
Song Qingling, who was "remarried" during the exile

On September 6, 1927, When Soong Ching Ling arrived in the Soviet Union, he seemed to suddenly have a feeling of "the world is wonderful". This feeling was not so obvious when she went to the United States. Full of vitality of the spirit, hard but happy living environment, let her be full of touch.

Song Qingling, who was "remarried" during the exile

Song Qingling, who was "remarried" in exile

Soong Ching Ling was treated as a state guest, and the Soviet government arranged her in the "Sugar Palace", which was the residence of the Russian sugar industry giants in the past.

In order to take care of Song's daily life, the Soviet side specially arranged for Mrs. Kollontai, the People's Commissar of Education, to serve as the leader of the reception team. Mrs. Kollontai was a well-known female leader in the Soviet Union. She speaks English very well and has no language barrier to communicate with Song Qingling. Accompanied by her, Soong Ching Ling visited Red Square and the Kremlin, visited Lenin's Mausoleum, and happily wandered around the Soviet Union.

But soon, difficulties followed, and the hardest thing was that there was no money. Her wealthy family seems to have reached some sort of agreement to refuse to fund her, while Sun Yat-sen left her with nothing more than a house on Molière Road in Shanghai. The meagre allowance she received from Wuhan had been used up. But she was still reluctant to ask the Kremlin for help. She came to the Soviet Union to seek a way out of the Chinese revolution and to strengthen ties with the socialist Soviet Union. But the Soviets did not fully support the Chinese revolution, as she had imagined, but regarded China as a lucrative piece of cake.

Stalin and Trotsky were in the midst of a fierce confrontation and had no intention of catering to the needs of this guest. Song Qingling's close friend Rena fell seriously ill during the long journey, and was unconscious all day long, with unbearable headaches. At first he was able to keep working, but then he was bedridden. Song Qingling stayed by her bedside all day, worried.

She soon discovered that her revolutionary comrade, General Deng Yanda, was wanted by Stalin for urging the Kremlin to clarify its vague stance on China or to stop interfering in China's affairs. With the help of russian friends, Deng Yanda escaped from Moscow overnight, crossed the Caucasus, and crossed the border to Turkey. For several weeks, Song Qingling had not heard from him.

Song Qingling was exhausted. In two years, she went from first lady to widow in exile, and also faced the conspiracy of her deceased husband's Three People's Principles to be exploited by the dictatorial dream of revolutionary traitors. But she did not expect that she would soon be shot by a spurious arrow again.

On this day, Xiao Qing had just returned from a trip to the Caucasus, and at the train station, she met an Englishman working in Moscow who smiled and shouted to her: "Congratulations, you are a good wife!" ”

Song Qingling had some embarrassment and some doubts, but because she didn't have time to ask in detail, she nodded and hurried away. Back in the room, the more she thought about it, the more wrong she became, so she went to find Rena.

Rena in the hospital bed was already very weak. She had fiery red hair, which had always burned like a flame, but now it was dull and lustrous, like a burned-out cloud of charcoal ash. She grabbed Song Qingling's hand with some embarrassment and said, "Don't be angry, recently there have been slanders on you in the newspapers, you have to be strong." ”

Song Qingling asked nervously, "What the hell is going on?" ”

Rena turned her head to the drawer, and Song Qingling hurriedly opened the top floor, only to see several newspapers neatly stacked inside. She looked at one of them, the British-published Daily Mail, which had a message about her marriage to Chen Youren. The other was the most widely circulated New York Times, which clearly wrote in black and white: "The British correspondent in Riga quoted a supposedly official Soviet telegram saying that the widow of former Kuomintang foreign minister Chen Youren and Kuomintang father Sun Yat-sen had been married in Moscow." This will happen immediately after the romance of General Chiang Kai-shek and Miss Soong Mei Ling in Shanghai. ”

Song Qingling was trembling with anger, and the hand holding the newspaper unconsciously clenched into a fist to suppress his anger. Rena tried to get up to comfort her, but couldn't sit up. Song Qingling hurriedly let her lie down, and just after tucking her into the quilt, the tears fell uncontrollably.

Song Qingling understands very well that in order to elevate the status of the new first lady of the Song family, some people want to use the scandal to stomp the past first lady to the feet, make people who do not know the truth despise, and then forget the out-of-control woman, and treat the new representative of Chinese women with reverence - Song Meiling.

But Soong Ching Ling was even angrier that such lace news separated her from Sun Yat-sen's name, erased her cherished identity as Mrs. Sun, and weakened her fighting power to defend Sun Yat-senism and ideals, which she was determined to fight for all her life.

Song Qingling, who was "remarried" during the exile

The harsh weather coupled with the excessively tense mental pressure, Song Qingling also quickly attacked a ring of herpes around her neck, and for several weeks, she endured the torture of high fever and the cold of Moscow. When her body improved slightly, she read in the newspaper about the grand and grand wedding of Chiang Kai-shek and Soong Mei-ling. American newspapers have praised the marriage as a perfect "Sino-US cooperation."

She was the forgotten one.

On 21 November, Reina died of encephalitis. On Thanksgiving Day, Song Qingling attended Rena's funeral with an illness. Exiles from China braved the blizzard and after hours of trekking through Moscow to the newly built crematorium. Song Qingling didn't even have a thick winter coat, only a thin black cloak, and walked slowly on the cold, snow-sparkling streets. A car lent to her by the Soviet Foreign Ministry followed the funeral procession. Her friends urged her to get in the car to warm up, but she refused. I saw her arms crossed, with a dignified and beautiful face hanging low, step by step through this cold season.

Through the erratic mist, her pale face was a lonely and silent indictment in the crowd. And she did not flinch, still in the early night, closely following the coffin of her revolutionary comrades trembling forward.

When his body was almost recovered, Song Qingling decided it was time to leave.

During Soong Ching-ling's exile in the Soviet Union, it was also the stage when the differences between Stalin and Trotsky reached a fever pitch. Stalin began the purges of the Trotskyites, and Soong Ching-ling witnessed their internal cannibalism and witnessed his friend, Yue Fei, commit suicide during which he could not bear the torture. It was only a few months before she was received by Stalin.

In the spring of 1928, Song Qingling and Chen Youren went to the Kremlin to bid farewell to Stalin. Xiao Qing already knew how to talk and greet these people - thank you first, then state your determination. She first thanked the Soviet Government for its friendly reception of the Chinese comrades, then talked about the current situation and tasks in China, and finally stressed the determination to cooperate with the Communist Party of China in the national democratic revolution.

Stalin laughed too and asked her, "I heard you are going to Germany now?" ”

Song Qingling replied: "Yes, it is also to investigate and study, to learn from other people's good things, and to use them for the revolution of our country." ”

She was a little tired, but she didn't change her determination. She was never a blindly obedient revolutionary, but she could not find a better way out.

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