
Speaking of home cooking, pickled pepper pork liver - the happiness of workers! No less

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Speaking of home cooking, pickled pepper pork liver - the happiness of workers! No less

Perhaps it is the call of the ancient genes in the body, whenever I am tired of work, I especially want to eat offal! Today, let's take a pickled pepper pork liver, just a glass of beer, and achieve a happy holiday for workers!

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Pork liver 250g

A handful of green onions

Pickled pepper pickled ginger to taste

Garlic to taste

Pixian watercress 1 scoop


Oil and salt raw soy sauce corn starch chicken essence cooking wine to taste

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Speaking of home cooking, pickled pepper pork liver - the happiness of workers! No less

1. Preparation of ingredients. Wash the ingredients and get ready to go!

Speaking of home cooking, pickled pepper pork liver - the happiness of workers! No less

2. Cut the pork liver. Slice the pork liver (remember to sharpen the knife quickly, the thinner the pork liver, the better), put the cooking wine, add water, and soak for ten minutes (permeable water).

Speaking of home cooking, pickled pepper pork liver - the happiness of workers! No less

3. Preparation of excipients. Green onion white cut into small knots, watercress peppercorns chopped for later (after chopping the dishes taste better), pickled pepper Pickled ginger Garlic cut fingernail-sized slices, set aside.

Speaking of home cooking, pickled pepper pork liver - the happiness of workers! No less

4. Marinate pork liver. Rinse the pork liver, squeeze the water dry, add corn starch, soy sauce, msg, stir well, add a small amount of sesame oil, stir well, marinate for 5 minutes.

Speaking of home cooking, pickled pepper pork liver - the happiness of workers! No less

5. Mix a sauce. In the spare time, mix a thin sauce, and the ingredients are shown in the picture.

Speaking of home cooking, pickled pepper pork liver - the happiness of workers! No less

6. Start the pot and burn the oil. Pork liver should be wide oil, otherwise it should stick to the pan Oh ~ pour the watercress pepper sauce chopped before on the pork liver and prepare to cook together.

Speaking of home cooking, pickled pepper pork liver - the happiness of workers! No less

7. Stir-fried pork liver. 100% oil warm pork liver under the pot, quickly stir-fry, 10s after the pickled pepper soaked ginger garlic slices, stir-fried well immediately under the green onion white.

Speaking of home cooking, pickled pepper pork liver - the happiness of workers! No less

8, 8. Stir-fry out the pot gas. Quickly toppl the spoon and sauté the pan gas.

Speaking of home cooking, pickled pepper pork liver - the happiness of workers! No less

9, 9. Under the sauce. Stir-fry quickly, turn off the heat and set the pot.

Speaking of home cooking, pickled pepper pork liver - the happiness of workers! No less

10, 10. Plate. There is wine under the wine, there is a meal under the meal!

Speaking of home cooking, pickled pepper pork liver - the happiness of workers! No less

11, 11. Let's take a close-up of The Beauty.


The key to this dish I think there are two points: knife work + heat. Pork liver should be cut thinly and evenly, so that it is convenient for heating up quickly. This is a stir-fried dish, and all links must be flowing in the clouds, otherwise it will be fried.

<h2>Nutritional benefits of pork liver</h2>

Pig liver taste sweet, bitter, warm, return to the liver meridian; has the effect of tonifying the liver, blindness, blood nourishment; used for blood deficiency and yellowing, night blindness, red eyes, edema, athlete's foot and other diseases.

1. Blindness

Pork liver is rich in vitamin A, which can protect the eyes, maintain normal vision, prevent dry eyes, fatigue, maintain a healthy skin tone, and is of great significance to the bodybuilding of the skin.

2. Blood replenishment

Pig liver is rich in iron, is the most commonly used food in blood tonic food, eating pig liver can regulate and improve the physiological function of the hematopoietic system in anemia patients.

3. Remove toxins

Regular consumption of animal liver can also supplement vitamin B2, which is an important coenzyme supplement for the body and completes the detoxification of some toxic components.

4. Enhance human immunity

Pig liver in the diet and health with the general meat food does not contain vitamin C and trace elements selenium, can enhance the body's immune response, antioxidant, anti-aging, and can inhibit the production of tumor cells, but also can treat acute infectious hepatitis.

<h2>Dietary contraindications to pork liver</h2>

Pork liver should not be eaten with fish, finches, buckwheat, cauliflower, soybeans, tofu, quail meat, pheasant; should not be eaten with bean sprouts, tomatoes, peppers, edamame, hawthorn and other foods rich in vitamin C; animal liver should not be eaten with vitamin C, anticoagulant drugs, levodopa, unimpedil and phenyl ethylhydrazine and other drugs.

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