
Jiangsu found a mysterious pond, the pond water can never be pumped dry, experts: buried below China's first emperor

With the upgrading of archaeological equipment, the increasing professionalism of archaeologists, and the improvement of the public's awareness of protecting national cultural relics, more and more ancient tombs and cultural relics in ancient tombs have been well protected.

However, there is still a group that gives archaeologists a headache, that is, tomb robbers, how many ancient tombs have been killed, and how many cultural relics are missing.

Jiangsu found a mysterious pond, the pond water can never be pumped dry, experts: buried below China's first emperor

In Jiangsu, a mysterious pond was found, and the water in the pond could never be pumped dry, experts said: Buried below is China's first emperor. However, this tomb of the Emperor has long been destroyed by tomb robbers, what is the matter? Let's take a look.

In 2012, outside caozhuang village in Xihu Town, Yangzhou City, there was a high-level land, which local villagers called "Houtou Mountain".

In the last century, a strange thing happened in the village, there are two ponds not far from the village, the pond in the west is called Mingtang, and the east is called Jiaotang, and the structure of these two ponds is combined to form a yin and yang bagua diagram. And for decades, even in the face of drought, the two ponds never dried up. Therefore, the villagers are also very curious about these two ponds, and once wanted to drain the water, but the water in the pond could not be pumped, so the villagers had to give up.

On April 12, 2013, two remaining tombs were found at a real estate project site in Yangzhou. After the archaeological experts inspected, the two tombs were brick chamber tombs in the late Sui and early Tang dynasties.

Jiangsu found a mysterious pond, the pond water can never be pumped dry, experts: buried below China's first emperor

And in its west side of the tomb unearthed an epitaph, its inscription has the words "with the late Emperor Jiao's epitaph" and other words, indicating that the owner of the tomb should be the Sui Emperor Yang Guang!

Unexpectedly, this Chinese first emperor actually slept here!

After that, the archaeological site also unearthed a total of more than 100 pieces of jade, bronze, pottery and lacquerware, although the number is not much, but after the arrival of the tomb robbers, the Sui Dynasty Emperor's tomb can still find these precious cultural relics, which is also a relief to archaeologists. In tomb No. 2, a skeleton was also cleared, which was verified by experts as a woman, whose height was about 1.5 meters, and this person should be Xiao Hou.

However, in the Analects, it is said: "It is better to be unkind than to be evil, and it is also a gentleman who is evil and inferior, and all the evils under the world are returned." ”

Jiangsu found a mysterious pond, the pond water can never be pumped dry, experts: buried below China's first emperor

This means that the king is not as bad as the legend says, just because he is the king of the fallen country, so the people of the world will blame all the bad things on his head. And the Sui Dynasty Emperor Yang Guang, no doubt became the Great Emperor because of this.

In fact, the Sui Dynasty Emperor still made some achievements. He once led an army south to destroy Southern Chen. During his reign, he also built the Grand Canal of the Sui Dynasty, built the eastern capital, moved the capital luoyang, changed the prefecture to a county, and changed the weights and measures according to the ancient style, which had a great influence on later generations.

Then why was the Sui Emperor called Emperor Xia?

According to the dialogue between Wei Zheng and Tang Taizong recorded in the "Zhenguan Politicians", it is said that the Sui Emperor was tireless in his ambition, but he was extravagant, and every time there was an offering to be made, and if he was not satisfied, there was a severe punishment, and what was good on the top, there would be even more at the bottom, and the competition would be infinite, and it would be destroyed.

Jiangsu found a mysterious pond, the pond water can never be pumped dry, experts: buried below China's first emperor

First of all, the Sui Dynasty Emperor was absurd, and every time he traveled, he would use a considerable amount of the state's material and financial resources, and in order to meet the requirements of his concubines, he did not hesitate to build a palace, transporting the strange materials and stones south of the Great River and north of the Wuling Mountains to Luoyang, and also ordered jiangnan to build tens of thousands of dragon boats and miscellaneous ships, which made most of the servants die. This led to the dissatisfaction of the people and led to the subsequent peasant revolt.

Moreover, the Sui Emperor was so impressed that he launched three unjust wars against Goryeo. And these wars not only consumed a lot of materials, but also because of command mistakes, resulting in a large number of tragic deaths of conscripted soldiers in foreign lands. The burden imposed on the broad masses of the people by the war is very heavy.

In addition, the Sui Dynasty Emperor used severe punishment and harsh laws to brutally suppress the people. In 613, Emperor Jue suppressed Yang Xuangan's anti-Sui rebellion and captured his comrades, and finally sentenced him to extremely cruel punishment.

In the same year, the Sui Emperor sent Wang Shichong to suppress Liu Yuanjin's uprising in Jiangnan, burying all his rebellious masses alive, killing as many as 30,000 people. Finally, the Sui Emperor was also cruel and suspicious within the ruling class, and was ruthless.

Jiangsu found a mysterious pond, the pond water can never be pumped dry, experts: buried below China's first emperor

The atrocities of the Sui Dynasty Emperor caused great damage to social production, so the masses of the people suffered incomparably. The result of the tyrannical rule of the Sui Dynasty also aroused the resistance of millions of people, so the peasant revolt at the end of the Sui Dynasty inevitably broke out, and the final result of the tyrant Sui Emperor was to be discredited and the dynasty collapsed.

After the death of the Sui Emperor, he was also known as the first emperor of China, and his tomb was also small, and even the locals were not very clear that there was an imperial tomb here, plus it was also stolen by tomb robbers, which was probably also the retribution for what he did before he died.

What do you think about that?

References: Analects, Zhenguan Politicians

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