
In 2022, the subsidy for new energy vehicles will be reduced by 30%! New car sales will decline?

The development of new energy vehicles is inseparable from the strong support of the state, and it is precisely because the policy subsidies are in place that the ownership of new energy vehicles in China has soared, and has now exceeded 7 million, becoming the world's largest new energy vehicle market. According to Uncle Che, the cumulative sales of new energy vehicles in China in the period from January to November this year were 2.514 million units, a year-on-year increase of 178.3%, and the sales of new energy vehicles in China became more and more obvious.

In 2022, the subsidy for new energy vehicles will be reduced by 30%! New car sales will decline?

Recently, Che Shu learned from the "2022 New Energy Vehicle Promotion and Application Financial Subsidy Policy Notice" issued by the Ministry of Finance, the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments that the subsidy standard for new energy vehicles in 2022 will be reduced by 30% on the basis of 2021. The details are as follows:

Pure electric passenger car with a range of between 300km (inclusive) and 400km (inclusive) will be subsidized by 0.91 million yuan; the subsidy for models with a battery life greater than 400km (inclusive) will be 12,600 yuan; and for plug-in hybrid passenger cars (including range extenders), the NEDC range greater than 50km (inclusive) will be subsidized by 0.48 million yuan.

In 2022, the subsidy for new energy vehicles will be reduced by 30%! New car sales will decline?

It should also be noted that based on the comprehensive consideration of factors such as the development plan of the new energy vehicle industry, the market sales trend and the smooth transition of enterprises, the subsidy policy for the purchase of new energy vehicles in 2022 will be terminated on December 31, 2022, that is to say, new energy vehicles licensed after December 31, 2022 will not enjoy any subsidies, which is consistent with fuel vehicles.

In 2022, the subsidy for new energy vehicles will be reduced by 30%! New car sales will decline?

Will the decline in subsidies for new energy vehicles affect its sales? From the perspective of the general environment, the rise of new energy vehicles is unstoppable, and Hainan, Xi'an and other cities have decided to ban the sale of fuel vehicles in 2030, and other cities must also be formulating corresponding countermeasures, so even if the subsidies decline or even cancel subsidies, the sales of new energy vehicles will not be affected, and even gradually replace fuel vehicles.

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