
The Japanese army cut off the head of the anti-Japanese general and soaked it in the potion, and the martyr's head was finally found after many years

The Japanese army cut off the head of the anti-Japanese general and soaked it in the potion, and the martyr's head was finally found after many years

The Japanese army launched a war of aggression against China, committed numerous crimes in China, and countless sons and daughters of China sacrificed their precious lives to resist the invasion of the Japanese army. The northeast region is also the first area invaded by the Japanese army, where there is also an active anti-Japanese contingent, that is, the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army, which is a heroic unit under the leadership of the Communist Party of China.

Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, they waged an arduous struggle against the Japanese aggressors for fourteen years, and a large number of heroes and deeds emerged. Among them, Yang Jingyu and Zhao Shangzhi were well-known anti-Japanese heroes in the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army, and the anti-Japanese contingent they led dealt a major blow to the Japanese puppet army, which made the Japanese army hate and fear.

After the sacrifice of the two anti-Japanese generals, the Japanese army cruelly cut off their heads to show the public, among them, the Japanese army hung the head of General Yang Jingyu in the downtown area of Tonghua City for 3 days, and then sent the head of General Yang Jingyu to the Headquarters of the Japanese Kwantung Army and soaked it in potion. Later, it was designed by the underground party comrades to retrieve it and stored in the Northeast Martyrs Memorial Hall. On September 25, 1957, the martyr's bereaved body was buried in the Jingyu Cemetery in Tonghua City.

The Japanese army cut off the head of the anti-Japanese general and soaked it in the potion, and the martyr's head was finally found after many years

The remains of the martyr Zhao Shangzhi were not found until 2004, after more than 60 years of the general's sacrifice, until the remains of the martyr Zhao Shangzhi were found, and on October 25, 2008, the remains of the martyr Zhao Shangzhi were buried in his hometown of Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province

"Zhao Shangzhi Martyrs Cemetery"

Yang Jingyu was betrayed and sacrificed by traitors, and the Japanese brutally cut him off and cut off his head for public display

Yang Jingyu, formerly known as Ma Shangde, was born in February 1905 in Liwan Village, Qishan County, Henan Province, and in 1927, Yang Jingyu joined the Communist Party of China, led the Liudian Autumn Harvest Uprising in Henan, and served as the commander-in-chief of the Qishan Peasant Army and the secretary of the Henan Special Committee of the Communist Party of China. In July 1929, Yang Jingyu was sent to work in the northeast by the organization, under the pseudonym Zhang Guanyi, and served as the secretary of the Fushun Special Branch of the Communist Party of China.

After the "918" incident, Yang Jingyu successively served as the president of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Salvation Congress, the secretary of the Harbin Municipal CPC Committee, the commander and political commissar of the First Division of the Northeast Revolutionary Army, the commander and political commissar of the First Army of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army, the commander-in-chief of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army, the commander-in-chief of the First Route Army, and the secretary of the CPC South Manchurian Provincial Committee.

The Japanese army cut off the head of the anti-Japanese general and soaked it in the potion, and the martyr's head was finally found after many years

The anti-Japanese contingent led by Yang Jingyu crisscrossed the provinces of Kyrgyzstan and Liaoning, galloped through more than thirty counties, and fought to the death with the Japanese army, which seriously dealt a blow to the Japanese army's activities in Manchuria, disrupted the strategic deployment of the Japanese army, and pinned down hundreds of thousands of Japanese troops.

The Japanese army adopted a policy of abduction, recruited prisoners of war against the United Forces, shook and disintegrated the hearts of the army, and carried out economic blockades, requiring the people's grain storage to not exceed three days, and doing everything possible to cut off the source of food supplies for the anti-Japanese coalition army. And organized

"Fusen Task Force", "Tang Zhendong Advance Team", "Local Work Class"

Other organizations worked with the Japanese army against the anti-coalition forces.

In the cruel environment of struggle, there were also some traitors in the Northeast Anti-Japanese League, among them, Cheng Bin, the commander of the First Division of the First Army of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Alliance, led 115 people under his command to treason against the enemy in July 1938, and the Japanese army appointed Cheng Bin as the captain

"Cheng Bin Advance Team"

This traitor was very familiar with the situation of the Anti-League, and he led the Japanese puppet army to destroy more than 70 secret camps that the Anti-Japanese Coalition had painstakingly built in the deep mountains and wild forests, so that Yang Jingyu's troops, who had lost their logistical supplies, were in a situation of running out of ammunition and food overnight.

The Japanese army cut off the head of the anti-Japanese general and soaked it in the potion, and the martyr's head was finally found after many years

In this difficult environment, Yang Jingyu and the soldiers of the army often fought against the enemy hungry, sometimes relying on eating tree bark and grass roots to fill their hunger, Yang Jingyu, like the soldiers, never made a special. In January 1940, Yang Jingyu led his troops back to Maojiang County to raise supplies, and attacked a stronghold of the Japanese puppet army in Longquan Town, capturing some grain and materials. But the battle also exposed the whereabouts of the troops.

In order to surround and annihilate Yang Jingyu's department, Ryuichiro Kishitani, director of the pseudo-Tonghua Provincial Police Department, personally mobilized the Japanese puppet army and 9 police brigades, about 40,000 people, to pursue Yang Jingyu's department. In order to get rid of the pursuit of the Japanese puppet army, the main force of the anti-Japanese coalition guard brigade went north to Huadian, and Yang Jingyu only led a small detachment of more than 60 people to circle with the enemy in the mountains around Mengjiang and Huinan, which lasted for more than 50 days and fought more than 30 battles with the enemy.

The Japanese army cut off the head of the anti-Japanese general and soaked it in the potion, and the martyr's head was finally found after many years

During a battle, Ding Shoulong, a staff officer of the Anti-Japanese Coalition Guard Brigade, was wounded and captured, and under the temptation of the enemy, he defected and confessed to the enemy the secrets of Yang Jingyu and the actions of the anti-Japanese coalition army. After obtaining Ding Shoulong's confession, the Japanese army once again carried out a dragnet search for Yang Jingyu, and because the enemy arranged multiple blockade lines, Yang Jingyu's troops could not get rid of the enemy, and the troops suffered great casualties.

On February 1, Yang Jingyu led his troops to encounter the enemy in the west of Mengjiang County, and during the battle, Zhang Xiufeng, the guard platoon leader next to Yang Jingyu, carried confidential documents, 4 large and small guns, and more than 9,000 yuan of funds for the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army to defect to the enemy. This Zhang Xiufeng was an orphan, and Yang Jingyu raised him as if he were his own child, and Yang Jingyu once said to him:

"You are an orphan, you have no father and mother, I have no children, you are like my son."

Didn't expect this."

White-eyed wolf

"He actually betrayed and betrayed Yang Jingyu."

After Zhang Xiufeng's defection, the Japanese army grasped Yang Jingyu's range of activities and organized the Japanese puppet army to conduct a search. At this time, Yang Jingyu only had 6 fighters around him, Yang Jingyu let the 4 wounded fighters quickly move, and he himself and the other two fighters continued to deal with the enemy.

The Japanese army cut off the head of the anti-Japanese general and soaked it in the potion, and the martyr's head was finally found after many years

At that time, Yang Jingyu suffered from a cold, and had not eaten for a long time, yang Jingyu's only two remaining soldiers were out looking for food, and the Japanese puppet army's search team encountered and died, the Japanese army through the sacrifice of the soldiers searched for Yang Jingyu seal and other items, determined that Yang Jingyu was nearby.

The enemy searched for several days in a row, but never found any trace of Yang Jingyu. On February 23, yang Jingyu did not eat during this period after 5 days of circling with the enemy, and on the afternoon of the same day, Yang Jingyu saw four firewood shooters in The Three Daoweizi of Bao'an Village in Mengjiang County, and he stepped forward and said:

"I'm so hungry, I'll give you something to eat and clothes for me, and I'll give you money."

These four people are pseudo-card lengths (equivalent to armor lengths)

Zhao Tingxi and villagers Sun Changchun, Xin Shunli and Chi Deshun

。 They also recognized that this was the famous Yang Jingyu. Zhao Tingxi persuaded Yang Jingyu to surrender, and Yang Jingyu calmly replied:

"If we surrender Chinese, we will be finished in China."

Zhao Tingxi promised to go back to the village to get some food for Yang Jingyu.

The Japanese army cut off the head of the anti-Japanese general and soaked it in the potion, and the martyr's head was finally found after many years

Who knew that on the way back, they met the hardcore traitor Li Zhengxin. Under the intimidation of the coaxing, Zhao Tingxi was afraid that the other three people would report first, resulting in him being accused of concealing and not reporting, so he told him about meeting Yang Jingyu. Li Zhengxin was overjoyed after hearing this, and immediately reported it to the Japanese. Zhao Tingxi then acted as a guide for a large number of Japanese and puppet military policemen, leading them to the place where Yang Jingyu was hiding.

When the Japanese commander Nishitani Kidai commanded the Japanese puppet military police to approach Yang Jingyu, he began to shout:

"Is Jun Commander Yang or not?"

He tried to persuade Yang Jingyu to surrender. At this time, Yang Jingyu knew that he was already surrounded, and he replied:

"Needless to say, shoot."

The battle lasted for more than 20 minutes, and when Nishitani saw that persuasion was ineffective, he gave orders to Zhang Xiruo, a traitor who surrendered with Cheng Bin

"Kill him"

Zhang Xiruo immediately strafed Yang Jingyu with a machine gun, and one of the bullets hit Yang Jingyu in the chest, and the anti-Japanese hero Yang Jingyu was killed at the age of 35.

The Japanese army cut off the head of the anti-Japanese general and soaked it in the potion, and the martyr's head was finally found after many years

After Yang Jingyu's sacrifice, the Japanese puppet army held a celebration meeting, and the head of the puppet Tonghua Provincial Police Department, Kishitani Ryuichiro, could not understand that Yang Jingyu was chased for five days and five nights, without any food supply, how could he support himself and still be able to fight all the time? Kishitani Ryuichiro wanted to cut open Yang Jingyu's chest and abdomen to take a look. Subsequently, the brutal Japanese Kou dissected General Yang Jingyu's body, but they found that general Yang's stomach contained only dry grass, bark, and cotton wool, and not even a grain of grain.

The Japanese army also asked the traitor Zhang Xiruo to use a knife to cut off the head of General Yang Jingyu, put it into a transparent glass box, transport it to the then Tonghua provincial capital by a car, show it to the public in the downtown area, and after taking pictures of the head, printed a large number of pictures, and scattered it to the places where the Anti-Japanese Coalition had fought and some residential areas, remembering the role of intimidating the Chinese people and the anti-Japanese forces. The Japanese army also made a big fuss

"Yang Jingyu has been purged"

to show off their "great military achievements". After 3 days of being paraded to the Japanese army, General Yang Jingyu's head was sent to the Kwantung Army Headquarters in puppet Manchukuo, where he was soaked in a bottle with potion and secretly hidden.

The Japanese army cut off the head of the anti-Japanese general and soaked it in the potion, and the martyr's head was finally found after many years

In order to commemorate General Yang Jingyu, in 1946, the Tonghua Detachment of the Northeast Democratic Coalition Army was renamed yang Jingyu Detachment, and Mengjiang County was renamed Jingyu County. Let's talk about the fate of several traitors, in the 1951 purge campaign, the traitor Cheng Bin was recognized and reported, and eventually shot. On February 23, 1946, Zhao Tingxi, the chief of the false card, was shot dead in front of the grave of General Yang Jingyu. The most hateful thing is that the traitors Zhang Xiruo, Zhang Xiufeng and others have evaded punishment.

Search for the remains of General Yang Jingyu to comfort the heroic souls of the martyrs

In August 1945, after the surrender of Japan, the Northeast Party organization wanted to retrieve Yang Jingyu's head, but because the Kuomintang took over the Japanese puppet regime in Changchun, there was no chance for a while. In October 1948, the war to liberate Northeast China had reached a critical moment, changchun had been besieged by our army for 7 months, at this time, the whereabouts of General Yang Jingyu's head in Changchun City were unknown.

The Japanese army cut off the head of the anti-Japanese general and soaked it in the potion, and the martyr's head was finally found after many years

The Northeast Bureau of the CPC entrusted the task of finding the general's head to Li Yeguang, head of the CCP's Changchun underground group. Through inquiry, Li Yeguang learned that the medical equipment, medicines, specimens, etc. of the medical department of the former Japanese Kwantung Army Command were all accepted by the Changchun Medical College. However, at that time, Changchun Medical College was occupied by the 2nd Cavalry Brigade of the First Regiment of the Kuomintang and became a military powerhouse, and outsiders had no chance to enter. If you can break into the health team, it is possible to enter the medical school, and then find out whether the remains of General Yang Jingyu are in the medical school.

With the consent of his superiors, the organization sent Liu Yaguang into the enemy's health brigade and served as a lieutenant military medical officer. Liu Yaguang took advantage of the opportunity to go on a round trip to the Kuomintang officers and soldiers to sneak into the dissection room, and in a very secret side room, he found a large locker containing many glass jars containing human specimens. Two of the glass jars contained a human head each, and a note was attached to the jar, one writing Yang Jingyu and the other writing SanjiangHao (

Chen Hanzhang, commander of the Third Front Of the First Route Army of the Anti-Japanese Coalition, was killed on December 8, 1940, while fighting the Japanese army

)。 Since Liu Yaguang alone could not bring the head out, he had to go back and report the situation to the underground team.

The Japanese army cut off the head of the anti-Japanese general and soaked it in the potion, and the martyr's head was finally found after many years

At this time, the Kuomintang agents also seemed to perceive that the Communists were looking for Yang Jingyu's head, and the head of the secret service, Xiang Naiguang, repeatedly inquired and inspected the preservation of Yang Jingyu's head, and secretly sent agents from the Changchun City Police Department to put a secret post in the medical equipment room and guard it day and night.

In order to ensure that the heads of Yang Jingyu and General Chen Hanzhang returned to the hands of the Communists, the underground party group made a careful plan, and Liu Yaguang deliberately approached Cao Ruchao, a Kuomintang police officer in charge of guarding the medical equipment room, and often gave small favors and small favors, and was close to him. Because Changchun was besieged, many residents in the city had run out of food, and Cao Ruchao's family could not open the pot. One night, Cao Ruchao found Liu Yaguang crying, saying that the family had been out of food for two days, and his parents were starving to death, and wanted to ask him for help.

Liu Yaguang thought that this was an opportunity, and the underground party group gave Cao Ruchao the seven kilograms of sorghum rice he had obtained, and Cao Ruchao thanked him profusely, picked up the sorghum rice and went home. Another member of the underground party group, under the pretext of going to the medical school to pull medical equipment, took the opportunity to open the door of the instrument room with the pre-arranged key, and transported the glass jar containing yang Jingyu and Chen Hanzhang's heads with gauze to the front hall of the health team.

The Japanese army cut off the head of the anti-Japanese general and soaked it in the potion, and the martyr's head was finally found after many years

That night, Liu Yaguang and his lover hid the remains of the two generals in the facial department of the health team. On the second day after the liberation of Changchun, the remains of the two generals were welcomed into Yaguang Hospital for preservation. Two months later, the People's Liberation Army sent Zhang Yu and 5 soldiers to escort the martyr's head to Harbin in a special train and placed it in the Northeast Martyrs Memorial Hall.

On February 23, 1958, on the occasion of the 18th anniversary of Yang Jingyu's martyrdom, the hero's head and torso were combined and solemnly buried in yang Jingyu Martyrs' Cemetery. On June 14, 2013, on the 100th anniversary of the birth of General Chen Hanzhang, the general's remains were also moved back to the Chen Hanzhang Martyrs Cemetery in Dunhua, Jilin Province, and a solemn burial and public sacrifice ceremony was held.

The Japanese army cut off the head of the anti-Japanese general and soaked it in the potion, and the martyr's head was finally found after many years

The Japanese army offered a heavy reward for the capture of Zhao Shangzhi, and the head of the general was cut off by the Japanese army after the sacrifice, and his whereabouts were later unknown

Zhao Shangzhi was born on October 26, 1908, to a peasant family in Lama Dian, Chaoyang County, Rehe Province (now Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province), and was one of the main founders and commanders of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army led by the Communist Party of China. Zhao Shangzhi was influenced by his father to embark on the revolutionary road at an early age, and in 1925, at the age of 17, Zhao Shangzhi joined the Communist Party of China and was admitted to the fourth phase of the Whampoa Military Academy that year.

After the "Zhongshan Ship Incident" in 1926, Zhao Shangzhi returned to the northeast to engage in revolutionary activities, and was appointed as a member of the Standing Committee of the Manchurian Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, the secretary of the Military Commission, and he was also one of the earliest Communist Party members in the northeast region. Zhao Shangzhi successively served as commander of the Hadong Detachment of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Guerrilla Force, commander of the Third Army of the Northeast People's Revolutionary Army, commander of the Third Army of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army, commander-in-chief of the North Manchurian Anti-Japanese Coalition Army, commander-in-chief of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army, and deputy commander-in-chief of the Second Route Army of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition.

The Japanese army cut off the head of the anti-Japanese general and soaked it in the potion, and the martyr's head was finally found after many years

Zhao Shangzhi and Yang Jingyu are on a par with each other, and on the Japanese army's wanted list, Yang Jingyu ranks first, and Zhao Shangzhi ranks second, which was circulated in the northeast at that time

"Southern Yang Bei Zhao"



"It refers to Yang Jingyu,"

Northern Zhao"

It is Zhao Shangzhi. Zhao Shangzhi is called

"Lion of the North"

During the arduous years of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he led his troops to the northeast, conquered the snowy plains of Linhai, and under the condition of lack of clothing and food, he often filled the hunger with grass roots and tree bark, stubbornly resisted the war, and created many examples of winning more with less and winning with wisdom, threatening to shock the enemy's guts.

The Japanese Kwantung Army once offered a heavy reward for the capture of Zhao Shangzhi, promising who would capture Zhao Shangzhi

"One coin, one coin, one dollar, one or two meats, one silver"

The enemy has also repeatedly sent spies and spies into the anti-coalition team to attempt to assassinate him, which shows that Zhao Shangzhi has become a "thorn in the eye" of the Japanese army, and wants to get rid of it quickly.

Although Zhao Shangzhi was wrongly expelled from the party twice, neither of them affected his bold loyalty to the party and he persisted in the anti-Japanese armed struggle. He once said:

"I was born a member of the Communist Party, doing party work is my life's task, I can't leave the party for a day, and I will die on the anti-Japanese battlefield in the northeast."

The Japanese army cut off the head of the anti-Japanese general and soaked it in the potion, and the martyr's head was finally found after many years

In order to deal with Zhao Shangzhi, the Japanese army arranged for the secret agent Liu Deshan to disguise himself as a regular customer who received mountain goods and prepare to infiltrate Zhao Shangzhi's troops; he also sent Wang Xiufeng and 25 other secret agents to enter the mountains from near the Wutong River to do intelligence liaison work. In January 1942, Liu Deshan found a small army led by Zhao Shangzhi near Laobai Mountain in northern Yubara, and deceived Zhao Shangzhi's trust with clever words.

By February, Hisajiro Tai had not received information from Liu Deshan, and sent his agent Zhang Xiwei into the mountains to listen to the news. On the afternoon of February 8, Zhang Xiwei found Zhao Shangzhi's small troops, and under the cover of Liu Deshan, who had already mixed into Zhao Shangzhi's team, Zhang Xiwei also lurked next to Zhao Shangzhi. At 6 o'clock that night, Zhao Shangzhi, who was eager to win, credulously believed Liu Deshan's lies and decided to attack the Wutong River pseudo-police substation and the garrison at dawn on the 12th, and made specific combat arrangements.

The Japanese army cut off the head of the anti-Japanese general and soaked it in the potion, and the martyr's head was finally found after many years

In the early morning of February 12, 1942, Zhao Shangzhi led his troops to reach the vicinity of the enemy's stronghold north of the Wutong River (present-day Shangzhi Forest Farm of the Hebei Forestry Bureau in Hegang City). At about 1:30 a.m., the battle had just started, and the secret agent Liu Deshan fired a "black gun" at Zhao Shangzhi from behind, and the unsuspecting Zhao Shangzhi was hit, the bullet entered from the left rib and penetrated the right rib, and Zhao Shangzhi was caught by the Japanese army for excessive bleeding.

Zhao Shangzhi was killed eight hours after being caught by the enemy for too much bloodshed, at the age of 34. On February 17, Japanese agents Hisajiro Tai and Masao Higashijo and others sawed off the head of General Zhao Shangzhi with a hacksaw, and on the 25th sent it to the Changchun Police Department for a reward, and threw Zhao Shangzhi's body into the Songhua River.

The Japanese army cut off the head of the anti-Japanese general and soaked it in the potion, and the martyr's head was finally found after many years

Many searches for the remains of General Zhao Shangzhi were searched, and they were finally found many years later

After Japan's surrender, Comrade Peng Zhen, then first secretary of the Northeast Bureau, and Comrade Chen Yun, deputy secretary of the Northeast Bureau, gave instructions on many occasions to do everything possible to find the remains of the martyrs. Along with general Yang Jingyu, general Chen Hanzhang, and Wang Yachen, commander of the Tenth Army of the Anti-Japanese League, the heads were found one after another, but the whereabouts of general Zhao Shangzhi's head are unknown. Later, according to Dongcheng Zhengxiong, chief of the special service section of the pseudo-Manchurian Xingshan Police Station who participated in the pursuit and killing of General Zhao Shangzhi, the head of General Zhao Shangzhi was taken away by the abbot of the Banruo Temple in Changchun City.

Originally, the Japanese Kwantung Army was ready to publicly display Zhao Shangzhi's head to the public, and then seal it like the heads of Martyrs Yang Jingyu and Chen Hanzhang, waiting for an opportunity to send it to Japan to show off the remarkable achievements of occupying northeast China by force. Because Zhao Shangzhi's head had changed before the drug embalming treatment was carried out, it was impossible to preserve it, so the Japanese army decided to burn Zhao Shangzhi's head to extinction.

The Japanese army cut off the head of the anti-Japanese general and soaked it in the potion, and the martyr's head was finally found after many years

When Master Qiu Xuan heard that the head of the martyr Zhao Shangzhi who had sacrificed his life for the anti-Japanese resistance was about to be burned by the Japanese, he personally came forward to request that Zhao Shangzhi's head be buried in the Panruo Temple. At that time, the commander-in-chief of the Japanese Kwantung Army, Umezu Mijiro, believed in Buddhism and had visited TheRayō-ji Temple many times to see Master Kuo-woo, so his request to Gen-Kwan-woo was allowed to make an exception, and under the auspices of Gen-Kwan-chi, he buried the remains of General Zhao Shangzhi in the Banjo-ji Temple.

After learning about the situation, Heilongjiang and Liaoning and other places repeatedly sent people to the Protector Banruo Temple to look for the remains of General Zhao Shangzhi, but because master Qi Xuan had long since passed away and no one else understood the situation, the search had been fruitless. On June 1, 2004, the Political Department of the Shenyang Military Region went to the Panruo Temple to shoot a special film of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition, and accidentally learned that on May 31, that is, the day before, an unnamed skull had been dug up by the temple wall, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The Japanese army cut off the head of the anti-Japanese general and soaked it in the potion, and the martyr's head was finally found after many years

Soon, the nameless skull was sent to Harbin, where it was initially identified by the forensic doctor of the provincial public security department and sent to the Ministry of Public Security for identification. According to the bony characteristics of the skull sent for examination, the skull sent for examination is male, the age range is between 31 and 36 years old, and the height range is between 1.60 and 1.63 meters, which is very consistent with the situation of General Zhao Shangzhi.

Moreover, in the lower part of the left orbit of the skull, a bone defect was found, which was identified as an old bone injury, which is also consistent with Zhao Shangzhi's record of being injured by shrapnel in the battle against Dongxing on November 1, 1932. For the sake of prudence, a skull appearance restoration was made, and after identification, it was confirmed that the nameless head was the remains of General Zhao Shangzhi. The remains of General Zhao Shangzhi were finally found after the general's sacrifice 62 years ago. On October 25, 2008, the remains of General Zhao Shangzhi were buried in Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province, the martyr's hometown

The Japanese army cut off the head of the anti-Japanese general and soaked it in the potion, and the martyr's head was finally found after many years

Yang Jingyu, Zhao Shangzhi, and others led the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army in a bloody battle against the Japanese in the harsh environment of the Snowy Plains of Linhai, and established a strategic Chinese meritorious deed for the all-people War of Resistance. Chairman Mao also gave a high evaluation to Yang Jingyu and Zhao Shangzhi:

"Yang Jingyu, Zhao Shangzhi, Li Hongguang, and others are all members of the Communist Party, and their achievements in resolutely resisting Japan and waging arduous struggles are well known to everyone."

I would like to commemorate the heroes who died for the War of Resistance Against Japan!

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