
China's first "Travel +" conference, what is Jetway Auto going to do?

Recently, Jietu Automobile officially announced that it will hold the "China's First "Travel +" Conference and Jietu Automobile Brand Night" on January 10. There is no doubt that this is an important signal for Jietu Automobile to consolidate the position of the leader of the "travel +" market segment and open a new journey of "travel +" strategy.

What exactly is Jetway For?

At the opening of 2022, Jietu Automobile took the lead in setting off the first wave of integration of products and ecology in the automotive industry. Can't help but wonder, what is this "new force" Chinese brand car company going to do?

China's first "Travel +" conference, what is Jetway Auto going to do?

Since its inception, in the past four years of high-quality development, Jietu Automobile has basically completed the preset product and ecological basic layout.

Based on the "Travel +" scene experiential development products, the two star product series represented by Jietu X70 Zhuge and Jietu X90 Zilong have established a solid position in the market, completing the high-density coverage of the 7-15 million yuan SUV segment from bottom to top, meeting the personalized and diversified car needs of consumers.

Focusing on people, cars and scenarios, and continuously strengthening the user travel ecology, Jietu Automobile and the alliance units work together to create a six-way ecological alliance of brand mutual promotion, user mutual sharing, product co-creation, mutual VIP, activity co-creation, and channel mutual sharing, and has begun to take shape, continuing to provide users with high-quality and upgraded value-added rights and service experiences.

In the future automotive market, from product competition to ecological competition is the only way. Seizing market opportunities by creating healthier and smarter all-scenario mobility solutions is a strategic opportunity that Jietu Auto must seize.

China's first "Travel +" conference, what is Jetway Auto going to do?

It is understood that at this "Travel +" conference, Jietu Automobile will officially release four major product strategic layouts, namely 4+3+N product matrix, covering the SUV series, cross-border series, hybrid series, based on Kunlun architecture research and development, the main hardcore tide play of the new model T2, will also debut in the product model. At the same time, Huaqiang Fantawild, Ctrip and other "travel +" ecosystem alliance partners will also stand for Jietu, empower future travel scenarios, provide users with more travel rights, open up the upstream and downstream industrial chains of tourism resources, integrate superior resources, and build a beautiful travel blueprint for people.

Consolidate the "Travel +" strategy and move towards a new journey

China's first "Travel +" Conference and Jietu Automobile Brand Night will be the starting point for Jietu Automobile to put its future travel dreams into practice.

Since its birth, Jetway Automobile has always been deeply involved in the "Travel +" market segment and continuously consolidated the "Travel +" strategy. Today's automotive industry is changing, the industrial ecology and consumption ecology continue to transform and upgrade, for users, travel has become a way of life, the car is no longer a simple travel tool, the use of cars to carry people's ideals for future travel, has become the current young people's yearning for the future lifestyle.

China's first "Travel +" conference, what is Jetway Auto going to do?

Standing on the starting line of the new journey, Jietu Automobile will take China's first "Travel +" conference as an opportunity to realize the re-evolution of product creation and ecological construction, comprehensively layout the "Travel +" market segment, better create the ecology of travel scenes, realize the in-depth combination of people, vehicles and scenes, fully release the brand "Travel +" gene, realize the renewal and upgrading of brand value, and enable Jietu Automobile to achieve higher quality development in future market competition.

The road ahead is long, only struggle, in the "China's first "Travel +" Conference and Jietu Automobile Brand Night", this new station in the journey, Jietu Automobile will depict what kind of scenery, January 10, we may wish to wait and wait to reveal.

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