
In 1935, the Red Army held a memorial service for the political commissar in the broken temple, and a woodcutter appeared and said: I am still alive

In the spring of 1935, in a ruined temple in Quanzhou, Fujian Province, the Red Army Zhangping guerrillas were holding a memorial service, the political commissar of the guerrillas

Zhong Guochu

Comrade, unfortunately, he was shot and killed in battle.

But just as the memorial service was in progress, a man dressed in rags and wearing a bucket hat broke in, looked like a woodcutter, and said to the people in the room:

I'm still alive.

What's going on here? Who the hell is this woodcutter? Next, let me reveal them to you one by one.

(1) Heroic wounding

More than twenty days earlier, Zhong Guochu had led a guerrilla force in a battle with nationalist forces at a place called Pig Boy Dam. The battle was fierce, and when Zhong Guochu was directing the battle to climb a mountain bag, a bullet suddenly hit his throat, and the trachea and arteries were all in that position, and it didn't take long for the blood to stain his uniform red.

In 1935, the Red Army held a memorial service for the political commissar in the broken temple, and a woodcutter appeared and said: I am still alive

The two soldiers around him hurriedly carried the political commissar down, and while carrying him down to observe the injuries, Zhong Guochu woke up, because the bullet had pierced his throat and could no longer speak. He took the notebook and pencil out of his pocket and wrote crookedly on the paper: "

I am the head of the Xingguo Port, and I died in the Pig Boy Dam in Fujian Province. Comrades must persist in fighting.

After writing this sentence, he fainted, and the two soldiers prepared to take him to the Red Army Temporary Hospital on Jiuzhou Mountain.

When he arrived at the hospital, a doctor touched his nose and examined his injuries, saying that he had no breathing and could not be saved. The two soldiers were heartbroken, but there was no way, the revolution would always bleed and die, the doctor promised to bury the body well, and they went back to chase the large army, ready to report the situation to the captain.

I don't know how long later, Zhong Guochu woke up, looking at the unfamiliar environment, he was a little overwhelmed. A doctor came over: "...

Comrade, you finally woke up, when you sent it over, you were in a state of suspended animation, but fortunately, you woke up again later, which saved you.

When Zhong Guochu heard this, he also knew that he had walked away from the ghost gate, and quickly asked: "

How long have I been lying down? I'm going to go find my troops.

The doctor said, ".

You are still injured, and you have to wait until the injuries are healed when you find the troops.

In 1935, the Red Army held a memorial service for the political commissar in the broken temple, and a woodcutter appeared and said: I am still alive

However, Zhong Guochu was very unsteady in his heart, and he was worried about the situation of the troops. Where are the troops now? How's it going? Who sent me here? The more he thought about it, the more he couldn't lie down, and one night, after leaving a note, he sneaked out of the hospital.

(2) Found his own grave

Because at that time, the Central Soviet Area had been transferred and was not in Gannan Province. The Kuomintang troops began to encircle and suppress the Red Army in Jiangxi and Fujian, and there were Kuomintang troops everywhere.

In order to avoid the capture of the enemy, Zhong Guochu specially changed into a tattered dress in a farmer's house, wore a rotten bucket hat on his head, tied a faded blue belt around his waist, and held a machete in his hand, which was a woodcutter.

Zhong Guochu thus began to look for troops, he searched for two days and nights in the Yongchun Mountains, and finally he found the traces of the troops. While searching along the trail, he found a grave.

In 1935, the Red Army held a memorial service for the political commissar in the broken temple, and a woodcutter appeared and said: I am still alive

The tomb was newly erected at first glance, the soil was still very new, there was a wreath made of pine branches and wildflowers, and there was burned paper ash on the ground, and the wind drifted around as soon as it blew. Looking closer, Zhong Guochu froze, this was not someone else's grave, but his own. The wooden plaque at the head of the grave reads several large words:

The tomb of Commissar Zhong Guochu


This can make Zhong Guochu confused, his own people stand here well, how the grave was set up by others. After thinking about it, it seemed that none of the Red Army troops I knew had the same name and surname as him. Zhong Guochu thought that could it be that the warriors thought they had been sacrificed?

Remembering what the doctor said at that time, Zhong Guochu instantly understood that the warriors just thought they had sacrificed. He thought: Now we have to take care of them.

He continued to move forward, and it was estimated that the line was not far away. He saw a broken temple in front of him in the distance, and he was a little happy to see some warriors there, after all, he had finally found the team. At this time, two warriors emerged from the grass next to them, who were here to put up a sentry, stopped Zhong Guochu, and asked:


In 1935, the Red Army held a memorial service for the political commissar in the broken temple, and a woodcutter appeared and said: I am still alive

Because at this time, Zhong Guochu was wearing tattered clothes and wearing a bucket on his head, covering most of his face, the two warriors did not recognize him at once. However, Zhong Guochu called out their names and took down the bucket, and the two warriors only took half a day to see clearly:"

Commissar, you... You're alive.

Zhong Guochu nodded, and then signaled them not to be silent, let them continue to put up the whistle, and quietly approached the broken temple by themselves.

(3) Memorial service

There was a light rain in the sky, and Zhong Guochu lowered the bucket a little. Before entering the broken temple, the sound of the Internationale was already heard. Walking to the door of the temple, I saw that the wall was written"

Comrade Zhong Guochu memorial service

The house was full of people, and the warriors were all bowing their heads.

The captain was presiding over the memorial service, and he was also very sad. Recalling the bits and pieces of the past with Zhong Guochu, the more I thought about it, the more sad I felt. Each time the battle commissar rushed to the front, commanded properly, and led the fighters to win one battle after another. Now that he was suddenly gone, the captain and the warriors were difficult to accept for a while, and one by one the hot-blooded men shed tears.

The warriors were filled with righteous indignation, and one of the warriors was so emotional that he raised his arms and shouted:

We want to avenge the commissar

”! The other fighters followed suit, seeking revenge on the Kuomintang.

In 1935, the Red Army held a memorial service for the political commissar in the broken temple, and a woodcutter appeared and said: I am still alive

Seeing this scene, Zhong Guochu's nose was also a little sour, and it seemed that the warriors had a deep friendship with him. He crept in and stood in the corner of the last row. At this time, the captain comforted everyone's emotions, said that he would send the political commissar on the last journey, and bowed three times for him to show respect.

Just now, the soldiers were all immersed in the atmosphere of mourning, and they did not notice that there was one more person behind them. The captain shouted, ".

A bow...

Suddenly, he noticed that there was another person wearing a bucket hat in the back, and he confirmed that there was no one in the team dressed like this. At this point several questions arose in his mind: Who is this person? Is it a Kuomintang agent? Have we been exposed?

He shouted, ".

The warriors looked back and surrounded the man with the bucket hat. Zhong Guochu took down the bucket and said to the warriors: "

Comrades, I am not dead, I am still alive.

The warriors looked at the man in front of them, dressed in rags, wearing a blue belt, with a little long and messy hair, and a long beard, no different from a woodcutter who went up the hill to chop wood. I really didn't recognize it at once, before Zhong Guochu lay in the hospital for nearly a month, he didn't eat much, the whole person lost a lot of weight, and his facial features were a little concave. It is not surprising that such a comrade-in-arms did not recognize it for a while

In 1935, the Red Army held a memorial service for the political commissar in the broken temple, and a woodcutter appeared and said: I am still alive

When everyone saw that the political commissar had "come back from the dead", they were stunned in place, as if they were frozen. After a while, a few words popped out of the captain's mouth:

you...... you

Zhong Guochu said:

Comrades, I am not dead, marx thinks that I have not yet completed the revolution and will not accept me.

He eased the atmosphere with such a humorous tone. The captain hurriedly asked, "

What's going on here?

Zhong Guochu roughly talked about his experience in the past few days after he woke up.

Then he stood up again, pretending to be serious and asking, "

Who's going to tell me who threw me in the hospital?

The two warriors walked out with their heads bowed and told the story of what had happened that day.

(4) Misunderstanding

It turned out that the two soldiers had been told that the commissar had been saved, and they cried around him for a long time, and finally the hospital felt that their crying here also affected the rest of the other patients, and also worried that they would not be able to catch up with the troops when they were late. So, I told them to leave quickly and the hospital would help bury the body.

In 1935, the Red Army held a memorial service for the political commissar in the broken temple, and a woodcutter appeared and said: I am still alive

In fact, Zhong Guochu did not die, but the blood clot in his throat blocked the trachea. When the hospital arranged for someone to carry him to the burial, because it was on the mountain road, it was a little bumpy, and the blood clot in the throat was cleared and coughed out. The two small soldiers in charge of the burial saw that Zhong Guochu had a breath, and they opened their eyes slightly, and quickly carried them back to the hospital for treatment.

And these two warriors thought that Zhong Guochu had been sacrificed, so they took his "


"Came back and reported to the captain. However, the two of them encountered the Kuomintang troops searching on the road, so they entered the mountain, wandered around in the mountain for more than twenty days before they found the troops and told everyone the news of the death of the political commissar.

After that, the warriors decided to build a tomb for Zhong Guochu, although there was no body of him, so they set up a crown tomb and buried his clothes and some clothes in the grave. Then there was a memorial service, but it happened that Zhong Guochu returned at this time.

When all this was explained, the two fighters were also very remorseful, and if they had been in the hospital for a while, such a thing would not have happened, and asked to punish themselves. Zhong Guochu laughed loudly: "

That's fine, you're right, who knew I was suspended? Besides, I'm not here right now.

The captain quickly arranged for someone to dismantle the memorial service, Zhong Guochu changed into a military uniform and picked up a gun, Zhong Guochu could not help but sigh:

Still comfortable in a military uniform with a gun.

For more than a year, he led the soldiers to be active in the mountains of the south, constantly fighting guerrillas with the Kuomintang army, and helping the people to resist the high-handed rule of the Kuomintang. Later, he read in the newspaper the news that the three main forces of the Red Army had won the victory of the division in northern Shaanxi. Excited to share this joy with my comrades-in-arms.

Soon after, the Central Committee sent men to look for them and integrated them into a new Red Army rank. After the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communists, they embarked on the front line of the anti-Japanese resistance. In the southern Jiangsu region, guerrilla warfare against the Japanese army was carried out, and he participated in many important battles, causing no small harm to the Japanese army. Later, he participated in the War of Liberation and the Korean War, and all of them had outstanding performances.

In 1935, the Red Army held a memorial service for the political commissar in the broken temple, and a woodcutter appeared and said: I am still alive

In many subsequent battles, he would joke about attending his memorial service. But this joke of his has more courage and courage.

In 1955, Zhong Guochu was awarded the rank of major general and the only general to attend his memorial service. His death in 1996 put an end to his legendary experience.

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