
In the Three Kingdoms, the Shu Han Dynasty was the first to be destroyed, starting with Liu Chan's abolition of The Chancellor, but the cause was Zhuge Liang

The Three Kingdoms stand tall and the heroes shine brightly. The Shu Han, who has always regarded itself as the pure blood of the Great Han, was the first to be destroyed in the Three Kingdoms, and the reason for this has always led to many theories.

In fact, the Shu Han Dynasty was the first to be destroyed, starting with Liu Chan's abolition of the post of Chancellor.

As for Liu Chan, the haters said that he was faint, cowardly, and had no courage in his father; the admirers said that he was wise and foolish... As for Liu Chan's abolition of Xiang Xiang, some people think that this is a great proof of his fainting. Of course, some people think that this is a wise move to judge the situation.

In fact, Liu Chan abolished The Minister of State, and the cause was Zhuge Liang.

In the Three Kingdoms, the Shu Han Dynasty was the first to be destroyed, starting with Liu Chan's abolition of The Chancellor, but the cause was Zhuge Liang

1. After 11 years of suffering, the father who was in the way died

The twelfth year of Jianxing (234) is a memorable day for Liu Chan, a 28-year-old youth. He paid tribute to Zhuge Liang on the one hand: "Joint mourning, liver and heart are broken." On the other hand, Jiang Huan was promoted to Shang Shu Ling, and the following year he began to constantly seal Jiang Huan, from the capital protection, the false festival, the lingyi prefecture assassin history, the great general to the great sima . Anything can be sealed, and it will not be sealed as a minister. In fact, Liu Chan had abolished the chancellor.

Why? Because of 11 years of suffering, the father who was in the way finally died. Right! Zhuge Liang. 17-year-old successor, not so much the Son of Heaven, but rather a courtier, not only "political affairs are not big and small, salty and determined by the light", he has no right to speak, but also often used by his father to teach a lesson, "Zhi punish Zang No, it is not appropriate to disagree", "Pro-virtuous subjects, far lesser people"...

Perhaps the psychological shadow left by Zhuge Liang was too heavy. I'd rather have that seat empty than find a "daddy" for myself. Liu Chan wanted to take charge of the affairs alone, stretch out his fists and feet, and show his lifelong ambitions. The abolition of the prime minister is to clear an obstacle to ruling alone.

In the Three Kingdoms, the Shu Han Dynasty was the first to be destroyed, starting with Liu Chan's abolition of The Chancellor, but the cause was Zhuge Liang

2, troika, Zhuge Liang has not chosen a good successor

Liu Chan abolished Xiang Xiang, but the cause was Zhuge Liang. Why? Because Zhuge Liang never chose a successor before his death, some people may say: No, he chose Jiang Wan, and Jiang Huan chose Fei Yi after that. But looking at the master's table, you know that Zhuge Liang chose a troika and never handed over the power of Shu Han to any one person to monopolize. Which three people? Jiang Huan, Fei Yi, Dong Yun.

After Zhuge Liang, the troika ensured the good operation of the Shu Han. Their greatest advantage is that they completely inherit Zhuge Liang's mantle, follow the same trend toward Zhuge Liang's policies, and do not exceed half a point. Inspector Yang Min commented on Jiang Huan, who was dazed and could not catch up with his predecessors (predecessors, alluding to Zhuge Liang). Jiang Huan's answer was: "I am indeed inferior to my predecessors, what is there to say about this?" ”

Judging from Yang Min's evaluation and Jiang Wan's answer, the abilities of Jiang Wan, Fei Yi, and Dong Yun were far inferior to those of Zhuge Liang. Taking a step back, Liu Chan does not abolish the chancellor, and no matter who he pushes to the position of chancellor, he will not be able to serve the public, and this is the key to the problem. Shu Han actually had internal forces such as the Elder Faction, the Yizhou Faction, and the Jingzhou Faction, and the Troika who did the Xiang Dynasty did not fully grasp the balance of the forces of the various factions, and Liu Chan simply abolished the Xiang Faction.

In the Three Kingdoms, the Shu Han Dynasty was the first to be destroyed, starting with Liu Chan's abolition of The Chancellor, but the cause was Zhuge Liang

3. If there is no conscience and no good general, why should the Shu Han not be destroyed

Among the Three Kingdoms, the Shu Han Dynasty was the first to be destroyed, in fact, from Liu Chan's abolition of the Chancellor. why? The reason is simple: at the end of the Shu Han Dynasty, it had fallen into a situation of no conscience and no good generals. Even a pioneer could not be selected, so he had to push the golden oil-style Liaohua up to fill the number. The truth behind Liu Chan's abolition of Xiang Xiang is that even the troika that Zhuge Liang relied on and cultivated for many years was not qualified enough to do Cheng Xiang, and the crisis of Shu Han talents was extremely serious.

When the troika died one after another, Liu Chan finally completely got rid of Zhuge Liang's shadow and was able to decide for himself. From a 17-year-old boy to a semi-old man, Liu Chan looked around, there were few people available in the Manchu Dynasty, why didn't Shu Han get destroyed? Jiang Wei, who is "brave and indecisive", is only a "temporary male", and there are still at least two Deng Ais who are still far away from the good generals, let alone become a good minister.

In the Three Kingdoms, the Shu Han Dynasty was the first to be destroyed, starting with Liu Chan's abolition of The Chancellor, but the cause was Zhuge Liang

The Shu Han dynasty was first destroyed in the Three Kingdoms, beginning with Liu Chan's abolition of the chancellor, which shows that the good political ecology on which the Shu Han depended for survival and development had begun to collapse because no one could inherit it.

The person responsible for this phenomenon is Zhuge Liang. It is precisely because Zhuge Liang did everything in detail and did his own work that the troika became a craftsman, but did not become an excellent architect of governance, which is a silhouette of the talents of the entire Shu Han Dynasty. Through this silhouette, the death of Shu Han has begun to appear. It's just that in that moment, no one can realize it.

alas! Success is also Zhuge Liang, defeat is also ... You tell me?

References: "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "Zizhi Tongjian", "Wei Luo", "Huayang Guozhi", interested parties can read in detail

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