
The battle lasted 82 days, annihilating nearly 100,000 Japanese devils, but the commander was killed on the 79th day

The battle lasted 82 days, annihilating nearly 100,000 Japanese devils, but the commander was killed on the 79th day

Today Xiaobian returned to modern times. There have been many wars in modern China, and our current peace and ease have been bought with their blood and tears. We now look at the documentary that chronicles that era, and all kinds of feelings spring up in our hearts. The war that I want to talk about today is not about us, this war is about other countries.

The battle lasted 82 days, annihilating nearly 100,000 Japanese devils, but the commander was killed on the 79th day

For everyone, war is probably something we can only avoid. It has brought countless disasters to people. The life and death of family members are separated because of it. The yin and yang of husband and wife are separated because of it. It has cast a dark color on the world, and when people think of it, they cannot help but associate it with death. So, when it comes to war, most people and almost everyone is depressed. When we talk about Japan as a country, we think of many battles in history and japan. Countless deaths and injuries were inflicted. Japan has great ambitions, they are not afraid of things, they are not afraid of death. He also fought with the United States. Of course, many people died on both sides. At that time, the strength of the two countries could be said to be comparable, and neither country would let the other. The war lasted for eighty-two days, and in this war, the Japanese army killed many people, reaching nearly 100,000 people. The United States, for its part, lost a commander on the seventy-ninth day.

The battle lasted 82 days, annihilating nearly 100,000 Japanese devils, but the commander was killed on the 79th day

This war took place during World War II. Japan and the United States fought. We all know that in the beginning, the two countries united to fight China together, because they had other countries to help them, so they were not afraid. However, the United States itself has thought deeply about it, and after the victory of the war between Japan and China, their territory has become larger, and there have been more people. So the United States began to confront Japan. When the two countries were fighting, the scene was very intense. Both countries have one of the best military doctrines. Don't look at his territory is only a little bit, but he is still very powerful.

The battle lasted 82 days, annihilating nearly 100,000 Japanese devils, but the commander was killed on the 79th day

Why did the commander of the U.S. Navy die in that war? Here's the thing. Nimitz, the commander of the Navy, and Buckner, the commander of the Army, disagreed over some military matters, and the two men had their own opinions and quarreled endlessly. It was because of this that Nimitz was unhappy and angry, and he told Buckner that he would only give him half a month, and if he could not kill Japan, he would no longer provide him with military supplies. If you want something, you have to go to war. Buckner then took his army and fought hard for military supplies. In the end, he also won. He was really happy. It's not good to be so happy. This happiness, he slightly neglected. At this time, a bullet flew over, and he was hit and unfortunately passed away. It's a shame. It was the seventy-ninth day of the war.

The battle lasted 82 days, annihilating nearly 100,000 Japanese devils, but the commander was killed on the 79th day

May there be peace in the world. Thank you for reading.

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