
The only foreign woman in the history of the People's Liberation Army, a German female major of the Eighth Route Army, why was she awarded the title

The only foreign woman in the history of the People's Liberation Army, a German female major of the Eighth Route Army, why was she awarded the title

In the history of the People's Liberation Army, there have been many foreign soldiers, most of whom joined during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, such as the Japanese Eighth Route Army and the Korean Eighth Route Army, which reached tens of thousands of people at the peak. Among the foreign Eighth Route Army, there is a German woman who is the most special, because she is the only foreign woman awarded the title of eighth route army, the German female major of the Eighth Route Army, she is Wang Anna.

The only foreign woman in the history of the People's Liberation Army, a German female major of the Eighth Route Army, why was she awarded the title

Anna Wang, whose original name was Anna Lisse, was born in Germany in 1907. Anna Studied History and Linguistics at the University of Berlin and received her Doctor of Philosophy degree. In her youth, fascist forces were on the rise in Germany, and she was arrested and imprisoned twice for her active opposition to fascism. After Hitler came to power, the situation of anti-fascist fighters such as Wang Anna became more dangerous.

The only foreign woman in the history of the People's Liberation Army, a German female major of the Eighth Route Army, why was she awarded the title

During Wang Anna's college years, she met Wang Bingnan, who studied in Germany, and the two were like-minded, and their feelings quickly warmed up, and eventually they married, and after marriage, they changed their names to Wang Anna with their husband's surname. Wang Bingnan may not be familiar to everyone, but he is an extremely key figure in modern history.

The only foreign woman in the history of the People's Liberation Army, a German female major of the Eighth Route Army, why was she awarded the title

It was precisely because of Wang Bingnan's identity and Wang Anna's increasingly severe situation in Germany that in 1936 Wang Anna fled to China with her husband Wang Bingnan. After Wang Anna arrived in China, the first task she participated in to influence the direction of modern history was to work with her husband Wang Bingnan to win over General Yang Hucheng.

The only foreign woman in the history of the People's Liberation Army, a German female major of the Eighth Route Army, why was she awarded the title

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Wang Anna's main job was to assist Mr. Song Qingling, as the representative of the "Alliance for the Defense of China", responsible for transporting aid materials to the front line of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and also served as the external liaison of the Eighth Route Army. Anna Wang's foreign status also gave her more opportunities to contact foreign journalists and diplomats to publicize the Chinese's War of Resistance abroad.

The only foreign woman in the history of the People's Liberation Army, a German female major of the Eighth Route Army, why was she awarded the title

During the entire War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Wang Anna's footprints spread throughout most of China, she went to Hong Kong to receive medical drugs, and then sent the drugs to the forefront of the War of Resistance, but also responsible for introducing the real situation of the Eighth Route Army to foreign countries, it can be said that for the War of Resistance, for the founding of New China is also a great contribution, therefore, the awarding her the rank of major is matched with her contribution.

The only foreign woman in the history of the People's Liberation Army, a German female major of the Eighth Route Army, why was she awarded the title

Anna Wang stayed in China until 1955, when she and her husband, Wang Bingnan, divorced after the victory of the War of Resistance, she also returned to Germany. Although Wang Anna was in Germany in her later years, she was still running for China's affairs, and she spent the rest of her life introducing the real history of China and China's War of Resistance to ordinary people in the West, and undertook China's non-governmental propaganda to the outside world.

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