
Ji Xiaolan, who has three wives, eats only meat when eating, and has a special function that ordinary people can't hope to reach!

The mental strength of the ordinary life is consumed, and there are many clouds of smoke on the paper.

The proposed book warehouse is now old, and it should only be said that the ghost looks like the eastern slope.

The antecedents and consequences are not bad, and the trivia collects a car of ghosts.

A disciple of Luo Minmen, barnyard officials were not originally confucian.

Usually when discussing Ji Xiaolan, friends who are familiar with history tend to focus on his academic achievements, such as the "Four Libraries Complete Book" compiled under his leadership and the "Notes on Reading Wei Caotang" that he usurped.

True history lovers rarely talk about the anecdotes that appear in film and television works, because, in the final analysis, Ji Xiaolan is just a clown-like imperial literati around Qianlong, and his status is equivalent to that of "prostitutes", let alone comparable to the hezhen and the like.

Ji Xiaolan, who has three wives, eats only meat when eating, and has a special function that ordinary people can't hope to reach!

Leaving aside the content invented by modern screenwriters, the real Ji Xiaolan is not a dayarian, but an ordinary person who is grounded. It is true that he possesses appetite and sexual desire like a normal person, and never hides both desires.

"The people of the north, who are rarely known in the world for their liberal views, but Xiaolan Zongbo has no books and does not read them, and he is very popular. He is the author of the "General Catalogue of the Four Libraries", a collection of three thousand years of classics, concise and clear, rhetoric and elegance, and people are convinced. This year has been eighty, still lustful, eating dozens of pounds of meat every day, not eating a grain all day long, really strange people also. ”

This text is from the "Miscellaneous Records of the Pavilion", which is highly credible.

The eighty-year-old Ji can still have sex with women (at least three times a day), eat more than a dozen pounds of meat every day, and do not eat grain for many years, almost do not eat staple foods, such people are unique in history.

Ji Xiaolan, who has three wives, eats only meat when eating, and has a special function that ordinary people can't hope to reach!

It is said that Ji Xiaolan's colleague, Shi Yinghe, who co-founded the university, once ate at the same table with Ji Xiaolan, and when he talked to people about Ji Xiaolan's eating habits in his later years, he still could not help but sigh: When it was time to eat, the subordinates in Ji Xiaolan's mansion would serve a huge piece of barbecue, which looked like it weighed about three or four pounds. Ji Xiaolan sat there, talking with his colleagues, eating meat while talking. It didn't take long for a few pounds of meat to go down to the stomach, and this was Ji Xiaolan's meal.

Through the records of the "Guitian Trivia", it can be seen that Ji Xiaolan's eating habit is no accident, and his every meal is like this. Ji Xiaolan did not eat rice in his life, and sometimes tried pasta, but never ate much. On weekdays, Ji Xiaolan eats the most meat, and often eats several pounds of meat at each meal. Of course, Ji Xiaolan will not impose his eating habits on others, and when he invites guests, he will prepare "clean dishes" as usual and display a variety of dishes for guests to enjoy. However, Ji Xiaolan would not move the dishes on the table, but held up chopsticks to invite everyone to eat, and he just ate a whole piece of meat and drank a pot of tea.

Ji Xiaolan's eating habits also have a significant feature, that is, they must eat snacks whenever and wherever they are. In Ji Xiaolan's house, there were some dried fruits such as chestnuts and hazelnuts on each table, and Ji Xiaolan never stopped talking and kept tasting these dried fruits. At that time, people had never seen Ji Xiaolan such a hobby, and they all called him "Fire Spirit Tosheng". Some people also feel that Ji Xiaolan is like a monkey in the mountains who eat dried fruits every day without stopping his mouth, and he is more clever than ordinary people, and he is most likely the reincarnation of the monkey spirit.

Ji Xiaolan, who has three wives, eats only meat when eating, and has a special function that ordinary people can't hope to reach!

In fact, it is not surprising that northerners are keen to eat meat, and southerners prefer to eat fish.

Ji Xiaolan can't stay idle on weekdays, either compiling books or writing books, which is extremely brainy, and it is common to eat meat to supplement lecithin. However, eating three or four pounds of meat in one meal and eating more than a dozen pounds of meat a day is really incredible.

However, even if Ji Xiaolan has no meat and is not happy, there are several kinds of meat that he has never eaten in his life, such as duck meat.

According to Ji Xiaolan himself, even if the chef's skills are superior, he cannot remove the fishy smell in the duck meat when handling the duck meat, which is unacceptable to him. At that time, a colleague asked Ji Xiaolan why he did not eat delicious duck, and Ji Xiaolan casually wrote a poem:

Lingjun nourishes the grass, but it is not as good as the plum tree.

Begonias are in a national posture, and Duling is not endowed.

The meaning of this poem is: although the herbs are nourished by the aura and become moist, I still like the plum tree; the begonia has the posture of falling into the country, but Du Fu has never written a poem on this topic. The implication is that no matter how delicious the duck is, ji Xiaolan is not rare.

Ji Xiaolan, who has three wives, eats only meat when eating, and has a special function that ordinary people can't hope to reach!

According to historical data, Ji Xiaolan had a wife and three concubines. Ji Xiaolan's certain ability is different from ordinary people, and he has to have sex once a day in the morning, afternoon and evening, so the lady in the family cannot satisfy his endless desires. It is said that during the compilation of the Siku Quanshu, Ji Xiaolan was unable to go home for a long time to "put out the fire". The exuberant desire made Ji Xiaolan's eyes burst out, and his cheeks were like fire.

One day, Qianlong came to visit Ji Xiaolan, and was shocked to see his appearance, and thought that Ji Xiaolan was infected with some disease. Ji Xiaolan summoned truthfully, saying that he had not seen a woman for many days, so he wanted to burn himself in the clouds. When Qianlong heard this, he laughed loudly and immediately transferred two young and beautiful palace girls from the harem for Ji Xiaolan to vent. It is strange to say that after Ji Xiaolan's fire, the symptoms on his face were instantly cured.

However, it was true that Ji Xiaolan liked to smoke dry cigarettes, and for this reason, the Military General Of The Wenchen Secretly called him "Ji Da Tobacco Bag". Once, Qianlong was in a hurry, and Ji Xiaolan had no time to extinguish the smoke, so he had to hide the cigarette bag in his boots to go on a pilgrimage. The smoke burned in his boots, Ji Xiaolan endured the pain, hoping that the emperor would end it quickly, until smoke came out of the trouser cuffs, the emperor asked him what was going on, Ji Xiaolan replied: "It's on fire!" ”

Therefore, the emperor quickly asked him to go out to fight the fire, and Ji Xiaolan went out with one foot upside down. For a long time to come, Ji Xiaolan had to go up on crutches.

Ji Xiaolan, who has three wives, eats only meat when eating, and has a special function that ordinary people can't hope to reach!

From these records, we can see that Ji Xiaolan is by no means a saint in anecdotal rumors and film and television works, but an ordinary person with flesh and blood, desire and pursuit. It can be said that the real Ji Xiaolan is more grounded than the fictional image.


【The Great View of the Wild History of the Qing Dynasty", "Insect Song Manga", "Miscellaneous Records of the Xiaoting Pavilion"】

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