
The tragic anti-Japanese hero Wang Yachen: The head is collected and exhibited, and it is also listed as a national first-class cultural relic

In the face of the aggression of the Japanese aggressors in the last century, many people of insight stepped forward one after another; some of them were eager to open up the wisdom of the people and find the correct ideological path to save the country, and some of them directly stepped forward and faced the tyrannical Japanese aggressors. War is cruel, and a large number of people of insight have paid the price with their lives.

However, the Chinese nation will never lack enthusiastic people who struggle for the independence of the motherland, they go forward and follow, throw their heads and spill their blood, even if they know that the road ahead is long, and they may even lose their lives, but they have no complaints or regrets. There is such a tragic anti-Japanese hero in our country, whose head was collected by the enemy army after his death, and later designated by the enemy country as a national first-class cultural relic. So who is this tragic anti-Japanese hero? How did he sacrifice himself?

The tragic anti-Japanese hero Wang Yachen: The head is collected and exhibited, and it is also listed as a national first-class cultural relic

Anti-log soldier

This tragic anti-Japanese hero was named Wang Yachen. He was originally from Shandong, and later because he wanted to make a living, his family moved to the northeast, when there were many displaced people in China who migrated like Wang Yachen, and on the way, his family wealth was robbed by a group of unemployed vagrants, but there were still people in the family who wanted to survive, and in desperation, Wang Yachen had to go up the mountain to become a bandit. But he was very principled, and he did not want more people to be like himself, so he rarely robbed civilians, only robbed the rich and the poor, and was also famous in the local area.

The tragic anti-Japanese hero Wang Yachen: The head is collected and exhibited, and it is also listed as a national first-class cultural relic

However, the good times did not last long, and Japan suddenly launched the 918 Incident, and in the blink of an eye, the three eastern provinces were already occupied by the Japanese. When Wang Yachen learned of this news, he was furious, and he hated this incompetent government and this brutal aggressor. In this way, Wang Yachen made up his mind to fight the Japanese invaders to the end. In a fit of rage, he led his subordinates to join the ranks of the anti-Japanese general Song Delin.

The tragic anti-Japanese hero Wang Yachen: The head is collected and exhibited, and it is also listed as a national first-class cultural relic

But after all, Wang Yachen's men were all bandits before, their purpose was obvious, they only wanted to harvest a little profit by robbery, and many people did not have great ambitions or such deep patriotism. Wang Yachen joined the anti-Japanese army, but not all the brothers wanted to follow, and some people always maintained a resistant attitude. Wang Yachen did not force them to do this, and those brothers who were afraid of death and did not want to resist Japan drove them away and told them not to do bad things, and those who wanted to continue to follow their own cause stayed and continued to resist Japan. After some reorganization, Wang Yachen's team took on a new look, and later he led his brothers to ambush the Japanese again and again, and the Japanese were afraid to do things.

The team formed by Wang Yachen continued to grow in the fight against the Japanese invaders again and again, and later had a resounding title called the Double Dragon Team, which was deeply loved by the local people. Of course, their troops also had a regular formation, and their nickname was the Tenth Army of the Northeast People's Revolutionary Army. Later, Wang Yachen joined the Communist Party under the influence of Communist Party members and became a glorious member of the Communist Party of China, so in one battle after another against the Japanese invaders, Wang Yachen took the lead as a soldier and later slowly became a military commander. The local people knew that Wang Yachen was a patriot who fought against the Japanese devils, and many anti-Japanese troops also admired Wang Yachen's deeds, and later he actively cooperated with the local anti-Japanese fighters and eventually belonged to the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army.

The tragic anti-Japanese hero Wang Yachen: The head is collected and exhibited, and it is also listed as a national first-class cultural relic

The people of the northeast love Wang Yachen, but the Japanese do not think so. The Japanese lost a lot of materials here in Wang Yachen, and because he killed many soldiers in battle, he jumped like a thunderbolt for a while, eager to skin and cramp Wang Yachen, eat meat and drink blood. They tried their best to get rid of Wang Yachen quickly. They first resorted to a divisive plan, in a vain attempt to make Wang Yachen rebel and eventually die in isolation and helplessness, but Wang Yachen was fearless and still stubbornly resisted.

The tragic anti-Japanese hero Wang Yachen: The head is collected and exhibited, and it is also listed as a national first-class cultural relic

Tragic ending

After 1939, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression entered a stalemate, and the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army continued to stay in the area to negotiate with the Japanese. They used the local terrain to cover the haunting, and the Japanese who often hit them were caught off guard, which annoyed them, but every time they sent troops to encircle and suppress Wang Yachen's team, they were fruitless. Later, when our army wanted to contact Wang Yachen, the people sent were stunned that they had not found Wang Yachen's whereabouts for half a year, which was very ridiculous, but it also showed from another aspect the flexibility of Wang Yachen's troops.

The tragic anti-Japanese hero Wang Yachen: The head is collected and exhibited, and it is also listed as a national first-class cultural relic

However, the weather in the northeast was very bad, and when winter came, Wang Yachen also had to take the initiative to attack and go out of the mountains to hoard grain and grass. So the sinister Japanese came up with a sinister idea, and they slowly approached Wang Yachen's close people, relying on the temptation of gold and silver treasures to finally find out the news. In this way, they had information about Wang Yachen's whereabouts, so they set up an ambush and captured Wang Yachen.

After Wang Yachen was captured by the Japanese army, he was severely tortured for a long time, and the whole person was almost human-like. But even after being subjected to such severe torture, Wang Yachen never gave in. Later, when the Japanese saw that Wang Yachen had no more use value, they brutally killed him, and later they also hung Wang Yachen's head on the castle tower to warn the passing civilians and warn them not to rebel against Japanese rule.

The tragic anti-Japanese hero Wang Yachen: The head is collected and exhibited, and it is also listed as a national first-class cultural relic

Later, in order to better display their exploits, the brutal Japanese took off Wang Yachen's head, soaked it in a special chemical liquid, and displayed it as a national cultural relic at that time in the exhibition hall. According to the old man who once saw Wang Yachen's head, because of the protection of chemicals, Wang Yachen's head was as if it had just been cut off, and even the same as before, but because of the reasons that it was placed in the liquid, Wang Yachen's head often had blood-like liquid oozing out, which looked terrible.

Later, after the war of resistance against Japan, Our country finally won the victory, Wang Yachen's head finally returned to the hands of our army, in order to show this great anti-Japanese hero, our army finally decided to store it in the martyrs' garden for posterity to see.

The tragic anti-Japanese hero Wang Yachen: The head is collected and exhibited, and it is also listed as a national first-class cultural relic

brief summary

Wang Yachen lived in poverty in his early years, because the sadness of the times forced him to become a bandit, but he still had his own principles. When his homeland was in danger of being occupied, he stepped forward. Before the great righteousness of the country, he forgot his personal life and death, and also forgot his own identity, before the country was in danger, Wang Yachen was just a patriotic young man who wanted to save his country from fire and water.

As the representative of China's patriotic anti-Japanese fighters at that time, Wang Yachen dedicated his precious life to the cause of independence for the motherland. Today, the motherland has long been independent, the Chinese has long stood up, we are no longer backward and humiliated countries, and we in China, as a big country in the East, have great influence in the world. I believe that if the martyr Wang Yachen could see this scene in the Spirit of Heaven, he would also be very relieved.

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