
After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the founding major general Zhong Guochu visited the old monk and unveiled the disappearance of the two Red Army generals 53 years ago

"Zhong Xunren has been gone for many years, and if he continues to keep it secret, then after I die, this will become an unsolved case in the history of our party, and now that I say it, I have no regrets."

In many films, television and literary works, the temple is described as legendary, the land of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and the monk is actually a hidden Gaishigao.

They also wandered in the rivers and lakes, but because of the sudden change, they lived in seclusion in the temple and escaped into the Buddhist Gate, and no one knew about it.

The plot of the temple monk does not only exist in the fictional literary works, there is really a senior monk in history, his experience is legendary, and his story is amazing.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the founding major general Zhong Guochu visited the old monk and unveiled the disappearance of the two Red Army generals 53 years ago

In 1935, during the encirclement and suppression of the Kuomintang reactionaries, the Fujian-Gansu Soviet area suffered heavy damage from the enemy army, and under the harsh situation, commander Song Qingquan mutinied, which directly caused the loss of twenty cadres in our army and the capture of more than a dozen cadres.

After the disappearance of Yang Daoming and Zhong Xunren, the army also searched for people everywhere, but there was no news, and the two people did not even know whether they were alive or dead, which became a suspense case.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the founding major general Zhong Guochu once visited a senior monk, Master Xinyang, and when they met, he called Master Xinyang the old chief.

What is the identity of this mage? Can the Major General call him Chief? This left doubts in the hearts of the people.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the founding major general Zhong Guochu visited the old monk and unveiled the disappearance of the two Red Army generals 53 years ago

It was not until 1988, when Master Xin Yang told the people who were looking for Yang Daoming and Zhong Xunren's working group the truth, the whereabouts of the two Red Army generals, why they disappeared, and what they experienced.

Master Xin Yang also confessed that if he did not tell the truth, then this could really become a big unsolved case in the history of the Party, and there would be no regrets when he told it.

The Fujian-Gansu region was struggling, and two major generals were missing

In 1935, the two missing generals were Yang Daoming, then chairman of the Soviet of Fujian Province, and Zhong Xunren, who was the political commissar of the Fujian Military Region.

To talk about the revolutionary origins of the two men, we must start from the experience of childhood.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the founding major general Zhong Guochu visited the old monk and unveiled the disappearance of the two Red Army generals 53 years ago

Yang Daoming was born in a revolutionary family, his father and brother were devoted to the cause of the revolution, and they were heard by his father and brother, who knew that only revolution could save the people from fire and water, and the country could break away from the feudalism of the old society.

Since childhood, the seeds of revolution have been planted in my heart.

However, his mother was very opposed to following in his father's footsteps and joining the revolution.

The mother wants her young son to be safe and secure by her side for the rest of his life.

However, Yang Daoming's revolutionary ideals were firm, and at the age of 21, when his mother had no time to take care of it, he sneaked out of his house and participated in the military-civilian oath-taking meeting presided over by Chairman Mao.

Although Yang Daoming has kept the revolution in mind since he was a child, he does not have any specific plans.

At this oath-taking meeting, Chairman Mao was listening on the stage to talk about what the revolution was, why he participated in the revolution, what the goal of the revolution was, what kind of contingent we should set up, and what ways we should achieve the ultimate goal.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the founding major general Zhong Guochu visited the old monk and unveiled the disappearance of the two Red Army generals 53 years ago

Chairman Mao's series of ideas made Yang Daoming's heart ignite the enthusiasm of joining the army, and he admired Chairman Mao and deeply knew that the revolution he shouted every day was actually so great.

Therefore, Yang Daoming, who was boiling with blood, squeezed from the crowd to the front, the closest distance to Chairman Mao, and listened to the true meaning of the revolution.

When it comes to impassioned enthusiasm, Yang Daoming also takes the lead in shouting slogans.

Looking at this hot-blooded young man in front of him, Chairman Mao was also deeply impressed. Not long after, Yang Daoming officially joined the revolution and became a member of the Red Army.

In those days, participating in the revolution not only meant abandoning one's family, but one's family was also likely to be retaliated against by the Kuomintang reactionaries.

After Yang Daoming entered the Central Soviet Region, the Kuomintang launched a siege and suppression of the Soviet Area on the one hand, and on the other hand, persecuted the families of revolutionary fighters and carried out cruel revenge.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the founding major general Zhong Guochu visited the old monk and unveiled the disappearance of the two Red Army generals 53 years ago

The landlords and squires of various villages followed behind the Kuomintang to play for the tigers, wantonly bullying the people, and their lives were really miserable.

When they learned that Yang Daoming, his father and brother had joined the revolution, they launched a bloody revenge campaign against his family.

Yang Daoming's mother was beaten to death by the landlord bullies, and his father and brother were not spared and forced to die.

The only brother who survived was hidden in a temple in the mountains and became a monk.

The two sisters-in-law were bullied by the bullies and sold to other places.

Even Yang Daoming's pregnant wife could not escape the clutches of the bullies, and after being bullied, she was sold.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the founding major general Zhong Guochu visited the old monk and unveiled the disappearance of the two Red Army generals 53 years ago

The whole family was persecuted, and Yang Daoming no longer had a home, but this cruel revenge of the Kuomintang reactionaries did not dispel Yang Daoming's revolutionary enthusiasm.

On the contrary, Yang Daoming was even more firm in his revolutionary direction, loyal to the party and ideals, and devoted all his energies to the revolutionary cause.

He knew that the day the revolutionary goal of the Party was accomplished, that is, the day of revenge for his own family, for thousands of families.

In 1934, Yang Daoming obeyed the organizational transfer and became the chairman of the Soviet government of Fujian Province, when the party was affected by left-leaning errors and was in turmoil.

This also led to the failure of the fifth anti-encirclement and suppression campaign, and the Red Army was faced with the Long March.

The Kuomintang also knew that this was a good opportunity to attack, so it began to encircle and suppress the Fujian-Gansu Soviet region.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the founding major general Zhong Guochu visited the old monk and unveiled the disappearance of the two Red Army generals 53 years ago

The Kuomintang side wanted to wipe out the Soviet areas of Fujian and Gansu so that they would disappear completely.

Faced with a grim situation, Song Qingquan, commander of the Fujian-Gansu Soviet District, made a wrong judgment, and he did not consider preserving the strength of the troops, but insisted on confronting the Kuomintang.

The failure of the decision led to the worsening of the situation in the Fujian-Gansu region.

Yang Daoming strongly opposed Song Qingquan's tactics, and Song Qingquan did not take Yang Daoming's advice to heart, insisted on his own ideas, and threatened Yang Daoming with a gun.

Since then, in the confrontation between the Fujian and Gansu Soviet regions and the Kuomintang, they have lost step by step, and the revolutionary forces have weakened a lot.

Yang Daoming and others are constantly forced to transfer, and the situation is difficult. In the process of transferring, Yang Daoming met the newly appointed political commissar Zhong Xunren.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the founding major general Zhong Guochu visited the old monk and unveiled the disappearance of the two Red Army generals 53 years ago

In the previous anti-encirclement and suppression operations, Zhong Xunren led the people of Xingguo County to unite and win the victory, so he was promoted to secretary of the Xingguo County Party Committee.

Chairman Mao saw Zhong Xunren's exploits and praised him one after another, and Zhong Xunren created the miracle of Xingguo County.

After the failure of the fifth anti-encirclement and suppression campaign, Zhong Xunren was ordered to fight against the Kuomintang reactionaries in the form of guerrilla warfare in the Soviet zone.

However, the forces in the Soviet zone were becoming weaker and weaker, and the enemy's encirclement and suppression activities were becoming more and more frequent, and the situation was not optimistic.

In order to stabilize the power of the Fujian-Gansu Region, Zhong Xunren was sent to Fujian as a political commissar, which also led to a meeting with Yang Daoming and others.

Yang Daoming knew that the situation was difficult now, but he did not give up fighting the enemy army.

The power of the army was in the hands of Song Qingquan, who was maverick and did not follow advice.

In desperation, Yang Daoming led his 4 regiments to bravely meet the battle, and the political commissar of one of the regiments was the founding major general Zhong Guochu.

Song Qingquan led an army to rebel, and the whereabouts of Yang Daoming and Zhong Xunren were unknown

In 1935, the situation in the Fujian-Gansu Soviet area was not optimistic, the enemy's surprise attack, in order to preserve strength, our army could only choose to urgently transfer.

However, due to the communication situation at that time, the transfer was relatively urgent, only 3 battalions were transferred together, and the other large troops were missing, which made our army even worse.

After consultation with Yang Daoming and others, it was decided to assemble these 3 battalions into a regiment, and the leader of the regiment was Song Qingquan, but at this time, no one expected that Song Qingquan would betray the revolution.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the founding major general Zhong Guochu visited the old monk and unveiled the disappearance of the two Red Army generals 53 years ago

Just as our army was resting in Purple Mountain, the sentry in the front came with the news that the Kuomintang troops had surrounded it.

On the mountain, there was a shortage of materials, and the Kuomintang army was stationed at the bottom of the mountain, and the survival problem of our army caused many soldiers to worry and pessimism.

At this time, Song Qingquan, Peng Hu and others had already revealed the idea of rebellion.

He has clearly pointed out that in any case, the current situation of our army is not optimistic, but it is better to find a way to survive first, surrender to the enemy, and after the soldiers have the guarantee of life, we will find a way to break through.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the founding major general Zhong Guochu visited the old monk and unveiled the disappearance of the two Red Army generals 53 years ago

That same night, a plainclothes officer of the Kuomintang forces found Song Qingquan and others, and they talked all night, and at dawn, the plainclothes man came down the mountain.

Yang Daoming witnessed the scene of them sending plainclothes people down the mountain, yang Daoming knew that things were not good, and speculated that Song Qingquan wanted to defect.

After consulting with Zhong Xunren, Yang Daoming found Peng Hu to inquire about the situation, and Peng Hu was only perfunctory.

After that, Yang Daoming, Zhong Xunren and others held an emergency meeting to solve the current collusion between Song Qingquan and others with the enemy army.

Zhong Xunren said that our army should first retreat to the top of the mountain, it is not so easy to start a war on the mountain, there are many people on the other side, but it is also easier to disperse.

After the enemy troops ascended the mountain, the morale of the enemy was definitely reduced, and our army had the opportunity to break through.

Therefore, Yang Daoming and others decided to immediately withdraw from the top of the mountain and then wait for the enemy army.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the founding major general Zhong Guochu visited the old monk and unveiled the disappearance of the two Red Army generals 53 years ago

Unexpectedly, however, in the middle of the night, Song Qingquan took the remaining troops of our army down the mountain and defected to the Kuomintang.

When Yang Daoming discovered that the large troops had disappeared, Song Qingquan, Peng Hu and others mutinied overnight, making the situation of our army even more difficult.

Before Zhong Xunren and the others could make plans for the next step, the Kuomintang security regiment launched an attack.

In this war in which the enemy is strong and we are weak, more than 20 generals of our army were killed and more than a dozen were captured, however, Zhong Xunren, Yang Daoming and 9 other generals disappeared.

In order to avoid the enemy army, he escaped into the Buddhist Gate and lived in seclusion in the mountains

The major accident in the Fujian-Gansu Soviet Area has aroused the attention of the Party Central Committee, and the disappearance of Yang Daoming and other generals is even more worrying.

Chen Yi, Xiang Ying, and others urgently carried out the search for people, but in that situation where communications were not developed, coupled with the frequent attacks of the enemy army, the work of finding people did not progress smoothly.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the founding major general Zhong Guochu visited the old monk and unveiled the disappearance of the two Red Army generals 53 years ago

At this moment, Chen Yi also got the false news that the Nationalist army could spread, saying that it had won a great victory, wiped out all the Fujian and Gansu communist troops, captured cadres and generals, and no one escaped from the attack.

Whether this news was an attempt by the enemy to confuse the public or whether it really happened, the war situation at that time was urgent, and our army had no time and energy to verify it and look for it again, and the work of searching for 9 Fujian cadres, such as Yang Daoming and Zhong Xunren, was shelved.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the founding major general Zhong Guochu visited the old monk and unveiled the disappearance of the two Red Army generals 53 years ago

It was not until after the founding of New China that the Party Central Committee learned of the whereabouts of Yang Daoming and others from the mouth of the traitor Peng Hu at that time.

Peng Hu, who had been fooled into working in the Hunan government, was later investigated as a traitor and sentenced to death.

When asked about the whereabouts of the generals at that time, Peng Hu lied, saying that it was like the victory news released by the Nationalist army, and yang Daoming and others were killed on the spot.

Since there was no news for many years of Yang Daoming, Zhong Xunren, and other generals in the Fujian-Gansu Soviet Region for many years, the Party Central Committee believed that they had died.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the founding major general Zhong Guochu visited the old monk and unveiled the disappearance of the two Red Army generals 53 years ago

I thought that the disappearance of Yang Daoming and others had ended, but I did not expect that later, Master Xin Yang of the Dark Sound Temple accidentally became involved in the problem of style, saying that he was a secret agent of the National Army at that time.

Later, after investigation, it was confirmed that there was no problem with Master Xin Yang's style, and he was cleared of false accusations.

Later, the staff of the Jiangxi Provincial Revolutionary Committee found Master Xin Yang and called him Comrade Yang.

And the founding major general Zhong Guochu also found Master Xin Yang and called him the old chief.

It turned out that this Xin Yang Master was Yang Daoming, who had disappeared that year.

The founding major general has been searching for many years, and Master Xin Yang is the old chief

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the founding major general Zhong Guochu visited the old monk and unveiled the disappearance of the two Red Army generals 53 years ago

Originally, the founding general Zhong Guochu, after getting lost with Yang Daoming and Zhong Xunren, launched a guerrilla war with the enemy in the Fujian-Gansu Soviet region, and 3 years later, the army was incorporated into the New Fourth Army and plunged into the War of Resistance Against Japan.

After that, Zhong Guochu made outstanding contributions to the country in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the War of Liberation and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and in 1955, he was awarded the title of Founding Major General.

As a general, Zhong Guochu always had a knot in his heart that had not been opened, that is, the whereabouts of his old chief Yang Daoming, he did not believe Peng Hu's one-sided words, and decided to investigate the whereabouts of Yang Daoming and Zhong Xunren and other old chiefs.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the founding major general Zhong Guochu visited the old monk and unveiled the disappearance of the two Red Army generals 53 years ago

After years of searching, Zhong Guochu finally got the news of the old chief.

Master Xin Yang was once a revolutionary fighter, but because of the critical situation, he had to escape into the Buddhist Gate and lived in seclusion in the mountains and forests ever since.

Zhong Guochu believed that Master Xin Yang was most likely the old chief of the year.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the founding major general Zhong Guochu visited the old monk and unveiled the disappearance of the two Red Army generals 53 years ago

It turned out that Master Xin Yang was indeed Yang Daoming.

He once wrote a letter to his second brother, and when he was blocked by the nationalist army, in desperation, he went to the temple on the mountain to hide and became a Xinyang mage.

His second brother was persecuted by the Kuomintang reactionaries because of his family, and he became a monk on the mountain, and after liberation, he was still a layman.

After receiving a letter from his brother, he learned of his brother's whereabouts after many years and was happy that his brother was still alive in the world.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the founding major general Zhong Guochu visited the old monk and unveiled the disappearance of the two Red Army generals 53 years ago

Yang Daoming's second brother, Yang Zhenming, wrote the supporting materials, which cleared Master Xin Yang, who was caught up in the identity of a Kuomintang agent.

At the same time, the fact that Master Xin Yang is you Yang Daoming also emerged.

After Major General Zhong Guochu received the news, he went to the Dark Sound Temple to ask for master Xin Yang.

As soon as they met, Zhong Guochu called out to the old chief with tears.

After more than 50 years, Zhong Guochu saw his old chief again, and his joy was overflowing, and he couldn't wait to understand the old chief's experience in those years, but Master Xin Yang did not tell him.

Since then, some cadres have repeatedly found Master Xin Yang and asked him to return to the government and work, but Yang Daoming refused.

Later, after the state introduced a religious policy, Master Xin Yang became the vice president of the Provincial Buddhist Association.

53 years later, Master Xin Yang told the truth of that year, just to have no regrets

Master Xin Yang was Yang Daoming, the leader of the Red Army at that time, what did he go through, and where was Zhong Xunren? All this is constantly questioning in people's minds.

Master Xin Yang, on the other hand, did not make any answers.

Although no one knows exactly what he went through, everyone knows that he must have faced a dilemma at that time, and he was stoic in the temple for several years, loyal to the party, loyal to the revolution, and well aware.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the founding major general Zhong Guochu visited the old monk and unveiled the disappearance of the two Red Army generals 53 years ago

Since Master Xin Yang was unwilling to talk, everyone did not ask questions. It was not until 1988 that Master Xin Yang found the staff of the party history and said that he would tell the story of that year.

In that year, Song Qingquan's rebellion caused our army to suffer heavy losses, captured and killed, and he and Zhong Xunren and 9 others fled to the mountains, and thus escaped a disaster.

At that time, the Nationalist security regiment was eager to report the good news, so it spread false news that the Fujian-Gansu Soviet district had been netted. Therefore, the Nationalist army withdrew from the Purple Mountain.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the founding major general Zhong Guochu visited the old monk and unveiled the disappearance of the two Red Army generals 53 years ago

Yang Daoming and they discussed, they have been hiding in the mountains, this is not a long-term solution, as a Red Army, we must contribute to the cause of the revolution, not in this deep mountain.

So, 9 people decided to go down the mountain. 2 of the 9 people were injured and could not go far, so they recuperated at their hometown.

Zhong Xunren, Yang Daoming and the rest of the personnel continued to move forward.

Later, Zhong Xunren and Yang Daoming decided to find the team, and the rest of the personnel said that they would first go back to their hometown to hide, so they were divided into two groups.

On the way forward, Yang Daoming and Zhong Xunren had never encountered news of the Red Army, nor could they understand the dialect in the villages of Fujian, nor could they hear the news of the troops.

At this moment, the two discovered a temple in the middle of the mountain, and had planned to take a short rest in the temple before embarking on the road to find the team.

However, just after the two men and the temple mage explained the ins and outs, the mage said that although the temple was in the mountains, people came and went, and it was easy to expose their identities, which was not conducive to the current situation of the two people.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the founding major general Zhong Guochu visited the old monk and unveiled the disappearance of the two Red Army generals 53 years ago

The mage told the two to go to another temple, the Dark Pavilion Temple, where there were few people, and the mage would take you in.

Therefore, Yang Daoming and Zhong Xunren went on the road again and found the Dark Pavilion Temple.

The mage of the Dark Pavilion Temple was Master Pin Xiang, yang Daoming had met the master before, and even Chairman Mao respected the mage, and Zhong Xunren also had an impression on him.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the founding major general Zhong Guochu visited the old monk and unveiled the disappearance of the two Red Army generals 53 years ago

Master Pin Xiang suggested that they settle down in the temple and escape into the Buddhist Gate, Yang Daoming Dharma Number Xin Yang, Zhong Xun Ren Fa Number Miao Yuan.

In this way, the two became monks in the temple, even if they lived in seclusion in the temple, but the revolutionary ideal in their hearts has never been forgotten.

He has helped the comrades of the underground party to hide and escape from the enemy's blockade on many occasions.

Yang Daoming once thought of telling his experience to the comrades of the underground party, but in that era of war, the soldiers also had no place to live, and after a short rest, they went on the road, and Yang Daoming did not have the opportunity to tell.

Later, the Kuomintang reactionaries learned that there were monks in the temple who joined the Red Army and frantically rounded up Yang Daoming, and Zhong Xunren left the Dark Pavilion Temple in order to get out of the blockade.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the founding major general Zhong Guochu visited the old monk and unveiled the disappearance of the two Red Army generals 53 years ago

By the time the two met again, it was already after the founding of the country.

Yang Daoming had planned to write a letter to the Central Committee on the experiences of the two, after all, the Party Central Committee did not know where they were going, and it was also reassuring to say so.

Zhong Xunren said that he learned of the traitor Peng Hu's statement that the Red Army in the Fujian-Gansu Su District at that time was annihilated in one fell swoop, and everyone knew that the two were not alive.

At that time, the two hid in the temple, did not contribute to the revolution, and did not see the central government, so they continued to live in seclusion.

In this way, until Zhong Xunren died, no one knew the experience of the two people.

Before his death, Zhong Xunren still instructed me to keep secrets and not to let my family and the Party Central Committee know about my situation.

After Zhong Xunren's death, Yang Daoming kept secrets, and in order to make up for his inner debt to the revolution, Yang Daoming handed over the grain of the temple to the state every year for 10 years.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the founding major general Zhong Guochu visited the old monk and unveiled the disappearance of the two Red Army generals 53 years ago

Today, Yang Daoming is more than 80 years old, his physical condition is deteriorating year by year, and he realizes that if he does not tell the truth, then the people of the world and the Party Central Committee will never know the truth and become a permanent unjust case.

For the sake of the party and the country, he can no longer abide by the agreement with Zhong Xunren and tell the truth.

In 1999, the 90-year-old Master Xin Yang and revolutionary fighter Yang Daoming passed away.

In that war years, how many revolutionary fighters died gloriously, and how many heroes fought against the enemy on the battlefield, their ranks are the records of the revolutionary cause, and there was another group of people, because of the fire of war, lost contact with the troops, although their names are unknown, there is no rank, but they also have glorious merits, the world should remember them.

Whether it is Yang Daoming or Zhong Xunren, they escaped into the Buddhist Gate in time, still have the heart of the revolution, are loyal to the party, and have not changed in their lives, they are also heroes!

With this article, I would like to pay tribute to the revolutionary fighters and heroes!


Biography of a Figure in the History of the Communist Party of China

"Characters of the Chinese Red Army"

Encyclopedia of Knowledge of the Communist Party of China

Fuzhou Literature and History Materials Vol. 24

Chronicle of Jiangxi Province

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