
Baby Growth Code (March) – Hard neck

01 Month 3: Hard neck

The third month is a turning point in the baby's growth and development milestone, because the baby's neck is hard at this time, and the head is already very stable when it is erected. New moms and dads don't have to worry about their baby's head crooked and twisted. When the sun is shining, mom and dad take me out to bask in the sun, I am very curious about this new world!

Baby Growth Code (March) – Hard neck

02 Baby sleep

3 months old babies are gradually familiar with the order of the world, babies try to keep up with the footsteps of mom and dad, sleep and adults are getting more and more synchronized. Do you love mom and dad very much? Babies can sleep 14 to 6 hours a day, with more time to wake up during the day and more concentrated sleep time at night. At this time, mothers can try to cultivate their baby's sleep rules.

03 Baby skills

3 months old babies can "look up and straighten their chests", mom I have not become very powerful, praise me more! I was able to pronounce it and I learned to smile consciously. Now Mom, you smile at me, and I'll respond to you right away, and what I'll give you in return is a sweet smile. At this time, in addition to breast milk, I like to eat my small hands. And eat with relish, at this time Mom, you don't have my permission to interrupt me.

Baby Growth Code (March) – Hard neck

04 What your baby eats

Breast milk is the ideal natural food for babies, so mothers should insist on feeding their babies! Babies drink milk more regularly at this time. Moms should feed on demand, and no less than 6 times a day, so that the baby's body will be better!

05 What Mom Does

At this time, mothers can talk to the babies more, and the babies' favorite is the mother's voice. The baby hears the mother's voice and will respond positively to the mother, is the baby doing a great job? Mothers can use small drums to help babies beat with their hands to promote the development of their eyes, hands and brains. Today's sunshine is really good, mothers remember to take the baby to the outdoor sun, supplement calcium. Babies love the fresh air outside!

Baby Growth Code (March) – Hard neck

Mother's heart: Babies are in the 3rd month, the neck is hard, shouldn't mothers praise the little babies?

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