
More fragrant than milk tea, more complementary than brown sugar, this is the winter stomach warming trump card! Orange wine stuffed, delicious

author:Meimeijia's kitchenette

Some time ago, everyone was brushed by the "first cup of milk tea in winter"! Looking at the love red envelopes in the circle of friends, the friends have said that "I want to be sour". Yes, in this cold winter, drink a cup of hot milk tea, no matter how cold the winter is warm.

But in fact, there is really nothing to envy, first of all, you are not bad at this little money, more importantly: even if it is sugar-free milk tea, the hidden sugar is also too much, milk tea in a variety of small ingredients, such as pearls, red beans, fairy grass, etc., they are the soul of milk tea, these small ingredients themselves are sugar-free, but in order to make their taste more soft and sticky, usually marinated or made with sugar, so their sugar content is very high. I don't know if there is winter love to drink, but it is true that it will grow fat in winter! Coupled with the base of milk tea, even if you only order a cup of milk tea that does not add anything, you have already brought your own five points of sugar.

More fragrant than milk tea, more complementary than brown sugar, this is the winter stomach warming trump card! Orange wine stuffed, delicious

But women naturally love to eat sweet, what to do?

Don't worry, Meimei teaches you homemade fruit milk tea! More fragrant than milk tea, more complementary than sugar water, this is the winter stomach warming trump card! Orange wine brewed, delicious!

Orange is a must in winter, although oranges may be on fire when eaten, but orange peel has the effect of reducing fire, so the best way to eat oranges in winter is to steam together with the skin, or cook, today Meimei brought to everyone of this orange wine brew, both can be degreasing, but also has a very good tonic effect, heat under the fire to supplement vitamins, much stronger than milk tea!

More fragrant than milk tea, more complementary than brown sugar, this is the winter stomach warming trump card! Orange wine stuffed, delicious

Speaking of oranges, it's the best fruit of winter!

Oranges belong to multi-fiber low-calorie fruits, which contain natural sugar, do not worry about the problem of gaining weight when eating, and the fiber in it can help laxative detoxification and play a role in weight loss.

In winter, everyone will eat more meat than usual, and eating some oranges every day can not only supplement the body with sufficient hygiene, but also relieve greasiness and fresh breath. Oranges contain a high amount of vitamins, which can promote the transmission of nutrients from the neural tube to the brain, so that the brain absorbs sufficient nutrients, thereby improving the body's immunity and effectively preventing colds and flus in winter.

Oranges with skin with sweet dates, warm wine, plus brown sugar to replenish blood, more fragrant than milk tea, more complementary than sugar water, this is the winter stomach warming trump card! It was so delicious!

More fragrant than milk tea, more complementary than brown sugar, this is the winter stomach warming trump card! Orange wine stuffed, delicious

【Orange sake brewing】

One orange brewed two large spoons of wine dates a few brown sugar to taste


More fragrant than milk tea, more complementary than brown sugar, this is the winter stomach warming trump card! Orange wine stuffed, delicious

The orange is cleaned with a skin, and a little salt is sprinkled on the surface of the skin to make it cleaner.

More fragrant than milk tea, more complementary than brown sugar, this is the winter stomach warming trump card! Orange wine stuffed, delicious

Sake is bought from the supermarket, boxed, and can be eaten for months in a box.

More fragrant than milk tea, more complementary than brown sugar, this is the winter stomach warming trump card! Orange wine stuffed, delicious

Pour a bowl of water into the pot, add two spoonfuls of wine and bring to a boil.

More fragrant than milk tea, more complementary than brown sugar, this is the winter stomach warming trump card! Orange wine stuffed, delicious

Add the dates.

More fragrant than milk tea, more complementary than brown sugar, this is the winter stomach warming trump card! Orange wine stuffed, delicious

Add sliced oranges to the pan and cook together for two minutes.

More fragrant than milk tea, more complementary than brown sugar, this is the winter stomach warming trump card! Orange wine stuffed, delicious

Finally, add a piece of brown sugar, cook until the brown sugar melts and then come out of the pot, let it cool slightly and serve.


This is a fast hand nutrition tea, two minutes can be done, when the weather is cold, you may wish to do it for yourself from time to time, warm up and warm the stomach, nutrition is particularly good. The orange slices are slightly thicker and when cooked, they taste better when chewed.

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