
On his deathbed, Liu Bei, in addition to entrusting Zhuge Liang, also made a shocking prophecy, Qi Zhun

The long river of history is running endlessly, there are calm waves, there are also waves, let Xiaobian take you into history and understand history.

In the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Liu Beituo's lone zhuge liang can be described as a model of trust between kings and subjects throughout the ages.

Liu Bei, who was terminally ill in the White Emperor's City, waited until Zhuge Liang, who had come from Chengdu, shook his hand and said sadly, "If my son can assist, you will assist him, and if my son cannot assist, you will directly replace him." ”

On his deathbed, Liu Bei, in addition to entrusting Zhuge Liang, also made a shocking prophecy, Qi Zhun

Zhuge Liang immediately burst into tears, knelt down and swore to assist Liu Adou well.

The Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms of zhengshi records Liu Beituo as follows:

(Liu Bei) said liang yue: "The juncai is ten times cao pi, and he will be able to secure the country and finally set great things." If the heir can be supplemented, he shall be supplemented; if he is not talented, he may take it upon himself. Liang Sobber said, "The subject dares to exert all his strength to be loyal to the Festival of Chastity, and then die!" The First Lord also said to the Lord after the edict: "Ru and Xiang are engaged in things like fathers." ”

Such a touching and heartfelt incident of orphanage has naturally been passed down through the ages, but just when Liu Bei was ill and lonely, he said another thing, which became an earth-shattering and accurate prophecy, and everyone seemed to ignore it.

On his deathbed, Liu Bei, in addition to entrusting Zhuge Liang, also made a shocking prophecy, Qi Zhun

After Zhuge Liang took over the fallen Shu state left to him by Liu Bei, after some efforts, he revitalized the political, economic, and military strength of the Shu state.

While doing these things, Zhuge Liang also found a very good counselor for himself: Ma Chen.

Ma Mocai had more gas weapons than ordinary people, and liked to discuss military strategies, Zhuge Liang was deeply attached to him, and often talked about military strategies together, from day to night.

Zhuge Liang's first Northern Expedition, the situation was very good, and later because Sima Yi and others rushed to help, Zhuge Liang had pressure, so he planned to send people to guard the military stronghold street pavilion.

On his deathbed, Liu Bei, in addition to entrusting Zhuge Liang, also made a shocking prophecy, Qi Zhun

Choosing to choose, Zhuge Liang sent his confidant Ma Mo to the front line.

Ma Mo met the Cao Wei general Zhang Guo at Jieting, but Ma Mo did not follow Zhuge Liang's deployment and obstructed Nanshan and did not go down to the city, while Zhang Hao sent people to cut off his water source and launch a large-scale attack, the Shu army was defeated, Ma Mo fled, and Jieting was lost. At the same time, Zhao Yun also sent troops to Jigu, and Zhuge Liang took more than a thousand homes in Xi County, and then led the troops back to Hanzhong.

In the retreat, the Romance of the Three Kingdoms added a role to Zhuge Liang, that is, the empty city plan.

On his deathbed, Liu Bei, in addition to entrusting Zhuge Liang, also made a shocking prophecy, Qi Zhun

The empty city plan has been confirmed to be not Zhuge Liang's handiwork, but Zhuge Liang, who suffered a tragic defeat, did endure the pain of killing Ma Mo, who had made a command mistake, in order to appease the hearts of the army.

After Ma Mo was beheaded, Zhuge Liang lost his voice and cried bitterly, everyone was curious, just now Zhuge Liang did not accept everyone's intercession, if it was Ma Mo, why was he crying so fiercely at this time?

Zhuge Liang cried and said, "I remembered what Emperor Xiandi had said before, and when he entrusted himself to me, he warned me that Ma Mo was an exaggerated person who was exaggerated and could not be of great use, and now that he wanted to come, he really fulfilled the words of Emperor Xiandi, and I chased back unceasingly, so I cried bitterly!"

On his deathbed, Liu Bei, in addition to entrusting Zhuge Liang, also made a shocking prophecy, Qi Zhun

It turned out that Liu Bei had said such a strange and accurate prophecy before his death, but unfortunately Zhuge Liang did not take it seriously, and because liu Bei wanted to cede the throne to Zhuge Liang, Liu Bei's amazingly accurate prophecy was buried for thousands of years.

Well, today's sharing ends here, and we'll see you next time

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