
Liu Biao's account under 7 tiger generals, Cao Cao Liu Bei each got 3 people, only Sun Quan got a "potential stock"

In the impression of many people, Liu Biao in the Three Kingdoms period was an indecisive and incompetent person, who not only had no strategic vision, but also had no enterprising spirit, sitting in the land of Jingzhou but not knowing how to chase the deer in the world, which was really a bit violent. However, if you look at it from another angle, Liu Biao can occupy a place of four wars in the chaotic world, and "partial" for 18 years, will such a person be a brainless fool? The answer is obviously no, Liu Biao was one of the 4 most influential clans in the late Han Dynasty, in addition to him, there were Liu Yu, Liu Yan and Liu Pet.

Liu Biao's account under 7 tiger generals, Cao Cao Liu Bei each got 3 people, only Sun Quan got a "potential stock"

However, Liu Yu and Liu Yu were assassinated by Gongsun Zhan and Yuan Shu successively, while Liu Yan died of anxiety because of the defeat of Li Dai and the loss of two sons, only Liu Biao lived the most peacefully. After the death of Wang Rui of Jingzhou, Liu Biao was disarmed and sent to Jingzhou, where Jingzhou at that time could be described as a strong enemy and was struggling, Liu Biao was a scholar, so he walked in alone. Unexpectedly, in less than a year, Liu Biao kept Jingzhou in good order, and he not only built an army of 100,000 people, but also built a thousand warships, so that Jiangdong did not dare to come. Because of this, Liu Biao's men will gather a group of outstanding talents, including the 7 tiger generals.

Liu Biao's account under 7 tiger generals, Cao Cao Liu Bei each got 3 people, only Sun Quan got a "potential stock"

After Liu Biao's death, Wei Yan, Huang Zhong, and Huo Jun submitted to Liu Bei, and compared with Wei Yan and Huang Zhong, Huo Jun's fame was not great, but his merits were not weaker than those of the two. When Liu Bei entered Shu, Huo Jun accompanied him around, and after capturing the city of Yemeng, he stayed here to prevent Zhang Lu and Liu Zhang's attack. Later, Liu Zhang sent more than 10,000 soldiers to attack Yemeng City, but Huo Jun and more than 100 soldiers could not hold out and held it for a year. Unexpectedly, the confrontation between the two sides ended in Huo Jun's victory, he took advantage of the void and hit the enemy army by surprise, Liu Bei was excited after hearing about it, and after establishing Shu Han, he directly sealed it as Zi Tong Taishou.

Liu Biao's account under 7 tiger generals, Cao Cao Liu Bei each got 3 people, only Sun Quan got a "potential stock"

Wei Yan needless to say, before following Liu Bei, his identity was only a part, and even Zhuge Liang did not look up to him very much. However, Liu Bei was a hero with a discerning eye, and he was not only named the General of Yamen, but also later received the post of Taishou of Hanzhong, which can be described as a smooth step. Of course, Wei Yan was originally a brave and strategic general, compared with Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and others, perhaps his martial arts were a little worse, but if he counted the strategy, he was definitely a first-class good general and could guard one side. However, Wei Yan's luck was not very good, he met such a sworn enemy as Yang Yi, otherwise he would not have died inexplicably.

Liu Biao's account under 7 tiger generals, Cao Cao Liu Bei each got 3 people, only Sun Quan got a "potential stock"

Huang Zhong's strength is beyond doubt, he is old and strong, in the Battle of Dingjun Mountain, he directly beheaded Xiahou Yuan to the horse, showing a bravery that did not match his age. However, Guan Yu looked down on Huang Zhong, and when he knew that Huang Zhong was worshipped as a rear general, he blurted out such a sentence: The eldest husband will not be listed with the veterans in the end! After talking about shu Han, let's talk about the Jingzhou generals that Cao Cao subdued, Cai Mao was Liu Biao's brother-in-law, he was himself a magnate in Jingzhou, during Liu Biao's pacification of Jiangnan, he saddled up his horse and made great achievements and was deeply trusted. In addition, Zhang Yun was Liu Biao's nephew, and he and Cai Mao had in-laws, and both were good at practicing water troops, and their position in Jingzhou was very important.

Liu Biao's account under 7 tiger generals, Cao Cao Liu Bei each got 3 people, only Sun Quan got a "potential stock"

After Liu Biao's death, Cai Mao and Zhang Yun supported Liu Yun as their heir, and it can be seen from this that they were particularly obsessed with power. Later, Cai Mao and Zhang Yun surrendered to Cao Cao and sold Liu Chun by the way, although they gained status, but Cao Pi hated it deeply. In addition, Ku Yue also surrendered to Cao Cao, who was extremely influential in Jingzhou, and after hearing the news of his surrender, Cao Cao was not only very happy, but also made him a Guanglu Xun, ranking one of the Nine Qings. In addition to the above 6 people, in fact, there is a tiger general, he is Gan Ning, who is known as the "Jiangbiao Tiger Minister".

Liu Biao's account under 7 tiger generals, Cao Cao Liu Bei each got 3 people, only Sun Quan got a "potential stock"

Gan Ning was brave and brave when he was young, and after he was thrown into Liu Biao's command, he was determined to achieve something great. However, in 208, Gan Ning never led his subordinates to Sun Quan because he had never been reused, and thus began a glorious life. Later, Gan Ning followed Zhou Yu to take Yiling, and in The town of Guan Yu in Yiyang, he helped Sun Quan capture Zhu Guang, and exchanged his strength for respect and glory. In addition, Gan Ning also covered Sun Quan's escape from danger in the Battle of Xiaoyaojin, and without him, I am afraid that Sun Quan would have died at the hands of Zhang Liao. It is precisely because of this that Sun Quan will say things like "Meng De has Zhang Liao, lonely has Gan Xingba, and enough enemies are also enemies".

It can be seen that Gan Ning is the only potential stock among the 7 people, and Sun Quan has him, which is equivalent to one more life.

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