farmer who mainly made a living by selling dates. After meeting Liu Bei, he joined Liu Bei's camp and began a life of galloping on the battlefield.

That is to say, before joining the army, Zhang Fei and Guan Yu were just ordinary people, and they had never practiced martial arts with their teachers, but why were they both very brave on the battlefield afterwards and became the top martial artists recognized by the world at that time?

Guan Yu sold dates, Zhang Fei killed pigs, who did they learn their martial arts from? You may never believe it

There are two main reasons for this:

Their first "teacher" was their profession. Guan Yu makes a living by selling dates, and the first step before selling dates is to beat down the dates on the tree. The height of the jujube tree can generally reach 10 meters, so in order to knock down all the dates on the tree, Guan Yu needs to often wield a very long bamboo pole, etc. Over the years, the natural lower plate is extremely stable, the waist and hip strength are extremely strong, and the arm strength is far more than ordinary people.

As a butcher, Zhang Fei often has to kill pigs and move knives, just to catch pigs will take a lot of work, and when killing pigs, it is best to kill them with one blow, minimize the time for pigs to struggle and resist, plus carry pork every day, etc., so that Zhang Fei's physical fitness is getting better and better, and the explosive force is extremely strong.

Guan Yu sold dates, Zhang Fei killed pigs, who did they learn their martial arts from? You may never believe it

And their second "teacher" is actual combat. After the three brothers of Liu Guanzhang gathered together, they threw themselves into the battlefield, constantly sharpened themselves on the real battlefield, and survived in the thousands of armies and horses in many battles, allowing Guan Yu and Zhang Fei to continuously improve themselves in battle, and finally became the later Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

Unfortunately, both generals have their own shortcomings. Although Guan Yu was jealous and hateful, he was also very arrogant, attaching importance to the military generals while scorning the literati, and finally was betrayed by Mi Fang and others, defeated Maicheng, and died in 220 AD.

Guan Yu sold dates, Zhang Fei killed pigs, who did they learn their martial arts from? You may never believe it

Zhang Fei, on the other hand, was the opposite of Guan Yu, who treated his advisers with courtesy, but often whipped his subordinate generals, and was eventually assassinated by Zhang Da and Fan Qiang's generations, and even the first rank was sacrificed to Sun Quan.

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