
After Guan Yu captured Yu Ban, if he chose to retire and stick to Jingzhou, would the situation in the Three Kingdoms change?

The long river of history is running endlessly, there are calm waves, there are also waves, let Xiaobian take you into history and understand history.

The war that really laid the foundation for the establishment of the Three Kingdoms was not the Battle of Yiling between Liu Bei and Sun Quan, but the Xiangfan War launched by Guan Yu in response to Liu Bei's Battle of Hanzhong. It was precisely because of this Xiangfan War that the situation in which the three regimes stood on top of each other, and their territorial areas were completely laid down in this war. In the Battle of Xiangfan, although Guan Yu brought a lot of pressure to Cao Cao in the early stages, he was later attacked by the forces of Jiangdong, and finally lost Jingzhou and lost his life, which made people wonder, if Guan Yu could retreat to Jingzhou after capturing Yu Ban at that time, could he change the direction of the Three Kingdoms?

After Guan Yu captured Yu Ban, if he chose to retire and stick to Jingzhou, would the situation in the Three Kingdoms change?

Before analyzing this problem, the author will first introduce the outcome of the Battle of Xiangfan. After Liu Bei occupied Yizhou in Hanzhong, the strength was no less than that of Cao Cao, at this time, although Jiangdong repeatedly asked Liu Bei for Jingzhou, but Liu Bei did not want to give it, the two of them were also preparing for a life-and-death decisive battle, but at this time Cao Cao in the north intervened, Cao Cao directly attacked Hanzhong, and Liu Bei and Cao Cao also fought a decisive battle in Hanzhong. At this time, in order to alleviate Liu Bei's pressure, Guan Yu sent troops to attack Xiangyang and Fancheng in Jingzhou, Guan Yu flooded the Seventh Army, captured alive in the forbidden city, besieged Xiangfan City, for a while Liu Bei Cao Cao's group's war point was transferred from Hanzhong to the Xiangfan battlefield, when Cao Cao was the most troubled, Sun Quan brought a secret letter, and later it was Baiyi who crossed the river to rob guan Yu, and finally Guan Yu was defeated in Xiangfan, lost Jingzhou, and also lost his life.

After Guan Yu captured Yu Ban, if he chose to retire and stick to Jingzhou, would the situation in the Three Kingdoms change?

Then, if Guan Yu captured Yu And retreated to Jingzhou, what would be the direction of the Three Kingdoms? The author feels that if Guan Yu can really capture Yu Ban and retreat to Jingzhou, the situation in the Three Kingdoms will be completely rewritten, but the ending he rewrote is somewhat embarrassing. How? And listen to the author in detail. First, Liu Bei occupied Jingzhou, Yizhou, and Hanzhong as the second prince of Chengtianxia. Why do you say that Liu Bei is the second in the world? Because no matter how much territory Liu Bei occupied in the south, he would never be able to catch up with Cao Cao, who occupied the Central Plains, and Liu Bei could only be the most powerful prince besides Cao Cao. At this time, the situation of the Three Kingdoms will be completely rewritten, Liu Bei with these three territories can completely block Cao Cao in the north, if Liu Bei can unite with Sun Quan to carry out the Northern Expedition, then the Xingfu Han Room is just around the corner, but the author feels that Liu Bei can unite with Sun Quan to carry out the Northern Expedition, which is completely impossible to complete, because Sun Quan will not make another alliance with Liu Bei.

After Guan Yu captured Yu Ban, if he chose to retire and stick to Jingzhou, would the situation in the Three Kingdoms change?

Secondly, Sun Quan's sneak attack on Jingzhou will become a strong attack, and Sun Cao's alliance will change the situation. If Guan Yu had retreated to Jingzhou at this time and entered a defensive state, Sun Quan would have turned against Liu Bei and directly and blatantly attacked Jingzhou. Because Sun Quan could not leave Jingzhou in Liu Bei's hands after Liu Bei became big, the only advantage of Jiangdong over other regimes was the Yangtze River natural danger, but Liu Bei, who occupied Jingzhou, completely ignored the Yangtze River natural danger and was able to directly take the abdomen of Eastern Wu. At this time, Liu Bei is bigger, he will definitely think of annexing Sun Quan in Jiangdong, no matter what Sun Quan will not wait for this day, but Liu Bei's power is bigger, Sun Quan is completely unqualified, he will join forces with Cao Cao, Cao Cao will certainly unite with Sun Quan to eliminate this biggest hidden danger, at this time what is seen is that Sun Cao's alliance attacks Liu Bei, and whether Liu Bei can sustain it is a problem.

After Guan Yu captured Yu Ban, if he chose to retire and stick to Jingzhou, would the situation in the Three Kingdoms change?

Finally, if Liu Bei could hold Jingzhou, 220 AD would be a turning point. Why is 220 AD a turning point? Because Cao Cao died in this year, if Liu Bei's clique could defend Jingzhou Hanzhong with perfect defense, and when Cao Cao died, Cao Ying's army was unstable, at this time Liu Bei would be able to directly attack Chang'an from Hanzhong, and then send troops from Jingzhou to Xuchang, and the two-sided attack made Cao Ying unable to take care of the war on both sides, and after several years of precipitation, Liu Bei's forces would certainly be able to obtain a large amount of military resources from Jingzhou. At this time, the army was sent to the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains, and there was only one outcome, that is, Hanzhong broke Chang'an, and the Jingzhou army broke Xuchang. The author thinks that if Liu Bei can really raise an army to attack Xuchang, who is the Son of Heaven in the Han Dynasty? Liu Bei was the emperor of this Han dynasty, and the unification of that world could come ahead of schedule.

After Guan Yu captured Yu Ban, if he chose to retire and stick to Jingzhou, would the situation in the Three Kingdoms change?

Combined with the above points, the author feels that if Guan Yu retreats and sticks to Jingzhou, the situation in the Three Kingdoms will definitely be changed, and the most likely possibility is that Sun Quan and Cao Cao will unite to attack Liu Bei. Will the collapse of the side allow others to sleep peacefully? Even if Cao Cao was not interested in Liu Bei who occupied Jingzhou, Sun Quan would definitely fight to attack Jingzhou, because when the strength was developed, it was uncertain when Jiangdong would be attacked by Liu Bei, but Sun Quan's own strength was not enough to attack Liu Bei, so at this time he could only unite with Cao Cao, Cao Cao was also the kind of person who took precautions against trouble, and when he received the request of Sun Quan's alliance, he would definitely send troops to help Sun attack Liu Bei, and as for who won and who lost, it depended on the direction of the war.

After Guan Yu captured Yu Ban, if he chose to retire and stick to Jingzhou, would the situation in the Three Kingdoms change?

However, it is a pity that Guan Yu is not destined to be the kind of person who will retreat to defend, and it is precisely because of Guan Yu's arrogance that he has continuously lost Jingzhou and lost his own life, and the great advantage of Liu Bei's group has also been destroyed in the Battle of Xiangfan, which can only be said to be providence, and no one can change it. The above is the author's personal opinion, welcome friends with other insights to leave a comment.

Well, today's sharing ends here, and we'll see you next time

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