
Nezha Automobile, which builds cars for the people, ushered in the 100,000th mass production car rolling off the production line

On January 8, 2022, Nezha Automobile, which is committed to building cars for the people, ushered in the roll-off of the 100,000th mass-produced car. Ouyang Minggao, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wang Tao, deputy secretary of the Jiaxing Municipal Party Committee and president of the Tsinghua Yangtze River Delta Research Institute, Yu Huiyou, secretary of the Tongxiang Municipal Party Committee, Lan Yamin, director of the Management Committee of Tongxiang Economic Development Zone, Fang Yunzhou, founder and chairman of Nezha Automobile, Daniel Zhang, co-founder and CEO of Nezha Automobile, Kong Fanlong, co-president of Nezha Automobile, and other leaders and guests and employee representatives attended the grand off-line ceremony to witness this milestone important moment.

Nezha Automobile, which builds cars for the people, ushered in the 100,000th mass production car rolling off the production line

From the first unit to the 100,000th unit off the production line, Nezha Automobile only took 42 months to interpret the Nezha spirit of "my life is up to me" with practical actions. At the event site, the chairman of Fang Yunzhou thanked all sectors of society for their support to Nezha Automobile, and said: "The 100,000th mass production vehicle off the production line is a milestone for Nezha Automobile, and this is just the beginning. Nezha Automobile's dream is to make high-quality intelligent electric vehicles within reach, so that everyone can enjoy smart green travel. ”

Thick accumulation, 2021 Nezha automobile has achieved phenomenal development

From the people, loved by the people, after 7 years of accumulation, 2021 Nezha Automobile ushered in a phenomenon-level development: the successful launch of Nezha U Pro, Nezha V Pro two major fist products, and became a market segment hit; Nezha U Pro single-month orders exceeded 5,000 units, Nezha V Pro single-month orders exceeded 10,000 units, Nezha Automobile delivered nearly 70,000 units throughout the year, November and December continuously achieved single-month delivery of more than 10,000, an annual increase of 362%, ranking first in the camp of new car-making forces At the same time, it opened the "1000 billion people" intelligent technology investment strategy, successfully released the hard-core technology full-stack self-developed intelligent safety car platform - Shanhai Platform; the number of channels nationwide exceeded 330, power-up and power-up expanded to 150 cities, and the user experience and service quality were comprehensively improved.

Entering the city and going to the sea, Nezha Automobile will launch a sprint to a higher goal in 2022

The successful roll-off of the 100,000th mass production vehicle also proves that Nezha Automobile has also undergone qualitative changes in systematic capacity building, including design and development capabilities, process development capabilities, production and manufacturing capabilities, quality control capabilities, procurement coordination capabilities and operation management capabilities. As Academician Ouyang Minggao said, standing on the new journey of 100,000 vehicles off the line, he placed great expectations on the blueprint of Nezha Automobile's "building cars for the people", hoping that Nezha Automobile could always maintain its original intention and work with all sectors of society to contribute more to the rapid development of the industry.

Nezha Automobile, which builds cars for the people, ushered in the 100,000th mass production car rolling off the production line

In 2022, Nezha Automobile will continue to uphold the value of "equal rights in science and technology" and strive to build the first model of the Shanhai platform, Nezha S, which will strongly support Nezha Automobile to enter the first- and second-tier markets. As a blockbuster product of Nezha Automobile in the field of digitalization, the B-class digital electric coupe Nezha S will provide two versions of range extender and pure electric, and will apply huawei MDC computing platform that can achieve 200T high computing power, using 2 laser radar, 5 millimeter wave radar, 12 ultrasonic radar, 13 cameras, high-precision positioning units and high-precision maps and other perception units, which can achieve pilot assisted driving on high-speed and urban roads and realize L4-level intelligent driving in some scenarios such as parking and remote summoning. Based on the Ethernet SOA electronic and electrical architecture, Nezha S can also achieve unlimited expansion, self-evolution, and flexibly meet the different needs of users.

Nezha Automobile, which builds cars for the people, ushered in the 100,000th mass production car rolling off the production line

Facing the global development, Nezha Automobile has released the right-hand drive version of Nezha V for overseas markets, and announced "going to sea", and is expected to officially open the expansion and layout of the Southeast Asian market in the first half of 2022, opening a new journey of Nezha Automobile's global development. At the same time, Nezha S, which represents the future intelligent exploration of Nezha Automobile, will also fully enter the European market after listing at the end of 2022, thereby accelerating the process of Nezha Automobile's globalization strategy.

Nezha Automobile, which builds cars for the people, ushered in the 100,000th mass production car rolling off the production line

It can be predicted that Nezha Automobile, which already has a user base of 100,000 and has passed the ability test of the large-scale system, will take advantage of the momentum to accelerate the "intelligentization of mass products and the popularization of high-end products", through "equal rights of science and technology", so that more people can enjoy the dividends of the development of intelligent electric technology, and will also launch a powerful sprint to a series of goals such as "the 300,000th mass production car off the line" and "the 500,000th mass production car off the line".

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