
Wherever the Soviet Union needed it, General Zhukov was there

Wherever the Soviet Union needed it, General Zhukov was there

Historical materialism tells us that it is the masses of the people who have promoted the development of history, and he also tells us that many outstanding figures have also played an important role, even a key role.

There was such a general among the former Soviet generals, who came from a poor background, started from an ordinary soldier, studied with unremitting efforts, fought heroically, commanded thousands of troops and horses, and finally became a marshal of the Soviet Army.

In the Second Soviet-German War, he turned the tide and turned the Soviet army into a victory until the final victory. Some say he was the firefighter of the Soviet Union, and no matter where the war burned, he went there, that extinguished! He is the Soviet god of war, Georgi. Konstantinovich. Zhukov!

Since the ancient cold door out of the talent, open up a different kind of life.

Little Zhukov, who was born poor, had miserable material living conditions in his childhood, and although his parents worked hard, they were poor and even had no house to live in.

But his spiritual world was colorful, and Zhukov's mother's optimistic, tenacious, and never-to-lose spirit influenced his life.

It was under such material conditions that his mother still insisted on providing for the schooling of the little Zhukov, who studied diligently and diligently, achieved excellent results, and cultivated a positive, optimistic and tenacious character.

If you are gold, you will eventually shine.

During World War I, he was conscripted into the army of the Tsar, and from the time he joined the army, Zhukov secretly decided: "If I become a soldier, I must loyally fight for Russia." ”

Wherever the Soviet Union needed it, General Zhukov was there

As if in the darkness, God has its own arrangements, just entered the barracks, was assigned to the cavalry unit, the first time to enter the battlefield has been tested several times, in a reconnaissance, stepping on the mine, the companion was seriously injured, he was thrown off the horse by the explosion of the air wave, comatose for a day and a night, resulting in hearing loss, plagued for life.

After recovering from his wounds, he fought bravely and became a sergeant, who cared about politics and further sublimated his thinking. After the baptism of the October Revolution, he had grown into a qualified soldier of the Soviet Red Army.

In 1919, he joined the CPSU and served as a cavalry platoon commander and company commander during the period of counterinsurgency and consolidation of power. At the end of a battle, he met his Bó Lè Frunze (a name that must have been familiar to everyone, and the Frunze Military Academy, one of the four military academies known all over the world, was named after him, who not only commanded the battle, but also carried out a successful military reform of the Soviet army).

Frunze was approachable, cheerful and optimistic, making Zhukov unforgettable, Zhukov would not have thought that this person would guarantee him to go to a higher-level institution and pave an avenue for his growth. In the spring of 1921, he fought against the White Bandit Army of Antonov in Tambov Governorate.

As a cavalry company commander, more than 100 people in the whole company, in this battle in Tambov Province, he encountered more than 2,000 Cossack cavalry - more than 100 people fought against more than 2,000 people, Zhukov was not afraid of danger, held out for 7 hours in a row, repelled 6 attacks of the other side, and held the position.

This incident became the news of the whole army at that time, "A person will encounter many things in his life, but there are a few things that will become a turning point in his life." ''

This incident caught the attention of a man named Stalin.

Leveling the Japanese Kwantung Army, Battle of Surinomenkhan. In May 1939, the Japanese Kwantung Army stationed in the puppet Manchuria region decided to attack the Mongolian People's Republic first in the area of Nomonhan.

Occupying the Halaha region in the eastern part of it as a springboard for the next step of incursion into the Soviet Far East, and thus realizing the long-planned plan to invade the Soviet Union from the north.

On 18 June, Zhukov was appointed commander of the 57th Special Army by the Soviet High Command. After arriving at the post, they immediately gathered troops, stored and transported military supplies, opened a field military airfield to compete with the Japanese army for air supremacy, and after the air battle, the Soviet army won a complete victory, obtained air supremacy on the battlefield, and contacted Stalin to quickly increase the number of troops and weapons.

In the war with the Japanese army, first resist the Japanese attack, and then use tanks, artillery, aircraft, carry out wild bombardment, frontal containment, two sides of the encirclement, throwing rear paratroopers, dividing and encircling, giving full play to the advantages of mechanized troops, crushing the Japanese Kwantung Army.

Forcing Japan to take the initiative to sign an armistice agreement with the Soviet Union, the attempt of the Northeast Kwantung Army to invade the west was completely frustrated, and then the Japanese army had to abandon the "northward policy" and choose the "southward policy", attack the Pacific islands, and sneak attack Pearl Harbor, which eventually led to the complete collapse of Japanese fascism.

Wherever the Soviet Union needed it, General Zhukov was there

On June 22, 1941, the Soviet-German War broke out, and German and vassal forces launched a surprise attack on the Soviet Union from a long front of 1800 kilometers. Because the Soviet Union was not prepared for war, the quality of the soldiers was low, the command was poor, and the weapons and equipment were outdated.

The German "blitzkrieg" first tasted victory, but the hidden dangers were congested, hitting Poland, hitting France, because of the depth of its national line, which was convenient for quickly achieving the purpose of the war. The depth of the former Soviet Union is so deep, the deeper the German army, the longer the supply line, the weaker the advantage, while the Soviet Union is the opposite, the so-called "this and the other"!

In September, Leningrad was formed by the German army. Forces advanced to the outskirts of Moscow, and the old tanks and aircraft of the Western Soviet Theater were lost. The Germans intended to capture Leningrad and join the Finnish army, detouring from the northeast to Moscow, so that Moscow would be in danger, and the power of the blitzkrieg would reach its peak, how would the Soviet Union respond at this time?

''Go where the motherland is most needed!'' Zhukov came to Leningrad, where the wind and rain were drifting, quickly took over the military command, organized personnel to build a large defense system in depth, covered mines, dug anti-tank trenches, set up obstacles, and launched guerrillas to sabotage the enemy's supply line.

At the right time, a counter-offensive was organized, Leningrad was stabilized, the enemy blockade was broken, and the German army was forced to attack the Moscow troops, put into battle in advance, achieve the expected combat objectives, and save Leningrad.

The Germans turned to the siege of Kiev, and Zhukov suggested that Kiev be abandoned, the army retreat to Moscow, disagree with Stalin, and abolish the post of chief of the general staff.

The Germans surrounded and annihilated 650,000 Soviet troops in Kiev, and the remaining Wei troops approached Moscow. Operation "Typhoon" was officially launched, Moscow was in danger, the Soviet army Zhukov was ordered to once again serve as the commander-in-chief of the conservative war in Moscow, and stalin was ready to throw out Moscow at the moment of a thousand gunshots.

But Zhukov persuaded Stalin to stay in Moscow and defend the capital with the Soviet army, the Soviet people, and the same enemy. At this time, the heavens also seemed to be taking care of the Soviet Union, and it rained continuously in autumn.

Let the German armored forces into the quagmire, give the Soviets a breathing space, the German army waiting for the rain to stop the frost, at this time, Zhukov suggested that Stalin mobilize the strategic reserve army against Japan, defend Moscow, after stalin's approval, mobilize 750,000 troops to Moscow.

After organizing a red square military parade before the start of the war, he went directly to the front line. Winters in the Soviet Union were particularly cold, when hunger, exhaustion, and a shortage of fuel and ammunition seriously damaged the fighting power of the German army attacking Moscow, and the defeat of the German army, which had lost its mobility, for the first time caused a great defeat to the main group of Hitler's army.

Wherever the Soviet Union needed it, General Zhukov was there

After that, he commanded the Soviet army to complete the Battle of Stalingrad, so that the Soviet army changed from strategic defense to strategic offensive, and in the stage of strategic counteroffensive, he directly organized and coordinated the implementation of the Belorussian Campaign, the Vistula-Oder Campaign and the Battle of Berlin, until finally destroying the fascist lair Berlin, accepting the surrender of the German army on behalf of the Soviet High Command, and embarking on the military peak.

With his outstanding contributions in the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union, he entered the annals of history as a Russian national hero on a par with Kutuzov and Suvorov.

As Eisenhower extolled, "One day there will certainly be another Russian medal." That is the Zhukov Medal, which will be cherished by everyone who appreciates the bravery, vision, perseverance and determination of a soldier. ”

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