
Are you doing valuable work? Value matrix of annual training programs

author:TTT trainer Su Ping

Many companies are doing annual training programs, and I have several articles about annual training programs. For example, the core of the 12347 article on doing the right thing – tapping into annual training needs is doing the right thing, which is valuable.

So, what is valuable for an annual training program?

The value matrix of the annual training program provided in this article can help you sort out and answer this question.

First, what is valuable work

Valuable work is doing things that lead to win-win results. For example, after completing something, you have a sense of accomplishment, and business leaders and colleagues also recognize it.

For example, enterprises require year-end summaries to be reported in the form of PPT, but many colleagues have poor PPT levels. If you do an internal training on "PPT Skills" at this time, everyone may be more recognized.

On the contrary, if you spend a lot of time and energy doing what you only want to do, you will become unflattering.

What are the rewarding jobs?

The value matrix can help us find the answer to this question.

Second, the value matrix

In the book "McKinsey Taught Me to Think About Weapons", the value matrix of Figure 1 is shared.

Are you doing valuable work? Value matrix of annual training programs

Figure 1 Value matrix

As can be seen from Figure 1, the value matrix includes the "issue degree" on the horizontal axis and the "solution quality" on the vertical axis. thereinto

"Topic degree" refers to: how necessary is it to find the answer to the question in the current situation? --- the importance of the problem.

"Quality of answers" refers to the degree to which a clear answer can currently be provided for that issue. --Effectiveness of countermeasures.

At work, some people understand the leader's mind and can ask high-issue questions, but they cannot solve them (that is, the quality of the solutions is low);

And some people like to solve various problems, but these problems are not the concern of the enterprise or the leader, that is, we often say that they are not busy with ideas. Neither of these people do valuable work.

Because only area D, which has both high issues and high solution quality, is valuable work (see Figure 2).

Are you doing valuable work? Value matrix of annual training programs

Figure 2 Interpretation of the value matrix

Third, the value matrix formulated by the annual training plan

Specific to the annual training plan, it is even more impossible to act rashly. The wrong plan will lead to a new year that will be half the work.

In order to do more with less, we must first ensure that we do the right thing, that is, the problems around the strategy and goals of the enterprise, as well as the issues that the enterprise and the department are concerned about, because these are the problems with a high degree of "topic".

Secondly, the problem of high "topic degree" is analyzed to determine the problem that the training can solve, because this is a problem with high "answer quality".

Doing valuable work is our common desire, but in practice, many practices run counter to it. Table 1 lists the corresponding cases for each region in the value matrix when developing the annual training plan.

Are you doing valuable work? Value matrix of annual training programs

Combined with Table 1, it can be seen that when doing the annual training plan, some HR lacks a global view, only considers what they want to do, what they can do, and arrange the course in this way, which is a typical A-area practice.

There are also some HR who like to use questionnaires to ask students to check the courses they want to participate in. Although it took a lot of time to summarize the questionnaire, it was still rejected by the boss. Because most of the courses chosen by employees are based on their own interests and needs, while bosses and leaders want to be linked to corporate strategy and help improve performance, the two are inconsistent. This is typical of the B-Area approach.

The practices of the A and B regions are self-centered, caring only about their own acres and acres. Even if the plan is implemented, the resistance is not small, and the effect after the training is imaginable. Because they didn't do the right thing in the first place, the end result was the opposite.

In the article Do the Right Thing – Tap into Annual Training Needs 12347, details how you can make sure you're doing the right thing (see Figure 3).

Are you doing valuable work? Value matrix of annual training programs

Figure 3 12347 of annual training demand mining

Although Area C focused on high -issue-level questions, it failed in terms of the quality of the solutions. Because training can only solve the problems that training can solve, find the right people, in order to do the right thing.

Region D is the most valuable job in the development of an annual training plan. However, in order to accurately locate area D, it requires a strong degree of professionalism and the ability to analyze and solve problems.

The Trainer Growth Handbook: Training Needs Diagnosis and Research is a tool book that gives you the ideas, processes, tools, methods and cases you need.

Are you doing valuable work? Value matrix of annual training programs

Figure 4 Su Ping's book, the first book in the series of "Trainer Growth Practical Manual"

In summary, when developing an annual training plan, it is important to avoid a self-centered approach that does not have a holistic view.

For the past dimension, through data analysis, it is necessary to find the problem points of common concern of enterprises and departments to analyze to ensure that the correct training object is found and avoid headaches.

When targeting this dimension of the future, it is necessary to find gaps around the strategy and goals of the enterprise, focus on the problems that training can solve, and ensure that the right things are done.

Are you doing valuable work? Value matrix of annual training programs

Figure 5 Value matrix of annual training programs

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#TTT Trainer Su Ping # #Trainer # Annual Training Program # #Training Needs Diagnosis and Research # #培训需求挖掘 #

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