
Liu Chan was willing to marry Zhang Fei's daughter, why didn't he want to marry Guan Yu's daughter?

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Liu Chan was willing to marry Zhang Fei's daughter, why didn't he want to marry Guan Yu's daughter?

First of all, from the perspective of political marriage, when Liu Bei was the king of Hanzhong, Guan Yuzhen guarded Jingzhou, Zhang Fei accompanied Liu Bei in Chengdu, and Wei Yanzhen guarded Hanzhong. To put it bluntly, Liu Bei was skeptical about the problem of Zhang Fei's side being alone. After all, in Xuzhou that year, it was Zhang Fei who wanted to die. But after all, Zhang Fei was Liu Bei's brother-in-law and loyal. Liu Bei must express this respect. Another reason is that in the land of Bashu, most of them are doctors of scripture, and most of them are clan forces. Since Zhang Fei lives in the important land of Yizhou, according to his personality, he likes to deal with the scholars, and as the primary candidate for the gathering of the scholars, his social circle will naturally help him stabilize the ruling order. And Guan Yu was in Jingzhou, and even wanted to return to Chengdu to compete with Ma Chao, Zhuge Liang would not let him. Moreover, after experiencing the moral test after the defeat of Xuzhou, even if he did not marry Guan Yu's daughter, there was no political risk. If the two families are married, but they are afraid of Guan Yu's personality problems, no one will look down on them, then if they become relatives, then they will be able to pay it back? From the perspective of enveloping local forces in Yizhou, consolidating the foundation of rule, and straightening out the ruling order, Zhang Fei is the best candidate.

Liu Chan was willing to marry Zhang Fei's daughter, why didn't he want to marry Guan Yu's daughter?

From the perspective of age, guan yu's wife is not known, but Sun Quanqiu was reprimanded by Guan Yu, and it is conceivable that at this time, Guan Yu's daughter was already sixteen years old, or greater. When Liu Chan got married, it was after he ascended the throne, and it was obvious that if a very old leftover woman married in, it was not in line with the etiquette system at that time. And Zhang Fei's daughter, according to the five-year calculation of Jian'an, who recorded the "birth of a woman" in the "Wei Luo", will not be older than sixteen years old, or even younger. This age is more in line with Liu Chan's conditions.

Liu Chan was willing to marry Zhang Fei's daughter, why didn't he want to marry Guan Yu's daughter?

The last sentence, it is very likely that the eight characters have been counted, and someone has calculated. After all, Liu Bei married Liu Mao's widow, also because Wu Yi's daughter was blessed.

Well, today's sharing ends here, and we'll see you next time

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