
Home cooking - the simple nutrition of 6 pork liver soup, the taste is smooth and tender, and there is no soup left

author:Mi Meng's diary
Home cooking - the simple nutrition of 6 pork liver soup, the taste is smooth and tender, and there is no soup left

Pork liver soup, is a home-cooked dish made of pork liver, pork liver is not only rich in nutrients, with nutritional health care functions, is one of the most ideal blood tonic products. But the incomparably fishy pork liver, how to cook the soup to be delicious?


Tomato pork liver soup

Home cooking - the simple nutrition of 6 pork liver soup, the taste is smooth and tender, and there is no soup left


2 fresh tomatoes, 150 g pork liver, 150 g mushrooms, 80 g fungus, ginger to taste, green onion to taste, oil to taste, salt to taste, pepper to taste, tomato sauce to taste


1: Wash and peel the tomatoes, cut the peeled tomatoes into small cubes

2: Add salt, white pepper, cooking wine, soy sauce and corn starch to the cut pork liver, stir well and marinate for 5 minutes

3: Add a little oil in a hot pan, add minced ginger and chopped green onion and sauté

4: Sauté until fragrant, add the chopped diced tomatoes and stir-fry

5、Add the tomato sauce and continue to sauté. Add the right amount of water to the boiled tomato juice until the red juice is boiled

6: When the tomato soup is boiled, add the mushrooms, then add the black fungus and cook for 5 minutes

7, 5 minutes after the marinated pork liver, after boiling, add salt, pepper and other spices, you can turn off the heat, into a bowl and add a little shallot garnish


Spinach pork liver soup

Home cooking - the simple nutrition of 6 pork liver soup, the taste is smooth and tender, and there is no soup left

100g spinach, 50g pork liver, 2 slices of ginger, 2g goji berries, 10ml starch, 10ml light soy sauce, salt to taste, cooking wine 10ml, 1 jiale pork bone broth soup treasure

1: Wash the pork liver with water and cut into thin slices. If you need to make a pattern, cut out two long strips

2: Pour the cut pork liver into a bowl, add starch, cooking wine and soy sauce and marinate by hand for about 15 minutes

3: Remove the roots of spinach and wash them for later

4: Remove the spinach roots and wash them for later

5: Pour water into the pot again and bring to a boil, cook the marinated pork liver in the pot for 1 minute, turn off the heat, and remove the washed blood water

6, this step teaches everyone to make roses, blanched pork liver flexibility is very good. After cutting from the middle side to thin, roll up the pork liver from one side and insert a toothpick at the bottom to fix it, super simple

7: Pour water into the pot and add 1 Knorr pork bone soup flavored soup treasure

8: Bring to a boil, add pork liver and spinach, salt and goji berries and cook for about 2 minutes to turn off the heat


Lotus root pork bone pork liver soup

Home cooking - the simple nutrition of 6 pork liver soup, the taste is smooth and tender, and there is no soup left

1 pork leg bone with meat, 1 section of old lotus root, 1 small piece of pork liver, 1 corn, 1 piece of ginger, 1 tsp of cooking wine, 1 tsp of salt

1: Cut the pork bones and pork liver into small pieces and wash them; wash the lotus root and cut them into thick slices; cut the corn into small pieces; slice the ginger

2, with water to pig bones and pork liver, remove blood water

3: Put all the ingredients in the pot

4: Add a little cooking wine, a little salt, bring to a boil on high heat, change the heat and simmer slowly for 2 hours to get out of the pot


If you can also use a pressure cooker, 20 minutes is OK


Egg pork liver soup

Home cooking - the simple nutrition of 6 pork liver soup, the taste is smooth and tender, and there is no soup left

300g pork liver, 3 native eggs, 3 slices of ginger, 1 tsp monosodium glutamate, 1 tbsp light soy sauce, 1 tsp aged vinegar

1: Cut the pork liver into thin slices and wash it; slice the ginger

2: Put the hot oil in the pot and fry until the ginger slices are golden and slightly charred, forming ginger oil

3: Stir-fry the pork liver, add the old vinegar and raw soy sauce and stir-fry a few times

4: Pour in water and beat the eggs to cook when the time comes

5: Pour in the pork liver and season, cook for 20 seconds to turn off the heat

It is better to stir-fry the pork liver slightly, but don't fry it old, it will affect the taste


Pork liver soup with goji berry leaves

Home cooking - the simple nutrition of 6 pork liver soup, the taste is smooth and tender, and there is no soup left

200 grams of goji leaves, 1 egg, 100 grams of pork liver, 100 grams of lean meat, ginger, 2 grams of salt, 2 grams of chicken essence, 1 tsp of soy sauce, peanut oil, a little cooking wine

1, first wash the goji leaves and drain the water for later; cut the ginger into thin slices;

2: Slice pork liver and lean meat, wash off the blood, add soy sauce, oil, corn starch and ginger, marinate for 30 minutes

3: Pour the pork liver into the pot with an appropriate amount of water, add a little cooking wine, boil the pork liver in the pot and drain the water

3: Bring water to a boil, add slices of ginger, then add slices of meat and bring to a boil for about 5 minutes

4: Then add the pork liver and goji leaves and cook them together

5: Finally, gently pour the eggs into the bottom of the pot, cover the pot and simmer for 2 minutes

6: Add chicken essence, salt and peanut oil to taste and enjoy


Pimple pork liver soup

Home cooking - the simple nutrition of 6 pork liver soup, the taste is smooth and tender, and there is no soup left

30 g pork liver, 2 tbsp cooking wine, 10 g corn starch, a pinch of salt, 20 g of regular flour, 40 g of soybean flour, 1 tomato, 1/4 onion

1: Wash the pork liver, cut into small pieces, add some cooking wine and corn starch, stir well and marinate

2, prepared flour, water flow to the minimum, a little bit of dripping water, while dripping with chopsticks stirring, until the flour is all granular, no dry flour; (this step determines the size of the knot, do not add a lot of water, do a lot of large dough, of course, we do not care). Tips.Due to the low nutrition of fine white noodles, most of the soybean flour is used here

3, cooked the root corn in advance, pork liver knot soup and corn is the lunch of small grapefruit. Open the tomatoes and blanch the corn in boiling water for 2 minutes

4: Peel the tomatoes and cut into small pieces; cut the onions into small cubes

5: Heat the pan and pour a little oil, add onion and stir-fry

6, the onion flavor comes out quickly, the pork liver is poured in and stir-fried a few times

7, diced tomatoes can be poured in, stir-fry a few times can add water to flood these diced vegetables, boil over high heat

8: Continue to keep the heat high after the water is boiling in the pot, add small gnocchi, stir quickly with chopsticks, spread the gnocchi in the pot without sticking.

9: Turn to medium-low heat after opening the pot again, add a little salt, and gnocchi for 3 minutes

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